Chapter 370 I only need teammates who can call 666 (1/5)

Zhang Xunkun smiled and said, “As Jiang Xiaobai said, in order to ensure the steady growth of points and guard against attacks from other participating schools, now we Xu Yan will divide you into two parts.”

“Since it is the offensive team, the strength should be stronger. I think the offensive team should be selected from our seniors and then add to Jiang Jiang.”

Among the crowd, He Weihua is already a suggestion.

If it is placed in the past, He Weihua is afraid that Jiang Xiaobai will not be included in the words at all.

After the last time and the most recent training, He Weihua was really scared.

With Jiang Xiaobai here, and among the participating students, who dare to say that they are the strongest, but after all, they represent the team of Jiangnan University. If a team with a weaker strength is sent out, it will inevitably be hit. Own signboard.

He Weihua mentions “Five Four Zeros”

The discussion is in line with the ideas of other people.

Zhang Xunkun did not rush to respond to He Weihua, but instead set his sight on Jiang Xiaobai and asked: “Jiang Xiaobai, what do you think of you as the captain”

After Zhang Xunkun set his eyes on Jiang Xiaobai, everyone’s eyes also moved to Jiang Xiaobai.

As the captain of a team, Jiang Xiaobai’s decision about grouping is placed on him.

And Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze also glanced at the surrounding students.

Compared to staying in school, other students naturally expect to be the main battle party and challenge everywhere, rather than staying in the school and waiting for others to come.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai leaned against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth and thought for a while, then suddenly raised an eyebrow and asked: “Principal, about the method of challenge, do you have…specifically specify whether the requirement is single or team”

Zhang Xunkun said: “There is no specific explanation, but it is usually based on individual battles, ring battles or team battles.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth lightly, and he already had a decision in his heart.

Immediately, he said slowly: “In this way, the freshman and sophomore students will go with me this time and go everywhere to challenge other schools. The senior and fourth students will stay in the school to defend.”

When these words came out, all the students were shocked, and even Xu Yan did not react.

Only Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun smiled and said, “Yes, what you think is the same as I discussed with Teacher Zhao.”

With that said, Zhang Xunkun slowly explained.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the offensive side is bound to be more important than the defensive side.

Therefore, the defensive side is much more important.

After all, once the people from the university leave the station, it is bound to send the strongest students to be able to successfully challenge other universities.

If you do this, it will inevitably make the rear, that is, the remaining students in your school, will inevitably be a lot worse.

At this time, it is self-evident that other schools came to challenge.

Entrepreneurship is always more difficult than keeping a job, and the same sentence applies here.

After Zhang Xunkun dialed a few words, where did everyone still not understand what it meant. My school is divided into aspects.

But this year, in Jiangnan University, they have Jiang Xiaobai’s existence, and the situation is a little different.

In the usual training, everyone is also insightful about Jiang Xiaobai’s strength.It’s not about the strength at first.It is just those brutal skills that the family can play the strong in the Galaxy to death.

This is simply a killer! With Jiang Xiaobai leading the team, even if it is just a freshman who is just a freshman out of the station, Jiang Xiaobai’s own strength is enough to turn the tide.

And their seniors, three and four students all stay in the school.With the advantage of the home court, even if there are other schools to challenge, there is no need to worry at all.

It can be called a two-pronged approach.

Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiaoxin, who also understood the meaning, looked a little speechless.

Although they were selected as the offensive team, they should be happy.

But now it seems that in this offensive group, they are all used to confuse others.If you want to win the challenge, you can only rely on Jiang Xiaobai.

In other words, Jiang Xiaobai means…, I only need teammates who can shout 666.

Used as a “pendant” in the team

Somewhat dissatisfied, but after all Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is there, he has the capital to say this…After dividing the groups, Zhang Xunkun explained to everyone the current distribution of world universities.

China’s overall strength is on the high side, with 15 places, at most in United States, with 25 places, followed by those countries in Europe, and many places have been allocated to 20 institutions.

Southeast Asia is basically…5-7 places, and some African countries only have two or even one guaranteed place.

When they knew that Xu Yan and Zhao Hanshan were not responsible for leading the team this time, but Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan personally led the team, everyone was still a little surprised.

But after another thought, everyone was relieved.

Before, every school had the attack on the Academy of Geniuses, everyone knows these days.

After all, the relationship involved in the national competition is too important, and it goes without saying that it is dangerous to go to other places.

If you are away from home, if you don’t have enough strong protection, I’m afraid whether Jiang Xiaobai and others can come back safely is another matter.

After the arrangement was completed, Zhang Xunkun directly said: “There must be a slightly weaker team among the teams that have won the points competition this time, and each university has guaranteed points, so the sooner you get started, the better.”

Jiang Xiaobai on one side also nodded and said: “Yes, if there is no surprise, this points match is divided into two stages.

The first stage is…the strong universities share the points of the weak universities together, and wait until those…the points of the weak universities 5.

6 is squeezed clean.

The second stage is the competition between the participating schools that… failed to reach 100 points.”

For the first time, everyone put their ideas in universities in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Those………the universities in the slightly backward areas have become the world’s sweet pastry, and it is definitely not a simple thing to win a place among so many world universities! Basically, the first The first stage is… whoever gets started quickly will be able to grab points.

“So, I am going to start tomorrow, and everyone will leave for Southeast Asia. You will go back and prepare later.”

Southeast Asia is the closest to China, so from the distance, there is still an advantage here.

As for the places in Africa, due to the distance, when everyone went, the day lilies were cold.

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