Chapter 369 Points competition, the threshold of global competition (5/5)

The time left for the global competition is getting shorter and shorter.

And the daily training of the students of Jiangnan University selected by the school is also wailing, and it is horrible.

Especially in the next few days, in addition to…Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai will still participate, and it will be extremely difficult for a group of students.

Whenever they think of the fear of being dominated by Jiang Xiaobai during the training process, the students are like… a look of deep hatred, and they all feel that they are almost autistic.

But to say it, but as time passed, everyone’s hearts began to become nervous.

I also know that now I can improve by one more point, and there will be one more point in the next game.

It was also on the last day of everyone’s urgent training, when everyone was training vigorously, Zhang Xunkun slowly entered the training room where everyone was sitting with his hands behind his back.


Seeing Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan gestured to the group of students who were training, when they stopped, they came forward and greeted him.

The other students still stopped their movements and greeted Zhang Xunkun.

After a simple response, Zhang Xunkun first asked about the progress of Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan’s people.

After getting the affirmative answer, Zhang Xunkun nodded, and after a few praises, he entered the topic.

“It seems that your training is almost done, so the next step is to start preparing for the global competition in a month.”

“A month later, doesn’t it mean that next week will be… the global competition?”

Upon hearing Zhang Xunkun’s words, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask.

Not to mention Yuan Yang, even Jiang Xiaobai and the other students were at a loss.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun did not react unexpectedly. He waved his hand and said slowly: “Strictly speaking, next week is also a global competition, but it will only be a part of the global competition, or the previous week. The set points are shortlisted.”

“What does it mean to be shortlisted for points?”

Hearing what Zhang Xunkun said, some students already asked.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun patiently explained: “The global competition first appoints universities in various countries and has the qualifications for initial points, and then the points reach 100 to qualify for the finalists and can participate in the global competition.

The points are obtained by participating students from various schools challenging universities and colleges in other countries.

There are also challenges from other universities and colleges. After both succeed, you can get ten points and 10 points from the failed college.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and said: “In other words, this so-called score is minimised, which is a threshold before participating in the global competition.”

Zhang Xunkun nodded at Jiang Xiaobai, “Not bad!”

Later, after a slight pause, Zhang Xunkun continued: “It is determined by the strength of the university and certified by the people of the Global Competition Alliance.

By the way, this time, there are 15 universities designated by the Global Competition Alliance.

And our school’s initial score is 30 points, and the initial score ranks in the middle of the country, and there is a school in the Imperial Capital of China with an initial score of 40.”

“Isn’t it? Jiangnan Academy is considered to be the top university in our country, and the world can only be in the middle!”

Yuan Yang couldn’t help but sighed.

“What do you think”

Zhou Jia couldn’t help but cast a blank look at Yuan Yang.

Jiang Xiaoxin said slowly: “There are hundreds of countries in the world, and there are thousands of institutions. It can rank in the middle among such a large number of institutions. Jiangnan institutions are already considered very good.”

Zhang Xunkun said: “This is the case, so from this alone, you should see that the competitiveness of the global competition is far more powerful than the competition for hegemony in the universities you have participated in.”

Regarding this point, Jiang Xiaobai is…not too surprised.

After all, if there is no entry line for this global competition, too many participating universities and too complicated, it will cause the competition to be too complicated.

However, the participating universities of various countries are muddy and unclear, and some pheasant universities have mixed into them to simply collect rewards for the competition.

In order to avoid such a situation, the competition is naturally to directly raise the threshold of participation.

After all, the significance of global competitions is definitely not comparable to ordinary competitions.

Even all countries attach great importance to this matter.

Although the entry line is drawn at one hundred points, it seems very easy to achieve, but it is actually not easy.

The positioning of the Global Competition Alliance in China is only fifteen initial points, and most of the universities in China are directly swiped down.In other words, the initial points line alone is extremely high.

To stand out among so many universities, reach one hundred points.

Moreover, this still needs to be fast, once those… slightly weaker academic institutions are wiped out, only the higher-level institutions will be challenged.

For universities with poor strength, one month’s time, even if they have points, they may not be able to stabilize.

After all, it is a global competition, and its rules completely follow the principle of the supremacy of power.

…I don’t give those…the weaker colleges a chance to get lucky! I thought that the global competition was just a half-hearted competition. Unexpectedly, the competition is so fierce that just a shortlist will suppress how many universities.

This difficulty is worthy of a global competition.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but chuckle, “It’s really interesting! It’s hard to think of such a method as a screening condition and threshold.”

Later, while everyone lamented the fierce and cruel global competition, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Xunkun thoughtfully and asked: “Since we have to challenge, students from other universities will also challenge us.”


Zhang Xunkun nodded, this kid was…very smart at the critical moment.

“Xiao Bai, what do you want to say”

Zhou Jia couldn’t help asking.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai explained: “According to the current situation, if you want to successfully obtain the conditions for the competition, you need to keep accumulating points.

And the acquisition of points is no different from active and passive methods. The first is… actively challenging other universities, but in this process, we are bound to be challenged by other schools’ participating teams.”

Later, in the eyes of the surrounding students who had also understood Jiang Xiaobai’s point, Jiang Xiaobai finally summarized it.

“In other words, we have to divide into two groups, one offensive and one defensive, to ensure that the points can grow steadily as much as possible.”

Jiang Xiaobai said seven.


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