Chapter 57 The pain of growth that has never been experienced before (3/4)

After a few compound eyes quickly swept over the crowd in the field, they finally quickly locked their eyes on Zhao Hong, who was full of fat and dangling every time he ran in the field.

After determining the goal, the colorful spider elite quickly jumped up, and eight feet supported the colorful spider elite constantly sprinting on the surrounding trees. In less than ten seconds, it had already made a big circle and turned. He jumped in the air and rushed directly towards Zhao Hong, who was facing away from him at this moment.

Here, Yuan Ningxiao, who had just killed a colorful spider and quickly backed away from the colorful spider’s body full of toxins and blood, suddenly swept to Zhao Hong’s side.

Yuan Ningxiao’s expression changed when he looked at the colorful spider elite who jumped from one side and quickly approached Zhao Hong.

“Zhao Hong, be careful.”

Hearing Yuan Ningxiao’s voice, Zhao Hong also seemed to have noticed something and quickly turned his head.

When he saw the colorful spider elite leaping towards him quickly, Zhao Hong’s heart suddenly burst, and he quickly interrupted the talent skills he was using at the moment and wanted to turn around to respond.

But Zhao Hong had just turned around, and before the talent skills were activated, the colorful spider elite in mid-air had already spouted a web of spider web.

The spider web directly entangled Zhao Hong’s whole person with the powerful force.

At the same time, the toxins attached to the spider web made Zhao Hong’s body a strong numbness in an instant, and his limbs and body were immobile.


The successive changes caused the other people in the team who noticed this scene to change their expressions drastically.

As usual, Zhao Hong only needs to stay by Li Dashan’s side to release his skills.

But today there is one more Jiang Xiaobai in their team.

In order to ensure the safety of Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Hong and Wang Nunnan can only continue to wander and dodge between the battle release talent skills to ensure their own safety.

But now, because of a momentary ignorance, Zhao Hong has a situation, and other people can’t come out to provide support.

This is a dimensional space, not a game.

One mistake, ruined, will be his own life, just like Zhao Hong at this moment.

For a moment, watching Zhao Hong who fell on the ground in the field and the sharp dagger-like forelimbs of the colorful spider elite in the air were already raised in the air, almost everyone could predict what would happen next.

But at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai, who had been cats behind Li Dashan, looked at the colorful spider elite who had jumped up in the air and approached Zhao Hong, and couldn’t help but raise his brows.

Almost lost his skills.

But looking at the distance between the colorful spider elite and Zhao Hong at this moment, even if the colorful spider elite kneel down, maybe the sharp limbs will break through the layers of Zhao Hong’s fat.

“A dead horse is a living horse doctor.”

Thinking of this, a part of the star power in Jiang Xiaobai’s body has suddenly disappeared.


At the same time, a very small sound suddenly came from the colorful spider body in the air.

The spot of the colorful spider elite suddenly exploded. Between the black and yellow blood, the body of this colorful spider shook suddenly, and the intense pain made the colorful spider elite in the sky couldn’t help but pity.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +6000”

The moment the system prompt appeared, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t respond.

Instead, staring motionlessly at the colorful spider elite in the air.

When clearly noticed that the body of the colorful spider elite in mid-air was shaking, it suddenly moved a little ahead out of thin air.


Noting this, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were bright.

After that, the star power in the body began to disappear quickly.

And every time the star power dissipates, the part of the colorful spider elite in the midair will explode once, and a blood arrow will be shot out.

According to the law of conservation of physics, the force of force is relative.

Whenever this colorful spider elite partially explodes once, it seems that there is a small and invisible thrust that pushes the colorful spider elite body in the midair to move forward involuntarily for a point.

Although this force is not great, quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes.

Therefore, the following colorful spider elites endured the pain of growth that they had never experienced since birth.

With a series of slight bursting sounds, under this series of pains that came from the depths of the soul, the speed of the body of the colorful spider elite in the midair was actually a little faster than before.

Almost less than two seconds has reached Zhao Hong’s sky.

In the field, falling to the ground at this moment, Zhao Hong’s pupils were entirely the colorful spider elite who leaped towards him.

Seeing the colorful spider elite gradually falling in his eyes, the ugly appearance, the horrible compound eyes and the sharp limbs that have been swayed in the air, Zhao Hong’s heartbeat seemed to stop suddenly at this moment.

The blood all over his body was also frozen suddenly, and there was only one thought left in his heart, “It’s over.”

“Puff puff puff…”

However, just as the feeling of despair began to breed in Zhao Hong’s heart and continued to expand, Zhao Hong suddenly heard a series of abnormal noises in his ears.

That kind of sound was like when a boardmate had eaten his stomach when he was living in a high school in the past. After returning to the dormitory, he couldn’t help but put a series of farts to make the dormitory jump.

“Is this thing eating up my stomach?”

Suddenly, a weird idea breeds in Zhao Hong’s heart.

Afterwards, under this weird thought, Zhao Hong was surprised to find that the colorful spider elite in the air appeared with a series of sounds that seemed to be farting, and there was a continuous flow of blood behind him.

At the same time, the body of this colorful spider elite in the sky flew straight past his body with a feeling of shaking.

When the colorful spider elite flew through the air only about three meters away from him, for a moment, the compound eyes of Zhao Hong and the colorful spider elite met.

From the compound eyes of this colorful spider elite, Zhao Hong weirdly saw a trace of dazedness, pain and unwillingness from these compound eyes that should have been flooded with violence and killing.

The emotions are rich and complex to the extreme.

Zhao Hong never thought that he would feel so many emotions in the eyes of an elite colorful spider. *

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