Chapter 494 Enjoy life, don’t be dragged down by things outside of you

Dark web organizations have always been hated by countries all over the world.

France, where Versailles is located, is no exception.

But this does not mean that the Chinese awakeners can use force at will in France outside the dimensional space.

But if Jiang Xiaobai’s safety is tied to the French, let alone Zhang Xunkun’s refusal to agree, even… the Chinese executives are not at ease.

That’s why Zhang Xunkun was so angry.

Listening to Zhang Xunkun’s nagging, Jiang Xiaobai, who was walking on the street of Versailles, was depressed by another matter.

When I went out this time, I didn’t bring any money! However, Zhang Xunkun, who was nagging endlessly, gave Jiang Xiaobai a reminder inadvertently.

The more than a thousand grade awakening potions that he had just won last night were still with him.

After thinking of this incident, Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone without hesitation and threw Zhang Xunkun on the other end of the phone with anger.

Came to a “four three three”

After hiding the place, Jiang Xiaobai clicked on the dark web.

When looking through it before, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that in order to facilitate the dark web hunters to perform tasks around the world, the dark web has specially created a map of the black market distribution in various places.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai found the black market in Versailles on the dark web.

Just don’t guard, the darknet only gives the location of the black market, and Jiang Xiaobai has to find it himself.

At this moment, a somewhat decayed door next to it suddenly opened, and a European bucket waist aunt walked out.

Women in Europa are particularly prone to get blessed after marriage.

Especially Gaul women who have given birth to children.

That’s why the French men harm ignorant girls everywhere, and they call themselves “Romantic”.

“Handsome guy, do you live in a hotel?”

The bucket waist aunt came straight to Jiang Xiaobai, her chubby face smiled like a hibiscus, her eyes greasy with water.

“Very cheap, twenty euros, and special services!”


Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a while, and then he smiled: “Is there a broken boulder in my chest?”

Bucket waist aunt: “…”

Jiang Xiaobai: “The golden gun pierced the throat?”

This time, the auntie Bucket waist recalled: “This is really good, but whether it is a golden gun or not depends on your own ability, little brother!”

Jiang Xiaobai:.. “Actually I just want to ask for directions. As for the car, I should drive by myself-how to get on Weiston Avenue”

It was written on the dark web that a black market in Versailles was on a free market on Weston Avenue.

Seeing that she couldn’t solicit business, Aunt Bucket’s face sank, and she pointed forward angrily: “Walk three hundred meters over there and turn right…”

After finishing speaking, he was very unwilling to wink at Jiang Xiaobai.

“Little brother, are you sure you don’t want to try it”

Jiang Xiaobai grinned.

There is nothing fresh about you…After walking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai found the market and found that many people here are like street stalls, just spreading a piece of cloth on the ground is…a stall.

There are always all kinds of knick-knacks on the top.

After looking around, Jiang Xiaobai finally saw a booth full of various star beads.

I just didn’t see any medicine.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but feel surprised.

This stall should be a black market business opened by the Awakeners.

But how could such an important thing as a potion not be displayed?Moreover, the star beads in this stall are only silver-level, which is really too miserable.

I really don’t know how dare to claim that it’s a black market based on this little thing! At this time, I saw Jiang Xiaobai who was always there: looking at his goods, a guy with a rattail beard but in a suit came up to greet him: “Little brother Are you going to buy star beads?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, “Things are too bad.”

I don’t want to, as soon as I finished speaking, the stall owner in this suit and shoes started to educate Jiang Xiaobai with a calm expression.

“I am also the awakener of the Galaxy Realm, but I have never entered the dimensional space of the golden level, do you know why”

Jiang Xiaobai saw that the stall owner had a sincere expression, he felt amused in his heart, but he still responded very cooperatively: “Why?”

“Because it’s too dangerous!”

The rattail stall owner said with a serious face, “Young man, don’t think about taking risks.

You have to know how to cherish life.

I am now… enjoy life with peace of mind, without being dragged down by things…

After hearing the words of the owner of the rattail whisker, Jiang Xiaobai nodded indifferently and said: “What you said makes sense.”

Then, he took out a star bead casually.

“Take me to the biggest shop here.”

When the owner of the rattail whisker saw it, his expression changed.

“Brother, I’ll take you right away…”

To do this, in addition to the bragging ability, eyesight is also essential.

Of course the rattail whisker stall owner can recognize it, and the star orb that Jiang Xiaobai is holding at this time is clearly…the star orb of the Voidwalker.

This is a gold-level star orb! After greedily glanced at the star orb of Voidwalker, the rattail stall owner made a “follow me” to Jiang Xiaobai.


Not long after, Jiang Xiaobai was taken to a tavern-like shop.

But there are no guests inside.

There is only one chubby Chinese man sitting at the counter, sticking his feet freely.

At this time, seeing the rattail stall owner bringing Jiang Xiaobai in, the fat man quickly sat down.

This tavern is considered to be a semi-basement, even in broad daylight, the light is very dim, and it seems that the entire tavern is a bit dim.

There are a few small round tables placed slightly crowded on the ground, and there are a few wooden chairs on the side, which look shabby.

Obviously, this tavern is not really maintained only by drinking guests.

After checking the layout of the tavern, Jiang Xiaobai asked casually: “Do you have any medicine?”

As soon as the voice fell, the fat boss assumed the appearance of a deputy philosopher and replied in a life-thinking tone: “Please don’t ask the medicine, you have to say life, medicine can save the time of promotion, that is life!”

Jiang Xiaobai: “……”

Selling a potion, you can die without bragging, and took another look at the squirrel-tail-beard vendor next to it.


Why don’t you two go to be monks in the temple? You can have an epiphany when you cross your legs. You can miss anything in this black market or go to the church nearby to sing scriptures… Jiang Xiaobai turned around and left.

When the fat boss saw it, he was a little anxious: “Ten thousand level potions, 30,000 level potions…”

Seeing that the fat boss stopped pretending, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the counter.

However, the price quoted by the fat boss is obviously much higher than the market price.

Jiang Xiaobai can still remember the price he just saw on the dark web.

The first-level medicine is about 5,000 China coins, and the first-level medicine costs 50,000 China coins.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart moved, and he shook his head and said: “Level 20,000, level 100,000 is right-boss, the price you sell is too low!”


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