Chapter 499 I have read a story, do you want to hear it?

“Kill! Don’t keep one!”

A trace of madness appeared on the face of Eagle Hook’s nose.

Being able to charge at the gate of the dimension itself proves that the forces behind Ying Hook’s nose are by no means ordinary forces.

Ying Hook Nose Charles, full name Charles Amy.

As a member of the Amy family, one of the three French underworld families, Charles never thought that he would be slapped in the face at Versailles.

What makes Charles even more crazy, he who slapped himself is actually a Dongying! The underworld is to respect the strong, if it is strong for Xiaotian Shanxia and others, but it is the descendant of the famous Amy family of Al Versailles, Xia No one has ever been slapped in the face.

“Run away!”

Seeing that there was no possibility of negotiation anymore, Yamashita Oda immediately shouted at the Akita Gakuin student beside him.

Those… Dong Ying: The students are not stupid, and they can see it right now. I’m afraid that if you don’t run away, you will have to explain here, and suddenly scattered and fled “Two Five Zero”

Seeing Dongying people running away, Shire just sneered.

Although I just had a face-to-face meeting with the Dongying people, Shire had already seen that the realm of those… Dongying people was only in the galaxy realm.

And the companions he brought were all above the first level of the Xinghai Realm.

The Dongying people had no chance of escape! At this time, Big Beard and others had also chased the Dongying people separately.

And a young man standing next to Shire pointed at the back of Oda Mountain without hesitation.

“This guy is mine.”

The facial features of the person who spoke were somewhat similar to Charles, who was Paul Amy, Charles’ younger brother.

Originally, Paul was not responsible for the affairs of the scale turtle dimension space.

But as soon as he heard that someone dared to beat people and make trouble on his own turf, Paul wanted to follow Charles to his death and death.

“Paul, I heard that there are people in Dongying who are proficient in ancient ninjutsu and are the best at hiding and sneak attacks. Don’t be careless.”

Charles briefly exhorted Paul.

Paul is the fifth child of the Amy family, and although Charles is the third child, he knows that his father valued Paul’s younger brother more.

“You have too much nonsense!.”

Paul obviously didn’t like to listen, and chased down Oda Mountain.

At this time, Xiaotian Yamashita had also found that he was chasing a European from the third floor of the Star Sea Realm behind him.

At the same time that he was terrified, Oda Yamashita was full of great grief and anger.

In just such a short time, the students of Akita Academy have been killed by those…Europeans.

Koizumi Yotoku was stared at by a European of the summoning system, and without swiping the big sword in his hand a few times, he was swallowed by a giant python summoned by that…European.

And Matsumotohara, who was also a Summoner, was stopped by a fire European with a wall of fire, and then died tragically in the raging flames! The most miserable thing is that the Yuangami Taro, who was overtaken by an ice European, was directly overbearing. The incomparable ice spells were frozen into popsicles.

The hateful thing is that…the Europeans didn’t kill Yuanshang Taro, but used brute force to kick Yuanshang Taro’s limbs off…These… The extremely cruel and tragic picture happened in the eyes of Oda Mountain.

And Oda Yamashita could only watch this, and then ran away even more desperately.

The huge power gap made Odaxia’s mind not a trace of counterattack.

Besides, the one…European chasing after him is already.

“Who have we offended someone so badly, why are we so unlucky”

Just as Xiaotianshan was feeling desperate, he suddenly saw a dense forest in front of him.

It was the dense forest where Koizumi Yotoku and the masked man just now.

After hesitating at the foot of Xiaotian Mountain, he went straight into the dense forest.

Those… the ferocious Europeans will never let go of themselves! Only by hiding in the depths of the dimensional space can they have a trace of life.

Oda Yamashita thought while running desperately.

As for how to escape from the scaled turtle dimension space later, it is no longer within the scope of Oda Mountain’s consideration at this time.

“Jie Jie-you escaped to the wrong place.”

Seeing that Xiaotian Mountain had escaped into the dense forest, Paul suddenly grinned, his star power fluctuating rapidly.

As soon as the words fell, Xiaotian Mountain suddenly discovered that the…the vines in the dense forest…the vines that were originally entangled in the trees were all wrapped around him! This Paul is actually the awakening of the plant system! Qian There was interception, followed by chasing soldiers, and Xiaotianshan couldn’t help but stop like ashes.

However, just when Odayama turned around to fight Paul with the trapped beast, he suddenly saw that he was still there: Paul, who was sprinting, suddenly fell to his knees.

Paul: Oda Yamashita: Paul also looked around in horror, and looked at the bottom of Oda Mountain, with a dazed expression on his face.

Who am I and what happened? “Shoo…!——”

A sound of breaking through the air came from the heads of the two of them… Paul, who hadn’t recovered yet, was shot directly through the head by a long arrow made of star power.

At the same time Paul was killed, the long-term birth went deep into the mud and disappeared.

Oda Yamashita was suddenly shocked, and his whole body was stunned.

Whether it was the sudden kneeling situation of Paul or the unique arrow that shot Paul to death, Yamashita Oda felt very familiar.

Because during this period of time, Oda Yamashita will experience the two things that Paul just experienced in his nightmare every day.

“Jiang… Jiang Xiaobai!!”

Oda Yamashita couldn’t help muttering to himself, and the evil figure appeared in his mind involuntarily.

At this moment, a man wearing a Wolverine mask suddenly fell from the sky.


Xiao Tian Shanxia was surprised at first, and suddenly a trace of fear appeared on his face. This man with a Wolverine mask is really that person! “You are Jiang Xiaobai!”

Xiao Tian Shan blurted out the next sentence, involuntarily softened his knees, and knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiaotian Mountain, who was kneeling in front of him, with a chuckle and said, “Mr. Xiaotian, don’t come here without problems.”

Xiao Tian Shanxia stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely and desperately, and asked unwillingly, “Why do you want to tease us? With your strength, it is simply… easy to kill us.”

After so many changes happened one after another, how could Xiaotian Yamashita not think that all of this was Jiang Xiaobai’s tricks but saw Jiang Xiaobai ponder for a while.

“I have read a piece and want to hear 0.


Oda Yamashita: “A Chinese person urinates and urinates anywhere in Europe and America, what is the best solution?”

Xiao Tian Shanxia couldn’t help snarling in his heart, so you did so many things just to talk about the jokes but listened to Jiang Xiaobai continuing to say: “The best way is… to say a word of ‘snack’ to the witnesses.”

Oda Yamashita: “…”

Looking at the appearance of Xiaotian Mountain, Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly.

“Those… Europeans are members of the Amy family, one of the three major gangster families in France.

I helped your Akita Academy find the enemy of the Amy family, should Oda-kun be happy”

Oda Yamashita was shocked again by Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

God is so happy, is this something to be happy about? With the style of the Amy family, I am afraid that no Dongying people will dare to set foot on the land of France soon!

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