Chapter 434 That is a fear of being dominated (1/5)

Under Oda Mountain, cold sweat was flowing, and his body was shaking slightly.

He remembered the fear of being dominated by Jiang Xiaobai when he was at the University of Tokyo.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai with a smile at the corner of his mouth approaching, Xiao Tian Shanxia couldn’t help taking two steps back and whispered: “We…we leave here!”

As he said, he eagerly waved to his companions around him.

Other students at the University of Tokyo saw this scene, and they couldn’t help but stare blankly.

They couldn’t understand why Oda Yamashita suddenly asked everyone to leave.

Don’t you eat ducks in your mouth? With this question, someone couldn’t help but ask: “Senior Oda, it took us so long to let the two teams kill each other. Now we just left.”

The rest of the students were also puzzled for a while, and they looked at the foot of Oda Mountain with suspicion.

But I saw Oda-senpai’s face pale and whispering “August One Seven”

Said: “The people from Jiangnan University are here! Don’t say more, leave now.”

Hearing this, the other students of the University of Tokyo were startled at first, and then they all showed disdain.

This is no wonder.

In previous years, the performance of Jiangnan University has been inferior to that of the University of Tokyo.

And these students who were able to participate in the global competition this time are all the best in each grade of the University of Tokyo.How can they look at Jiang Xiaobai and their peers in the same way, and Oda Yamashita could not help but curse in his heart.

These students did not become participating students before, so they do not know much about the global competition.

At the time, 20 of the 20 people sent by the University of Tokyo, 19 of them were solved by Jiang Xiaobai alone.

The only survivor is himself.

Such a shameful thing, how could the University of Tokyo publicize it? Not only the outsiders did not know it, but even the inside of the University of Tokyo was also blocked by Drake.

Oda Yamashita naturally didn’t want to let others know his shame.

The rest of the insiders of the University of Tokyo also focused on the honor and morale of the school, and they were all tight-lipped.

In this way, the students currently led by Oda Yamashita have no idea about the status quo.

Only he knows how powerful the Jiangnan University they are facing at this moment! It is no exaggeration to say that even if there is only Jiang Xiaobai alone, it is enough to relax, and will give them to these twenty people. The regiment is gone.

Watching Jiang Xiaobai’s people from Jiangnan University get closer and closer, Oda Yamashita snorted again and ordered the fellow from the University of Tokyo to accompany him to leave.

His awe-inspiring reaction, although other students are not angry, but due to the majesty he has established in the past, those students dare not say anything.

When the two teams who had just killed each other saw that the people from the University of Tokyo seemed to leave, they couldn’t help looking at each other, confused.

While in doubt, suddenly heard a burst of air blasting.

The few people who were lingering and panting looked intently, only a cold light flashed in front of them.

But it was a small flying knife swiftly rushing towards the foot of Oda Mountain, which was still far away.

Students at the University of Tokyo have also noticed it.

However, before they had time to react, they were all startled and their jaws dropped.

I saw that their Oda-senpai had returned to the original place somehow.

Moreover, he was still kneeling on the ground! He folded his palms together with a flying knife between his palms, as religious as a believer who was worshipping the gods.

“This trick again, this trick again…Is he a demon?”

Under the eyes of everyone, Xiaotian Yamashita, who returned to Jiang Xiaobai’s face, collapsed incomparably, recalling the scene of Jiang Xiaobai playing with him in the University of Tokyo.

He tremblingly looked up at Jiang Xiaobai, who was getting closer and closer, and his body was shaking.

It is a fear of being dominated.

He looked like a dog in the water, shaking his body trying to get rid of the water droplets on his body…But who knows, right now, in Xiao Tian Shan’s mind, it is all the fear of being teased by Jiang Xiaobai.

“What’s the matter with Oda-senpai”

“No wonder that guy is making a ghost”

“It’s really embarrassing, and it really humiliates the dignity of our University of Tokyo!”

The other students of the University of Tokyo were surprised, and they began to accuse Yamashita Oda as the captain.

And the two “remnants” who got a respite

, But I only feel cold in my heart.

The guy in front of me… who is coming, both of them know each other! I thought I and the others had escaped from the wolf den somehow, but I didn’t expect another… Tiger… but I saw Jiang Xiaobai slow down I walked to the foot of Xiaotian Mountain, and smiled: “When I come, you can leave, so it doesn’t save face.”

Hearing that, Oda Yamashita managed to endure the fear in his heart, and reluctantly replied: “We will give you all the points of those of us, I hope you can let them go….”

When he said this, he was still kneeling on the ground and seemed to have lost all his strength.

Seeing Oda Yamashita so low-pitched, the University of Tokyo students were furious.

Immediately, a few guys couldn’t bear this humiliation anymore and chose to do it directly.

As soon as they left, Xiao Tian Shanxia couldn’t help but feel shocked, and hurriedly said, “Stop!”

However, these… the guy who thought he was a newborn calf didn’t listen to him at all.

His embarrassing performance before, really made the University of Tokyo students feel unsightly.

Therefore, they have long stopped taking Xiaotian Shanxia seriously, and how can they listen to him to persuade these students to take hateful actions, and the speed is naturally incredibly fast.

However, before they launched an offensive, Jiang Xiaobai’s passive skills had already been activated.

Plop! Plop! Plop!…The guys from the University of Tokyo all knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaobai with a bewildered expression.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +50.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +50.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +50.”

…Listening to the prompt sound from the system, the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth raised slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, he struck out three punches, and suddenly hit the three people who were kneeling in front of him.

Looking at such a cruel Jiang Xiaobai, the other University of Tokyo students were silent.

They finally understand 0.

7 The painstaking effort under Oda Mountain.

The person in front of him is like a demon descending! Jiang Xiaobai saw that the others were already afraid to move.

He has no interest in a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

When his eyes swept to the sadness of Xiaotian Mountain, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows and asked in a playful tone: “That’s why your submissive attitude doesn’t seem sincere at all!”

Oda Yamashita hurriedly restrained his grief, while repeating sincerely and fearfully: “We know that we are wrong, we know that we are wrong…”

Seeing that this guy was so utterly hopeless, Jiang Xiaobai felt even more speechless.

He twisted and glanced at He Weihua, who was also confused, and said lightly: “You kill all these guys–except him.”

When everyone heard the words, they saw that Jiang Xiaobai was still pointing at the foot of the Xiaotian Mountain, which was not only kowtow.


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