Chapter 414 Want to admit defeat, have you asked me? (2/5)


Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s international gestures compared to him, Ozawa Taro could not help but let out a low growl, and the star power on his body was already diffused.

However, at the next moment, a few meters away, Zhang Xunkun suddenly appeared.

Everyone turned their eyes and found that the position occupied by Ozawa Taro just now, a figure is slowly dissipating.


Seeing this scene, no matter…

The students from Jiangnan University, the Magic City Military Academy and even the University of Tokyo all looked down.

Blocking in front of Ozawa Taro, Zhang Xunkun narrowed his eyes and said: “Ozawa Taro, what do you want to do”

Ozawa Taro coldly snorted, “What Zhang Xunkun, the students of your school completely ignored my words and forcibly killed the participating students of my school, what do you think I want to do”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun said indifferently: “According to the regulations, only the participating students can count. Did you just hear that the students in your school gave up?”

Wei Xuehai on the 1st 30th side also stepped forward at this moment: “Yes, can it be said that this regulation is only useful for other schools, but it is useless for your University of Tokyo?”

While speaking, Wei Xuehai had an extremely comfortable feeling silently in his heart.

Youdao is the feng shui turns, the same thing, ten minutes ago, it was said from Ozawa Taro’s mouth.

But now, the same words are spit out from Zhang Xunkun’s side instead.

It’s just that the person facing this sentence is no longer Wei Xuehai of the Demon Capital Military District Academy, but his Ozawa Taro, and I have to say that there is some irony.

Even though Ozawa Taro was angry at this moment, he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Afterwards, he stared at Jiang Xiaobai in the field, and the sense of sorrow in his eyes couldn’t be more obvious.

A few seconds later, Ozawa Taro had already turned his head fiercely to the other University of Tokyo students in the field and said solemnly: “Ogawa Tianye, surrender!”

When I heard Ozawa Taro’s words, these…The students of the University of Tokyo were already ready to give up.

But no one would have thought that Jiang Xiaobai would come out like this in the middle.

For a while, these University of Tokyo students were stunned.

Afterwards, the shield student who was dealing with Wang Ningxiang at this moment heard Ozawa Taro’s words quickly recovered, and opened his mouth to prepare to admit defeat according to Ozawa Taro’s words.

“You can raise your wife, and you have no worries!”

But when Xiaohe Tianye just opened his mouth, a voice was already swiftly uttered from Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth:

As the words translated in the translation headset came into their ears, when everyone understood what the sentence meant, a golden light flashed in the air, and then directly into Xiaohe Tianye’s body.

In the next instant, Xiaohe Tianye’s body shook violently and slowly turned to Jiang Xiaobai Yidongying: “Brother, my wife will be responsible for you.”

Ozawa Taro: “”

Student of the University of Tokyo: “”

Listening between Jiang Xiaobai and Xiaohe Tianye in the field.

The University of Tokyo is already stunned.

“When did Xiaohe get married?”

At the University of Tokyo, a student couldn’t help but ask a student who was familiar with Xiaohe Tiano in the past.

Hearing that, the student replied with a puzzled look: “I haven’t heard of it! And it’s just the appearance of Xiaohe Tianye, let alone his wife, not even a girlfriend. I was still watching the movie last night and solved it with his left hand! ”

While speaking, Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently at this moment, “Friend, don’t admit defeat, stand up and continue!”

The voice fell, Xiaohe Tianye over there nodded, and responded with a “OK”

Then, in the sight of Ozawa Taro and others, Ogawa Tianye turned his body without saying a word, and continued to raise the shield in his hand and rush towards Zhou Jia.

“No, this kid has also awakened a hypnotic talent skill.”

After all, it is a strong person in the Nebula Realm.

After the low voice of the University of Tokyo student here came into my ears, looking at Xiaohe Tianye over Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes were filled with trust and sincerity Xiaohe Tianye, it already felt wrong.

Immediately he turned his eyes, that was…speaking to the people in the court: “Asshole, what are you still doing? Hurry up and give up!”

However, at the moment when these words fell, Jiang Xiaobai here has already repeated a few sentences one after another, “You have no worries!”

After that, several golden lights burst out one after another towards the remaining three people.

Noting these three golden lights, the remaining three University of Tokyo students were surprised.

One of the students even ignored Yuan Yang in front of him.

Seeing this golden light swept directly towards Yuan Yang, the student just breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, I didn’t even want to open my mouth and say loudly: “I… Fuck!”

But the two words in front of the student just said:, in the line of sight, the golden light that should have been swept toward Yuan Yang turned out to be: the sky bent out and rushed straight to the University of Tokyo. In front of the students.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled 430.

You know, these skills are mandatory.

In other words, unless the target object’s level exceeds Jiang Xiaobai’s full level.

Otherwise, no matter what, your skills will successfully fall on the target.

Even if you hide, you can’t avoid it.

Suddenly, this student was also shocked and even the following words changed accordingly.

Then the body trembled, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai sincerely.

With the remaining four players 4 in the field being controlled by Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, they continued to fight with Jiang Xiaoxin and others without saying a word.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at Ozawa Taro, with a cold snort in his heart.

“Want to admit defeat, have you asked me?”

In the past few days, in challenging the other four colleges in the East, even when facing the Akita Academy where Okamoto Hikawa is located, Jiangnan University is only a stop.

But I have to say that the behavior of the University of Tokyo today does make Jiang Xiaobai a little unhappy.

Especially the obscene thoughts that the other party showed to Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia in his demeanor made Jiang Xiaobai sneer again and again.

Not killing these guys is not enough to calm the anger.

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