Chapter 413 The straight and slender middle finger (1/5)

The situation on Matsushita Hefeng’s side was too weird, which caused other University of Tokyo students who were fighting Jiang Xiaoxin to be affected, and glanced at Matsushita Hefeng.

With the distraction of these Tokyo University students, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia’s offensive intensified.

Many times in the battle, a small detail can often determine victory or defeat.

It is also said that the absence of Matsushita and the wind at the University of Tokyo was originally suppressed by Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

Now under this distraction, one of the University of Tokyo students screamed, the fierce arrow shot from the longbow in Jiang Xiaoxin’s hand passed through his shoulders and let out a scream.

Seeing that the University of Tokyo student was injured by Jiang Xiaoxin, there was no need to speak at all, Zhou Jia on one side had already suddenly jumped up slightly.

The same “six, eight, three”

In time, Wang Ningxiang, who was at the forefront of several people, quickly raised the shield in his hand.

With the moment Zhou Jia’s toes landed on the shield, she quickly moved forward.

After Wang Ningxiang retreated a few steps, Zhou Jia was already like an arrow from the string suddenly rushing towards the opponent.

Noting Zhou Jia’s movement, these University of Tokyo students were surprised.

The shield war students headed by the University of Tokyo had already subconsciously raised the shield in their hands towards Zhou Jia.

However, just as the shield was about to hit Zhou Jia, Zhou Jia’s figure suddenly dissipated and appeared behind the students on the long-distance route at the University of Tokyo that had been protected by several other people.

The long knife in his hand felt like it was smashing Huashan Mountain, and the star power burst from the long knife, and the student’s body was directly split from it during the swing.

Watching this scene, the students from the Magic Capital Military District Academy glanced at the blood and internal organs of the corpse that had been divided into two halves on the ground, and couldn’t help but draw their eyelids fiercely.

Not to mention the puzzled Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, two beautiful goddesses like immortals, they are cruel and decisive.

Moreover, Wang Ningxiang, who was headed, looked like…a junior high school student, but he followed the shield war route.

The movement made by the wave of the shield showed a toothache from the students of the Magic Capital Military District Academy.

“Dammit, Jiangnan University…Is the freshman so fierce?”

Compared to the previous battle at the University of Tokyo and the Magic City Military District Academy, where the battle lasted for almost ten minutes, this time the progress with Jiangnan University was much faster.

However, in just a few minutes, the University of Tokyo has already shown a clear defeat.

This scene made everyone at the University of Tokyo look a little uncomfortable.

At the same time, after Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were withdrawn from Jiang Xiaoxin’s side, Jiang Xiaobai smiled coldly in his heart when he saw Matsushita and the wind still falling to the ground and shaking.

Once again made up “Ghost’s Love”

Suddenly, Matsushita Kazuka’s original soft voice has become louder again.

Then, glancing at the Matsushita Hefeng in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai’s footsteps were already in front of Matsushita Hefeng.

Noting Jiang Xiaobai’s movement, Matsushita Jin forced his head up and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, “Asshole, what did you do to me?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips.

“Don’t say it so ambiguous, I have no interest in you.”

While speaking, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart moved.

The next moment, the part of Matsushita and the wind exploded again.

With the additional effect of the love of the ghost father, the pain at this time was as if magnified dozens of times, making Matsushita Hefeng again uncomfortable and could no longer speak.

After groaning slightly, Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, “Seeing you in so much pain, killing you is also a relief for you.”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai was already lifting the suspension with one foot and slowly moving onto Matsushita Hefeng’s head.

“no, do not want……”

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, Matsushita Hefeng’s eyes also showed some horror.

“We at the University of Tokyo admit defeat.”

Just when Jiang Xiaobai’s foot was hanging in the air and he was about to fall directly, a low and full of sullen voice suddenly spread from one side.

In a blink of an eye, it was Taro Ozawa from the University of Tokyo who made the sound.

It’s just that the arrogance on the opponent’s face has already disappeared at this moment, and what is left is gloom and anger.

You know, this time the battle involves not… dozens of points.

It is hundreds of points.

If it loses this time, the loss to the University of Tokyo is not small.

Of course, if this is the case, the key is these… The participating students are for… the University of Tokyo, even if it only loses one, for… the future challenges and global competitions It will have a great impact.

After all, the University of Tokyo enrolls very few students every year.

It is impossible to be like Saint Neya Academy.

Even if it is…the five 55 in the field, the University of Tokyo started training a year in advance for this global competition.

That’s why the strength and talent skills are so strong.

If today’s freshmen are all confessed here, then the freshman students at the University of Tokyo are not bad, but they will definitely not be as strong as they are now.

Later, when I encounter other schools to challenge, then the freshman side of the University of Tokyo will become a shortcoming of the University of Tokyo.

Once students from other schools grasp this shortcoming, then the next trouble for the University of Tokyo is definitely not small.

When the words fell, the students of the University of Tokyo felt a loose heart.


However, we can’t wait for this…The students of the University of Tokyo relaxed in their hearts, and a dull voice has quietly echoed in everyone’s ears.

In his sight, as Ozawa Taro’s words came out, Jiang Xiaobai had no tendency to stop at all.

The feet hanging in the air on Matsushita Hefeng’s head were already brazenly stepped on.

Under this foot, Matsushita Hefeng’s head is directly at 0 like a watermelon.

6 Jiang Xiaobai’s feet exploded.

And after trembling for a few times, Matsushita Kazufeng’s body was completely silent.

So far, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and watched Ozawa Taro put his hand to his ear to make an amplifying motion and then whispered, “I can’t hear what you say, speak up!”

During the speech, Jiang Xiaobai’s pronunciation of each word was still separated, as if he was hundreds of meters away from Ozawa Taro.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s action, the students at Jiangnan University couldn’t help but want to laugh.

And when Ozawa Taro watched this scene, his fists clenched unconsciously, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Xiaobai.

But the answer to Ozawa Taro was Jiang Xiaobai’s quietly raised middle finger, straight and slender.


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