Chapter 56 A troublesome heart is about to move (2/4)

“Well, go further, when it is dangerous, everyone should pay attention, Xiaobai, you still stand behind.”

After everyone rested for a while, Yuan Ningxiao had already stood up and commanded.

From before to now, Jiang Xiaobai has already seen that in this team, Yuan Ningxiao is the captain.

From the previous explanation by Zhao Hong, Jiang Xiaobai already understood that the dimensional creatures in the dimensional space of the colorful spiders all have a clear regional distribution.

Like the dense forest before, there will only be some small colorful spiders.

And in the jungle after this dense forest, there are those colorful spiders and colorful spider kings that have fully grown up and truly have the strength of silver-dimensional creatures.

Because these grown-up colorful spiders are extremely large, they are easier to spot than those small colorful spiders, so you don’t have to worry about being attacked inexplicably.

Mindful of Jiang Xiaobai’s safety, Yuan Ningxiao felt that it would be better to adopt the formation that was discussed at the beginning.

A group of people walked in the forest at a slower speed, and the light breeze passed by, sometimes driving a little dirt and a little fishy smell.

However, at this moment, a vague voice suddenly came into the ears of Jiang Xiaobai and others.

The sound sounded like the chewing sound of an animal eating, with some strange “rustling” sounds.

And as everyone walked, these slightly faint sounds at the beginning gradually became clear.

At the moment the sound entered the ears of several people, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly notice that the hands of Yuan Xiaoning and others holding weapons were also slightly tight.

Later, after walking for almost tens of meters again, on the opposite side of a bush, dozens of calf-sized spiders were gnawing frantically around the corpse of an unknown dimensional creature.

In the process of gnawing, the limbs and feet of these colorful spiders are moving unconsciously, and the rustling sound before is made by these limbs and feet.

Looking at the scene in the distance, Li Dashan suddenly turned his head and looked at Yuan Ningxiao, with a bit of inquiry in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiao’s gaze turned and placed it on the colorful spiders that were eating in the distance. When locked in the colorful spiders, the one looked a bit taller than the other colorful spiders, and at the same time, the carapace on her body was completely pitch-black. With the colorful spiders, Yuan Xiaoning’s eyes condensed.

“It’s the colorful spider elite, go around.”

After closing his eyes, Yuan Xiaoning said softly.

Others couldn’t help but glance at the colorful spiders tens of meters away, and finally locked on the black colorful spider.

Among the other dimensional creatures thrown out of this dimensional space, the colorful spiders are divided into small, yet fully developed colorful spiders, mature colorful spiders, and colorful spider elites and colorful spider kings.

Among them, although the variegated spider elite is only at the third level of the Stardust Realm, it is extremely fierce, and it is completely comparable to the ordinary creatures of the fourth level of the Stardust Realm.

In addition, there will also be some other colorful spiders around the colorful spider elite. It is not necessary, and Yuan Xiaoning and others naturally don’t want to face it directly.

However, when a few people tried to bypass and walk from the other side, the variegated spider elite in the distance suddenly raised its head as if it had sensed something.

The eight compound eyes, not mixed with the slightest emotion, looked directly at the place where Yuan Xiaoning and others were.

Suddenly, the limbs of this colorful spider elite kept shaking, making a strange sound.

At the same time, the other colorful spiders around who were eating also raised their heads and turned to Yuan Xiaoning and others in the distance.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiaoning’s heart suddenly felt “It’s not good, I was discovered, Dashan, please pay attention to Xiaobai.”

Almost at the moment Yuan Xiaoning said this sentence, the colorful spiders on the opposite side had already stood up quickly, and the eight limbs and feet quickly moved towards the place where the few people were.

When the voice fell, Yuan Xiaoning had already jumped out quickly.

While the alloy long sword in his hand was dancing, the shadows that were dark as water were brought out like substantial ripples during Yuan Xiaoning’s long sword swing, and directly landed on the colorful spiders and broke through the carapace of those colorful spiders, causing wounds.

The black and yellow blood spattered on the surrounding soil and still on the tree trunks, like sulfuric acid erosion, and a little smoke rose.

Zhao Keer, who was also a close combat in the team, also followed closely. The big sword in his hand was already filled with smoke, and he rushed towards a few variegated spiders that were quickly approaching in the air while jumping and moving between trees.

Li Dashan retreated instead of advancing, and retreated to Jiang Xiaobai the moment Yuan Xiaoning and Zhao Kerr rushed out.

The huge alloy shield stood up, and the body was quickly covered by diamond-like crystals. Even the alloy shield in his hand was made of diamonds.

It was dazzling and drenched.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was supposed to focus on those colorful spiders, couldn’t take his eyes off for a long time. After using his talent skills, Li Dashan, who had turned his whole person and shield into diamonds, could not be removed for a long time.

Whether it is Yuan Xiaoning or other people as students of Jiangnan University, they have entered this silver dimension many times before, and their strength is naturally beyond doubt.

If you say that when dealing with the small colorful spiders, you can only see the cooperation of Yuan Ningxiao and others.

So now, it truly reflects their strength.

In the face of these colorful spiders, whether it was Yuan Ningxiao, Zhao Keer, or even Zhao Hong, who released his talent skills next to Jiang Xiaobai, they were all able to directly injure them seriously.

In the middle of the journey, seeing everyone struggling to kill monsters, he was hiding behind Li Dashan unscathed, and Jiang Xiaobai’s heart was restless while glancing at the colorful spiders over there.

The reason why Jiang Xiaobai agreed to enter this silver dimension with Yuan Xiaoning before, besides the purpose of obtaining more and higher-grade star orbs, what is the other main purpose?

Of course it is an achievement point.

After groping for so many days, Jiang Xiaobai has already discovered that as the level of his target object becomes stronger, after he successfully uses the skill, he will gain more achievement points.

Now, seeing these silver-level dimensional creatures in front of him, how could Jiang Xiaobai remain indifferent?

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai, who steadily hid behind Li Dashan, glanced around quickly, and his heart was about to move.

More than a dozen colorful spiders were killed for more than half in just a few minutes.

Perceiving the situation here, the variegated spider elite in the distance finally couldn’t sit still. *

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