Chapter 452 Over there?

“I see how long you can hide your skills!”

Seeing that it’s still there: Camille is fiercely fighting, Jiang Xiaobai has a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and the pain of growth has already been sent to Camille.

“I don’t believe that you can still endure your spatial strangeness.”

In the arena, Camille was playing fiercely with the students of Akita Academy.

At the next moment, I suddenly felt a slight twitch in the part of her body, which made Camille originally prepared to stab the cross sword of Akita Academy’s shield warrior student, and suddenly paused slightly.

The unspeakable shock came so suddenly, Camille couldn’t help but frowned.

But this twitching sensation came and went quickly, and there was almost no time to blink.

For this weird feeling, Camille didn’t think much about it for a while.

The chance of just getting a hit has passed, and Camille needs to concentrate on the enemy.

However, in the next second, Camille felt a part of herself and began to feel twitching again.

Moreover, this time the twitching sensation came even more rapidly.

Even compared to before, the feeling is stronger, I don’t know how much.

It was as if there was a huge object, suddenly stuffed in from the part.

What embarrassed Camille even more was that the… faint swelling and painful sensation made him feel an inexplicable sense of pleasure! This made Camille’s expression change slightly.

But without waiting for Camille to think about it, with “Puff”

With a sound, Camille’s 770 had already exploded suddenly, and a blood arrow was shot out.

At the same time, a heart-wrenching pain has already come from the local area.

Caught off guard, Camille was already so painful that she wanted to scream.

Fortunately, Camille quickly reacted, knowing that he was still there at this time: on the stadium in full view.

Camille was suffocating the local…continuous discomfort, sharp pain, and indescribable pleasure.

Soon, a pretty face has become a sauce purple.

At this moment, the Akita Academy student who closed his eyes and waited for death did not wait for Camille’s fatal sword for a long time, and couldn’t help but open his eyes again.

Suddenly, the whole person was stunned for an instant.

The opponent who was still heroic just now, how did it become like this now?However, the students of Akita Academy were only stunned for a moment.

The opportunity is not to be missed, the shield war student immediately seized this opportunity, and the tower shield in his hand smashed towards Camille.

Camille forcibly endured the local pain and other inexplicable sensations, flashed past the attacking tower shield, and then kicked it sideways.

The one-meter long legs suddenly drew on the Akita Academy student with lightning speed.

It’s just that when Camille wanted to go up, a strange expression appeared on her face involuntarily.

But it was a local severe pain, which has already emerged again.

“Camille, what’s wrong with you”

Facing the other students of the Bowen College who were able to do well at Akita University, at this moment, he finally discovered the strangeness of Camille and hurriedly came to support.

Camille took the opportunity to retreat, shocked, but puzzled.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai, who was seeing the rise, couldn’t help but sneered.

“If you dare to break my plan, then let you understand how your classmates felt just now!”

After whispering, Jiang Xiaobai also sent a “growth pain” to Camille’s classmates.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai’s plan was to use “growth pain”

To the point of embarrassing the beautiful female assassin who tried to assassinate herself.

In this way, in order to avoid being embarrassed in the eyes of everyone, that…beautiful female assassin can’t be beaten, and she will definitely perform spatial strangeness, and it will be easy to escape.

Unexpectedly, the students of Bourne College dared to take action to relieve the…beautiful female assassin.

Of course Jiang Xiaobai will not let those…Bourne College students feel better! Compared to the battlefield, Edward from Bourne College took over Camille from the Akita College…after the shield war student, When I thought I was caught, I suddenly felt that I was in a tight situation, and then the tiger’s body was shaken! A violent burning sensation, accompanied by an inexplicable sense of faint pleasure, instantly hit Edward’s body.

Suddenly, Edward’s face changed, and he suddenly understood why Camille had that weird look just now.

As for the student of Akita Academy who was fighting against Edward, the shield war student was so happy in his heart that he couldn’t help but thank the gods and Buddhas from the bottom of his heart.

A miracle, this must be the blessing of the Great God Amaterasu! If it were not for the protection of the gods, how could one of his opponents be in strange situations one after another. Looking at Edward who seemed to be petrified, the shield warrior student immediately shouted, The tower shield in his hand has smashed into Edward’s door.

Poor Edward, at this moment, was involuntarily experiencing the…unexplainable pain.

Suddenly by a student from Akita Academy, Edward couldn’t bear it anymore.

The game flower quietly bloomed, and a bloody arrow gushed out! In an instant, Edward felt that he had sublimated.

When flying upside down, Edward left a striking bloodstain on the field.

It’s like marking the route when you were knocked into the air.


What’s even more outrageous is that Edward couldn’t help but let out a miserable scream.

As for the implications, I am afraid that only those guys who have experienced Jiang Xiaobai’s methods will understand.

No, Camille, who has retreated to the side of the battlefield, is a living example.

Seeing Edward’s continuous bleeding arrows, Camille’s face faintly showed “a deep sympathy.”


Under this situation, the students of Jiangnan University naturally knew what was going on.

“School brother Jiang, don’t you want to help Akita Academy but you weren’t…”

He Weihua couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

Although he clearly knew that this was Jiang Xiaobai’s secret attack against the people of Bourne College, such a hot scene would appear on the court.

But He Weihua and others wondered why Jiang Xiaobai wanted to help the students of Akita Academy.

However, Jiang Xiaobai did not solve He Weihua’s confusion, and his attention was still on the court.

And still: Yuan Yang, who is burning the fire of gossip, has already started to make up for it.

“Could it be that… the foreign girl was Xiaobai’s predecessor before Xiaobai was abandoned by that…beautiful girl, so because of love and hatred, that…beautiful girl was so ugly in front of so many people”

In just a short moment, Yuan Yang was already thinking about it.

Almost directly crooked out a whole dog-blood romance drama! However, Jiang Xiaobai’s next move made Yuan Yang couldn’t help but wonder if he had just guessed wrong.

Because, not long after Edward of Bowen College was smashed into the air by the Shield Fight student of Akita Academy, Jiang Xiaobai inexplicably charged the Shield Fight student at Akita Academy…

! “Xiao Bai, where are you standing on?”

: Chapter was 404 before.

So I modified it a bit. You don’t have to worry about repeated subscriptions. 43 covers the previous 438, so it shows two subscriptions. In fact, one is 438 and one is 437!

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