Chapter 407 Can I touch your baby again? (4/4)

“It’s quite intense!”

Listening to the sound coming from inside, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but mutter.

As he entered the building that seemed to contain the area and the size of the training ground in Jiangnan University, a sound of breaking through the air was already heard from the front.

The situation in the field is already in everyone’s eyes.

But when the two sides in the field were clearly fighting, Jiang Xiaobai and the others were suddenly startled.

Nothing else, just because the battle in the field at this moment seems a little strange.

At this moment, in the line of sight, there are two teams that are constantly fighting.

Looking at the attire of the two teams, it is obvious that they are both students from the Madu Military District University and the University of Tokyo.

But the difference is that the situation in the field at the moment is that in the two five-person 5 teams, seven of them are actually there: jointly attacking the other three people 3.

And on the attacking side, two of the students were the students from the University of Tokyo who attacked the Magic City Academy.

“what happened”

Are the students at the Magic Capital Military Region Academy crazy how to help the other party beat him up?

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t open his mouth, but quickly looked at the two students from the Magic Capital Military Region Academy who were fighting in the same room.

In the line of sight, the eyes of the two students who originally belonged to the Magic Capital Military Region Academy were blurred, and the movements were faintly stiff.

“Hypnotic talent skills”

Perceiving this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help raising his eyebrows slightly.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the other students of Jiangnan University also took a closer look, and they also noticed the strangeness of the two students from the Magic City Military District Academy.

When the people at Jiangnan University stood on one side and watched quietly, at this moment, the middle-aged man who was standing on the side was obviously led by the University of Tokyo turned his head and glanced at Jiangnan University, and turned to take responsibility for Jiangnan University before. After the person nodded slightly, he faintly retracted his gaze.

The expression is arrogant and indifferent.

On the opposite side of the University of Tokyo, standing by a group of people from the Magic City Military District Academy.

It’s just that compared to the boredom and faintly revealed disdain of the University of Tokyo students, the students of the Magic City Military District Academy looked at the battle in the field, all of them looked solemn and worried.

After quickly sweeping around the field to confirm the situation, Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight was already on the battlefield.

As the line of sight moved again, glancing at the crowd in the field, as Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight was locked in the field, it was only about one meter four:, one end…The hair is about to reach the calf, it looks like a powdered jade. Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but lightly “Huh”

One cry.

The figure in the line of sight is the one that Jiang Xiaobai met in the dimension space on the joint freshman assessment of Jiangnan University and the Magic Capital Military Region Academy…legal Loli, Chu Nuan.

It’s just that at this moment, Chu Nuan’s indifferent expression in the daytime has revealed a bit of anxiety.

And sweat dripped constantly on his face.

While swinging the long knife in his hand, he faintly glanced at the battle in the field with a bit of embarrassment, and Zhang Xunkun, who was standing next to Jiang Bai, suddenly opened.

What do you think”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhang Xunkun, then looked at the situation in the field.

After pondering slightly, Jiang slowly said: “The strength is good, it should be the school with the strongest overall strength in this period of time.”

That…legitimate Loli can appear in the original assessment, and naturally belongs to the freshman of the Magic City Academy.

Obviously, this time the battle between the Magic City Military District Academy and the University of Tokyo is the freshman of both sides.

As for the University of Tokyo, all four of the levels have reached the seventh level of the Stardust Realm.

The star power fluctuations from the other boy who stood in the field without moving, but maintained a strange posture, even indicated that the other party was at the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

The overall level is indeed the highest overall level in each school during this period of time.

This is true for freshmen in the first year, not to mention the sophomores and juniors and seniors of the University of Tokyo.

“Yes, so it’s difficult to estimate for the sophomore year. Wait: if you play, you should lead the team!”

Zhang Xunkun said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded.


However, just when the conversation between the two of them had just ended, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Turning her head quickly and looking, she saw that Chu Nuan, who belonged to the Magic Capital Military District Academy, was already flying upside down at this moment, rushing straight towards Jiang Xiaobai.

When his body was still in the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows slightly, then gently raised his right hand, directly catching Chu Nuan’s body that was flying upside down.

On the other side, a student in the field looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who had caught Chu Nuan directly and his body remained motionless.

Looking at Chu Nuan who was already swaying past in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head and snapped his fingers.

As the golden light swept out and merged into Chu Nun’s body, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel Chu Nun’s body trembling in his arms.

After waiting for a few seconds, Chu Nuan had already slowly opened her eyes.

He opened his eyes dimly, when looking at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him and a curious face on his shoulder.

………….Chu Nuan’s abdomen in her arms suddenly sounded “gugu”


Then, in the sight of Jiang Xiaobai and others, Chu Nun murmured softly, “I met again, can I touch your baby again?”

Zhang Xunkun: “”

Zhao Hanshan: “”

Listening to Chu Nun’s words, the people around couldn’t help but look at Chu Nun’s body in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai again.

The look in his eyes gradually became weird.

Paying attention to the sight of the people around, Jiang Xiaobai has a black line on his face.

This girl, every time she speaks, it is full of ambiguous words.

Angrily, he threw Daha directly to Chu Nuan’s side, and then helped him up easily.

Seeing Chu Nun’s love holding Daha, Zhang Xunkun and others understood what Chu Nun was referring to.

Afterwards, everyone’s eyes turned to the arena again.

Previously, when it was three times seven, the Magic Capital Military District Academy was already tired of coping, let alone now that Chu Yannan was out.

The remaining two students naturally increased their pressure.

Up to now, there is almost no way to attack, only to defend hard.

According to this situation, it is inevitable that the Magic Capital Military District Academy will fail.

However, at the next moment, the situation in the field was such that the expressions of Wei Xuehai and even Zhang Xunkun and others on the side suddenly sank.


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