Chapter 406 It’s just grandstanding (3/4)

In the next few days, things were… relatively smooth.

Not to mention that…

Is Jiang Xiaoxin or Yuan Xiaoning and others placed among all the freshmen and sophomores, the strength is at the top level.

But any accident in the challenge, with Jiang Xiaobai’s silent intervention next to him, can often turn things around.

Looking at the snow scene outside the window in the bus, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but sigh, “I have to say that although the place in Dongying Country is small, the snow scene all the year round does look comfortable.”

The Eastern Kingdom originally belonged to the Asian region, so it stands to reason that the sun should be shining during this July.

But a hundred years ago, Dongying Kingdom experienced an explosion of dimensional space, which made Dongying: There was an accident here, and it was shrouded in snow all year round.

Although I have stayed in this Eastern Kingdom: it is almost a week, but looking at the snow scene outside the window and the flying cherry blossoms still gives people a sense of beauty.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: “What is comfortable? When it comes to winter, many places in China look more like fairyland on earth, nowhere is it comparable to Dongying.”

After hearing this, Yuan Yang did not refute.

After all, it’s just talking, for…this snowy day, it’s good to stay for a while now and then, it’s going to be like this every day of the year, I’m afraid it is also boring, and many places remain unchanged.

6 For example, traffic, because the mainland is basically covered by flying snow, causing traffic on the eastern side of the country to have a lot of trouble.

Even if you drive, you can’t get up fast.

“By the way, this time after the University of Tokyo challenge is over, we should be on the afternoon flight, right”

Zhou Jia on one side suddenly asked.

Jiang Xiaobai put his hand behind his head and said, “Yes, I have been busy for more than half a month, and I can rest for a few days when I go back.”

“You said, the current points of our school look at the various colleges across the country, how many…”

Zhou Jia asked.

Jiang Xiaobai responded: “Don’t think about it, the principal said, the ranking will not be announced until the start of the global competition, lest some schools find out and target it.”

…After waiting for three hours, a group of people arrived at the last destination of the Eastern Kingdom this time.

After Zhao Hanshan’s negotiations, he has already returned to where everyone is.


Seeing Zhao Hanshan coming back, Zhang Xunkun asked.

Zhao Hanshan opened the mouth and said: “I have already said that, someone will come and take us there later, but it seems that half an hour ago, the Magic City Academy has arrived and issued a challenge.”

“From the Magic Capital Military District Academy”

Hearing what Zhao Hanshan said, Zhang Xukun’s expression was also a little surprised.

But after a while, it was already relieved.

Everyone knows the importance of this global competition. It is Zhang Xunkun. Many places think about it from the perspective of China.

And the Magic Capital Military District Academy itself is a special academy of half-family nature.

The concept of national interests is much firmer than that of Zhang Xunkun and others.

It is also a matter of going abroad to challenge other schools.

The thought fell in his mind, and Zhang Xunkun asked, “Who is leading the team, Wei Xuehai?”

Zhao Hanshan nodded and said, “Yes, it’s…Wei Xuehai.”

“Sure enough”

Zhang Xunkun said in his heart.

Zhang Xunkun still remembers that in the last global competition, the Magic City Military District Academy also missed the top ten because of the University of Tokyo in the East.

At the time, it was Wei Xuehai who led the team.

After finally getting through to the present, it is naturally impossible to forget this matter.

While talking, the University of Tokyo was already where someone came and took Jiang Xiaobai and others to the University of Tokyo secretly for the challenge.

“Xiaobai, is this University of Tokyo very good? Not only was it arranged to be challenged at the end, but also the Magic City Military District Academy came.”

Slowly following Zhang Xunkun, Zhou Jia stepped back a little later and approached Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

“Very strong, wait: you’d better not be overly careless, or be careful to suffer.”

Zhou Jia’s question exit: Jiang Xiaobai hasn’t spoken yet, there is already a voice in front of him.

Everyone looked up, but Zhao Hanshan in front turned around and said something after hearing Zhou Jia’s question.

In the surprise of everyone, Zhao Hanshan continued: “The University of Tokyo was ranked fifth in the global competition last time, and in the past 100 years, every time the University of Tokyo has ranked in global competitions, there has been no ranking. Fall out of the top twenty.

In addition, the University of Tokyo even threatened that anyone who can successfully challenge the University of Tokyo will directly transfer 50 points in addition to the ten points stipulated for each time in the challenge.

Of course, if you want to challenge, you also need to pay 20 points.”

Hearing what Zhao Hanshan said, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others were slightly surprised.

Obviously, everyone was surprised by what Zhao Hanshan said.

“Is it so big?”

Yuan Yang on one side couldn’t help but mutter.

Zhao Hanshan said: “It’s nothing strange, Dongying: The current population is almost 20-50 million, and there are 1 million candidates every year. Among these candidates, the University of Tokyo will only select 50 to 100. 100 people enrolled.

It can be imagined that all the resources of the entire university are poured into hundreds of students, and the growth environment can be imagined.

Therefore, even among freshman freshmen, there are many students in Japan who have already entered the Galaxy Realm, and the last year of the University of Tokyo’s seniors were all on the 6th floor of the Galaxy.”

“I’m going to be so ruthless. The resources of a school are poured into hundreds of people. It’s too wasteful! No wonder I dare to have such a big tone.”

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: “It’s nothing remarkable. With so many resources devoted, even a pig can reach such a level.

As for the issue of points, it’s just a gimmick, it’s just grandstanding.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhang Xunkun, who was walking in the front, suddenly turned his head and said: “Yes, the conclusion is very reasonable.”

With that said, in the doubts of Jiang Xiaoxin and others, Zhang Xukun slowed his pace a bit and explained: “To put it bluntly, the points on the University of Tokyo are… a gimmick that makes more schools pay attention to each challenge. University of Tokyo.

Especially those who are close to the start of the global competition and don’t have enough points…schools will find ways to win.

Therefore, the University of Tokyo basically does not go out every time the points challenge is played, but just waits for those… desperate schools in their own school to challenge and fight! If it is really strong, I can go directly to China or Europe and the United States for a sweep, where I need to download something like this.”

Then, after a slight silence, Zhang Xunkun concluded: “But this is also considered to be in line with the personality of the Dongying people.”

In the words, Zhang Xunkun made no secret of his disdain for the Dongying people.

During this chat, everyone was taken outside the venue prepared by the University of Tokyo for the challenge.

Before they got closer, Jiang Xiaobai and the others had already heard some fighting sounds coming from inside.

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