Chapter 495 What shop do you open if you have no money

Obviously, the Chinese-American fat boss and the rattail stall owner did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to react like this.

Could it be that this kid is a fool after looking at each other, the fat Chinese boss nodded his head in a hurry, then smiled weirdly: “I was wrong, level 30,000, level 150,000!”

After finally meeting such a lack of heart, Boss Teng must of course sharpen the knife of Zaike! He even added a little bit to Jiang Xiaobai’s quotation just now.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly laughed: “Oh, it just so happens that I have a few bottles of medicine here to sell to the boss.”

Fat Chinese boss: “…”

Are you crazy? Selling a potion and playing Infernal Affairs! Couldn’t it be the fat man who hit the market with me? Thinking of this, the Chinese fat boss gave the rattail stall owner an inquiring look.

But after seeing the rattail beard thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head imperceptibly.

Seeing this, the Chinese-American fat boss sank his face, and said with a stunned eyebrow: “Level five thousand, level 20,000. If you want to sell, you can sell, and if you don’t sell 18, you can leave!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly, and directly took out a hundred bottles of Awakening potions and ten bottles of potions.

“I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat my goods.”

The fat Chinese boss and the squirrel-tailed man were stunned.

Neither of them thought that the boy in front of him, who was only in the Galaxy Realm, would dare to bring so many potions to this black market to trade alone.

It seems that this kid is in a hurry! For a while, the fat Chinese boss and the rattail stall owner thought about this possibility at the same time, and couldn’t help but smile at each other.

“Little brother joked, I can still eat your goods, but I don’t have that much and no cash here.”

The fat Chinese boss replied with a weird face.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai pouted his lips and said: “If you don’t have cash, what else can you open a store.”

After finishing speaking, he made a move again.

The rattail stall owner hurriedly stopped Jiang Xiaobai.

And the fat Chinese boss also hurriedly said: “Don’t be so impatient, little brother, I mean I don’t have so much cash here, and I didn’t say that there is no other place…”

Speaking of this, the fat Chinese boss secretly winked at the rattail stall owner, before he made a refreshing look.

“Well, the little brother is such a big deal, Fat Master, I will close in advance today.

——How about I take my little brother to trade in my small vault”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows and smiled thoughtfully, “That will delay you from doing other business.”

While talking, the fat Chinese boss had already turned out from behind the counter.

“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter, little brother, your single business is enough for me to eat for a few months-let’s go!”

After speaking, the fat Chinese boss has led the way and walked out of the tavern.

When passing by the stallholder of rattail whiskers, the two gave a meaningful smile.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai, who was following the fat Chinese boss, also raised his mouth and smiled happily.

In a short while, the three of three came to Weiston’s premises and stopped outside a door guarding the secret door of the two big men.

“Hey, that’s it, little brother, come in with me.”

The fat Chinese boss turned his head and smiled at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t reply either, and just walked in with the fat Chinese boss.

The rattail stall owner followed Jiang Xiaobai closely.

Inside is an underground casino.

It’s just that this early morning, it seems that there is no gambling ghost patronizing.

A few coquettish girls were sitting at a gaming table.

A group of shirtless men with tattoos are surrounding the cool-dressed…beside the glamorous girls, they touch and scratch from time to time, making the glamorous girls laugh.

“Well, haven’t you seen any distinguished guests arriving?”

The fat Chinese boss yelled at those…the shirtless guys, and then asked Jiang Xiaobai meaningfully: “Little brother, how is this fat man?”

But when I saw Jiang Xiaobai curl his lips disdainfully, he said, “It’s like a girl, but the place is okay, it’s a good place to hide.”

At this time, the shirtless guys had already understood the meaning of the fat Chinese boss, and they gathered around, staring at Jiang Xiaobai with a bad look.

“Hehe, besides… it’s a good place to hide, I still do other good places.”

The fat Chinese boss rushed to Jiang Xiaobai with a gloomy smile: “For example, killing people and destroying corpses!”

As soon as the voice fell, the rattail stall owner who had been following Jiang Xiaobai also smiled triumphantly: “Fat man, don’t scare people.”

After speaking, he turned to Jiang Xiaobai’s face.

“Boy, be interesting, hand over all the potions and star beads on your body, I can let the fat master not take your life!”

Upon hearing this, the group of… bare-chested men began to look fierce and gear up.

And the group of… coquettish women laughed again and again.

“Oh, little brother, listen to what the Lord Mouse said, tonight our sisters can also taste your fresh meat.”

“Glitter–maybe still a baby, too!”

“Really, none of you robbed me…”

As he was talking, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly smiled faintly.

“It turns out that this is not a small vault, but a pansidong.”

The fat Chinese boss is a Chinese, and he immediately understood the meaning of Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

“That’s right! If you are acquainted, Fat Master will let you enjoy the romance in this silk hole.

But you are shameless, the fat man, I will let those… spider spirits swallow you so much bones and scum!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai first glanced at the shirtless guys around him, and then slowly said: “I really don’t know where you have the confidence, dare to bring such a group of waste to open a black shop!”

Those…The highest realm of the shirtless man is only the fifth level of the Galaxy Realm.

As for those… 127 coquettish cheap goods, they are only at the level of the Stardust Realm.

Among the people present, the strongest are the Chinese fat boss and the rattail stall owner.

One is the ninth level of the Galaxy Realm, and the other is the eighth level of the Galaxy Realm.

After listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the Chinese fat boss and others couldn’t help but change their faces.

The owner of the rattail whisker even said with a gloomy face: “It seems that you want to toast and not eat fine wine! Brothers, come…”

Before the words were finished, everyone saw the rattail stall owner flying straight out, and one end… hit the wine table made of marble.


The shirtless man and the glamorous bitches took a breath, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

These people all know that the stallholder of Rattail Whiskers is an agile awakener.

Moreover, the level is several levels higher than that of the boy in front of him.

However, the rat fur and whisker stall owner just failed to escape Jiang Xiaobai’s kick! With this strength, how could it be that the fat Chinese boss on the first floor of the Galaxy Realm was shocked, and his face was full of disbelief.

However, as the principal here, the fat Chinese boss still suppressed his panic and wanted to stabilize the situation.

“Boy! So you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

But you are afraid that you have made the wrong idea—brothers, give me…”


Before he finished speaking, the fat Chinese boss also followed in the footsteps of the rattail stall owner, and… plunged into the marble table.

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