Chapter 498 Too arrogant, too rampant!

Oda Yamashita hesitated again and again, but finally did not stop Koizumi Yangde and Wolverine from going into the grove to fight.

Although the humbleness of the Dongying people towards Europeans is inherent in their bones, but Oda Yamashita also adheres to the view that as long as the good news is blocked, the dead Europeans are also very good Europeans.

However, Oda Yamashita cautiously instructed Koizumi Yode.

“Remember, if there is something unusual about this masked European, call it out as soon as possible, and we will follow up afterwards!”

Koizumi Yotoku nodded, “Don’t worry, I know how to measure it.”

Seeing that Koizumi Yangde said so, Oda Yamashita nodded and looked at “Wolverine”

Walked into the woods with Koizumi Yangde.

…A few minutes later, a person walked out of the woods.

This person is wearing “Naruto Uzumaki”

His mask, holding a sword in his hand, was a little slow during the walk, but Oda Yamashita was relieved.

Although wearing a mask, Oda Yamashita can be sure that the one wearing the mask is definitely Yotoku Koizumi.

Wait…, Koizumi Yangde wears a “Uzumaki Naruto”

What do you do with the mask, play “Koizumi-kun, you killed that guy”

Koizumi Yotoku just nodded and did not speak.

One hand was still supporting his chin, and the other hand raised the blood-stained Tachibana who was questioning Dongying.

“Hey–it seems that Koizumi-kun has already killed the…European!”

“However, it is worth the price to be able to wash away your own shame yourself.”

“Because he has washed away his shame, Koizumi-kun uses a Naruto mask to show that he is not the tail of a crane?”

Dongying: When the students saw the blood on Koizumi’s hand, there was a look that should have been on his face.

“Well, let’s leave here now.”

Oda Yamashita yelled at the others, then lowered his voice and asked, “Koizumi, is that guy European?”

Seeing that Koizumi Yangde seemed stupid, he was stunned for a few seconds before he nodded at the foot of Oda Mountain.

“Did you hear that…the man wearing the Wolverine mask is a European! Let’s go somewhere else-forget it, today has such a big thing, let’s leave the dimension space first, and then take you to experience in a few days.”

Oda Yamashita said in an unquestionable tone.

When the other students heard it, although they were a little unwilling, no one dared to question it.

Compared with the 40,000 euros spent distressedly, these students are more afraid of the prestige of Oda Mountain.

Soon, the group under Oda Mountain began to exit toward the dimension space: walk away.

When the group of Dongying people left, Jiang Xiaobai slowly walked out of the dense forest not far away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as he entered the woods, Jiang Xiaobai got the skills and sent “Your Wife, I Raise It”

After throwing it away, this Xiaoquan Yangde’s cultivation level was not in the galaxy realm, and he fell into a sluggishness in an instant.

After a few simple words from Jiang Xiaobai, Koizumi Yangde didn’t know why. Jiang Xiaobai was full of trust. In his entire mind, it was just Jiang Xiaobai said.

“When you meet Europeans, remember to provoke…”

…The group under Oda Mountain didn’t go far, and suddenly Europeans appeared in front of them.

Although it is still uncertain whether the Europeans were the companions of the man who was killed by Yotoku Koizumi, Oda Yamashita suddenly became vigilant with the appearance of…the Europeans were looking for someone.

“Everyone, be careful, just assume that nothing happened.”

The most worrying thing happened, and Oda Yamashita could only take one step at a time.

“Koizumi Yode, you hide behind me, and you guys help to block it.”

After all, Koizumi Yangde still has blood stains on his body, and Oda Yamashita can only find a way to cover it.

At this time, Ying Goubi had already seen the group of people under Oda Mountain.

All of them are not tied to their heads “forbearance”

The word is… tied with “wu”

The words, vividly resemble Dongying people.

Taking a closer look, Ying Gonoi has spotted the Naruto mask hiding behind the others.


Ying Gou’s nose gave a cold snort, and walked around with a big beard and others.

Seeing that the visitor was unkind, the group of people under Otianshan suddenly gathered back to back, but their expressions were greatly panicked.

“Everyone, it was a fair duel just now…”

Oda Yamashita no longer confessed to himself, and began to argue incoherently.

Upon hearing this, the beard became anxious.

Just now, Jiang Xiaobai slapped his beard in a cold manner. There was no fair duel. At this moment, Koizumi Yangde suddenly raised his beard too much.

Then he made a very insulting action-took a knife and slapped him on the face a few times! The beard was anxious at the time, and these Dongying people were so arrogant! Koizumi’s actions just now were clear I’m asking if your face hurts… “Brother, it’s… them!”

Even though Koizumi’s figure is not exactly the same as Jiang Xiaobai’s figure, at this moment the bearded European has already decided that the masked man in front of him is definitely the one who just beat him… Dongying.

…….. “Very well, on our site, it is still so arrogant!”

Eagle hook nose also condensed star power suddenly, and several ice swords shot at Koizumi Yangde.

Seeing that the opponent’s goal was so clear, Oda Yamashita and others couldn’t help but judge in secret.

The European on the opposite side is indeed the companion of the…

Although he barely blocked the beard’s attack, Oda Yamashita would not think that he could handle the Europeans in front of him.

The realm of the two sides is really too different.

Not to mention anything else, just the Europeans on the ninth floor of the Star Sea Realm can kill all of them alone.

Thinking of this, Oda Yamashita had already taken out the Scale Turtle Star Orb that he had worked so hard just now.

“Leave us, these…Star beads are given to you. After we go out, we will get another sum of money out, which is regarded as your compensation.”

Oda Yamashita has already recognized that the beard is… the person who collects tolls at the entrance of the dimension space, so I think about using money to pass these… Europeans.

However, just as the faces of the eagle’s nose and the beard were slightly changed, and when they moved intentionally, Koizumi Yangde suddenly stepped on, slapped the face of the hesitant eagle hook, and yelled.


The eagle’s nose was stunned for a moment, but there was a light and fluttering voice in the team.

“These Dongying people are too arrogant, too mad!”


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