Chapter 451 This world is really small

Saint Neya Academy suddenly abstained from voting, which caught the judges of the competition committee and the staff next to them by surprise.

Over the years, European institutions including Saint Nea College have always been strong.

Especially in an international arena like a global competition.

Compared to the news that the University of Tokyo was disqualified from the team competition because only Odayama was left, the news from Oliver is even more unbelievable.

However, the hard facts are in front of us, and the nine judges can only accept it no matter how hard it is.

After repeated confirmations, a judge reluctantly rushed to the battlefield to beckon, indicating that the Jiangnan University students could leave.

When the incident happened suddenly, everyone was not prepared, except… left early, what else could we do? Could it be possible to arrange for Jiangnan University to come to the internal game… Some boringly walked out of the arena.

He Weihua and others followed with joy on their faces.

When passing by the judges, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly curled his lips to Yuan Yang behind him: “Being a man, it is better to be down-to-earth.

We are obviously here to participate in the competition, so we can take this opportunity to improve, but our opponents disrespect us too much.”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Yang immediately understood his heart and sang and said: “Yes, Sheng Neya Academy despise the competition committee so much, I suggest that the competition committee should severely punish Sheng Neya School!”

He Weihua and others behind him immediately echoed, but the corners of their mouths seemed to laugh out loud.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, it is still there: Oliver in front of the judges has 10,000 grass mud horses running… Among them, four 44 died, and only one of them was left.

And to this day, the spinach in my stomach has not been digested.

When he hiccups, it smells like spinach…Seeing Oliver seems to be glancing at him secretly, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly showed a harmless smile at Oliver.

“Is the spinach delicious next time, please let you taste the leek zygote, so you will never forget it…”

Hearing this, a funny thought suddenly appeared in Oliver’s mind.

“Can this fellow Jiang Xiaobai hear what I am saying”

Just as Oliver was surprised and uncertain, Yuan Yang smirked again and offered advice for Jiang Xiaobai: “Actually, I think carrots are also good.

That thing, breathe!”

He Weihua and the others couldn’t help but sigh with emotion after listening to the enthusiastic discussion.

Oliver is a girl, you two want to let people eat leek zygote and water radish, can you still be cheaper, and He Weihua suddenly understood why he was abused by Jiang Xiaobai in the first place.

It’s because I’m too upright! Jiang Xiaobai’s methods are so cheap that they can’t be offended by opponents…”Ahem…Who is the captain, come and sign. ”

One of the judges really couldn’t listen anymore, so he coughed slightly and interrupted Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Yang’s discussion of “housing guests.”


After Jiangnan University signed, as usual, China’s national anthem was played on the field.

After the singing stopped, Jiang Xiaobai walked to the banana man Zhan Shibang who was almost swallowed by Daha just now.

Zhan Shibang’s expression tightened, his legs trembling, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai would enlarge again.

However, Jiang Xiaobai only uttered a sound.

“Some people always think that the blood of China flowing on them is a shame.

But in fact, this kind of talent is a shame to China, and it tarnishes China’s blood!”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai will never look at that…the ugly-faced Zhan Shibang.

…Wang Ningxiang spoke in a low voice after coming out of the arena.

“Or, everyone, go to the German Bern Academy and Toyo: Akita Academy.

You can also see our next opponent style.”

Hearing that, everyone at Jiangnan University thought a little and agreed to Wang Ningxiang’s suggestion.

The two competition venues are not far apart, but in more than ten minutes, Jiang Xiaobai and others have arrived at the competition venues of Berne Academy and Akita Academy.

At this time, the German Bern Academy and Dongying: Akita Academy are in full swing.

However, after only watching the game for a while, the students of Jiangnan University discovered that the German Berne College was completely suppressing Dongying: Akita Academy.

After thinking about it carefully, He Weihua and others suddenly realized.

Before Jiang Xiaobai had cleaned up the students of Akita Academy.

Those… the elite forces of Akita Academy have already been killed by Jiang Xiaobai long ago.

At this time, Akita Academy is facing the already strong Bonn Academy, how can it not let the “love” of the wind?

Zhou Jia laughed and teased Jiang Xiaobai, but found that Jiang Xiaobai was staring thoughtfully at a student at Bowen College.

Zhou Jia, who was extremely curious, immediately came and looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight, only to find that there seemed to be only one beautiful girl with long legs.

“Okay, you actually ate what was in the bowl, and you were still thinking about what was in the pot.”

Zhou Jia quietly came to Jiang Xiaobai and whispered.

“Nonsense, I am observing our opponent.”

Jiang Xiaobai said so, his eyes still fixed on a girl participating in the German Bern Academy.

The most eye-catching thing about that girl is… those big long legs.

But in fact, the girl’s face is also surprisingly delicate, giving people a feeling like an elf.

“This world is really small.”

A thoughtful smile of Zhao Zhao appeared at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth, and he said to himself.

Zhou Jia at the side was confused.

Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai and the girl had a story, a trace of anger appeared in Zhou Jia’s eyes, while the corners of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth were slightly upturned.

Although they only met once, and the dress of the girl from Bowen College was very different from the previous one, Jiang Xiaobai still recognized it at a glance.

The dark web killer who tried to assassinate Jiang Xiaobai before.

Perhaps it is to not reveal the identity, that…the beautiful girl did not reveal the spatial ability in the game.


Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the list on the display in the center of the arena, and watched the dark web killer named Camille fighting with a shield student from Akita Academy.

Camille in the field didn’t notice it, and a playful smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai’s face off the field.

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