Chapter 433 :::: After a while, Jiang Xiaobai gained a lot of achievement points.

When he brought back a large wave of Xiaoyue Pythons again, Yuan Yang and the others had already cleaned up all the guys in Yacos.

“How many points do those people have?”

Jiang Xiaobai usually strolled to Yuan Yang’s side and asked with a chuckle.

Looking at the Xiaoyue Python chasing behind him, He Weihua answered first: “Not many, it’s less than one hundred.”

After speaking, he cheered up again and began to greet others to deal with the Xiaoyue Python in front of him.

In a short while, this wave of dimensional creatures has also been killed by the Jiangnan University team.

After tossing like this a few more times, Jiang Xiaobai saw that he hadn’t been able to attract people from other schools to make ideas, so he didn’t plan to attract the dimensional monster again.

He Weihua and others took a rest for a while, and then took out all the star beads from Xiaoyue Python.

“A few more times, our Jiangnan University will definitely win the championship!”

“This is just hanging up!”

Just as they were overjoyed and discussed, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said: “Let’s go!”

After hearing what he said, He Weihua and the others couldn’t help but froze for a while.

“Jiang Brother, where are we going”

They also wanted to continue hunting the Xiaoyue Python as before.

Although doing too much of this kind of thing will inevitably be a little boring, but the points rise so fast, no one can bear to give up this way of opening and hanging.

Seeing everyone’s perplexity, Jiang Xiaobai said in a huff: “We killed all the dimensional creatures within a few kilometers of this area, so why don’t you leave here and keep it here?”

Hearing this, He Weihua who asked the question suddenly understood that he was making a joke.

The others also came back to their senses, and they were amazed.

These people actually slaughtered this dimensional monster so quickly.

Don’t be too cruel! A group of people quickly set off on the road.

During the journey, He Weihua and their eyes kept watching the surroundings, for fear of repeating the same mistakes.

Although Jiang Xiaobai didn’t agree with him in his heart, he also knew that it was because of what happened before that made everyone so vigilant.

Just now, the people at Aylesbury College wanted to ambush, and it sounded the alarm for everyone.

In this global competition, if it is only ranked based on the points obtained after hunting dimensional creatures, it is actually okay.

The key is another rule! Students between different schools may also get the other’s points by killing them.

The taste of this competition has become: yes.

Those… those who are strong or think that they are strong will put their minds on searching and attacking other participating teams.

Because fighting to raise the battle is the fastest way to get points! And, the more the competition progresses, the more intense this kind of killing and grabbing points.

After all, as time goes by, the points in the hands of each participating team will increase.

This kind of rule feels like…It’s a bit like a way to raise Gu.

The various school teams entering the dimensional space are Gu worms in the dimensional space.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about these…

He couldn’t help being curious.

“Everyone, be careful, follow me behind and take a look!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai jumped out, taking Daha and looking for the direction of the sound.

He Weihua and the others knew they couldn’t stop Jiang Xiaobai, so they hurriedly followed.

In the open space in the dense forest ahead, teams from two different schools are fighting each other.

There were already more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground nearby.

Looking at this situation, the two groups seem to have been fighting for a long time.

At this time, there were only five people left on one of them, and all of them were wounded.

And the other party is not much better.

Although there are two more of them than each other, three of their companions have been seriously injured.

Those three guys only have three arms in total…The battle is almost over, but it is more intense.

Both groups know that which party can survive to the end will get the points accumulated by the other party’s hard work.

Therefore, neither party dared to take this issue lightly.

Seeing that the two sides were about to see the difference, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded from the dense forest nearby.

“Oh, not bad, not in vain. We waited for so long, and got two school points for one performance. Very good!”

The sudden change suddenly occurred, and the two sides still fighting could not help being startled, and the offensive in their hands stopped.

Looking after the voice, they suddenly found that a total of twenty people had come out of the dense forest! A closer look, they all wore the Tokyo University emblem.

In an instant, the faces of the remaining people in the two teams turned pale.

The guys at the University of Tokyo have said so clearly, how can they still be confused if Jiang Xiaobai is here, they will definitely be able to recognize it. The only guy among the twenty people who has let go-Yamashita Oda! “Hey! I think you should just grab it with your hands.”

Oda Yamashita had a triumphant expression, and led the University of Tokyo students slowly approaching the two teams that were exhausted from the battle.

………… As soon as he finished speaking, another companion gave a smirk and echoed: “Captain Oda is a brilliant calculation! With you guys IQ, even alive is a waste.”

After hearing a flattering, Oda Shanxia suddenly felt very comfortable all over the body.

And just now: the two teams that were fighting against each other unknowingly moved closer to each other at this time.

These guys from the University of Tokyo made it clear that they were sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight first.

Facing the approach of Oda Yamashita and others, the two waves of people have involuntarily back to back.

It’s just that they have no fighting spirit in their hearts at this time.

In the fierce battle just now, they have already tried their best.

Only with the last trace of faith, has it survived until now.

Suddenly, an intact team of twenty people came out, which made them feel desperate.

“Hey, do you guys still want to fight the trapped beast?”

Oda Yamashita pretentiously asked, and then gestured to the companion next to him, and he was ready to shoot directly.

But at this moment, a sound of Hihiruru suddenly sounded from one side.

For some reason, Oda Yamashita somehow felt that there was an ominous feeling.

He raised his eyes to look in the direction of the sound, and vaguely saw a line of figures approaching quickly.

When Jiang Xiaobai’s figure appeared in his line of sight, the expression of Oda Shanshi had completely changed.

The smiling guy in front of him is a nightmare he will never forget!

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