Chapter 358 Difficulty (4/5)

In the morning training, Jiang Xiaobai basically sat on the side to pass the time.

But always putting Jiang Xiaobai restrictions aside is obviously not a good thing.

Therefore, in the afternoon, after Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan discussed, Jiang Xiaobai was also doing the same thing as Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan.

At this moment, all the students, including Jiang Xiaoxin, knew what it meant to be uncomfortable.

Just like at this moment, the long knife in Yuan Yang’s hand was swiped, and it was originally swiped quickly at a junior student.

But at this moment, a figure quickly rushed from one side, kicked the student in Yuan Yang’s target with one kick to one side, and then stood in the position of the original student.

The object of Yuan Yang’s weapon attack at this moment also suddenly changed, becoming Jiang Xiaobai.

In an instant, Yuan Yang, holding a big knife in both hands, knelt on the ground so straight.

That feeling, it was on the spot…Yuan Yang couldn’t help but curse.

The same scene is not only for Yuan Yang, but also for others.

During the whole process, everyone’s fighting should not only guard against other students around, but also guard against Jiang Xiaobai’s sudden intrusion.

“I said, if you throw this kid in, will it affect you a little bit?”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai who knelt down 650 again, with a triumphant expression on his face, Jiang Xiaobai pulled back, Xu Yan couldn’t help but ask.

Similarly, Zhao Hanshan, who is staring at the situation in the field, said slowly: “There is a little bit, but this is also good. Jiang Xiaobai is here. I believe these students will come down this week. I will not talk about other places for the time being, but during the battle, there will definitely be one more. Mindful.”

Xu Yan thought about this and thought it was true.

After all, there is only this short week. Given the situation of these students, it is obviously difficult to make a big breakthrough in this time.

Therefore, the main purpose of their joint training at the beginning was not to improve the strength of everyone, but to enhance everyone’s understanding and cooperation and combat response.

And Jiang Xiaobai’s existence is undoubtedly the best spur.

It is even better than Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan’s hands-on effect.

After all, facing Xu Yan and Zhao Hanshan, in the process, they are at most…some injuries.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai solved it with a talent skill.

But if facing Jiang Xiaobai, if you don’t agree, you have to kneel down, and it feels completely different.

It was not until all the students were exhausted that Zhao Hanshan announced that this is the end of the day.

At the moment when Zhao Hanshan announced, all the students in the training room were sitting on the ground and panting.

It was the first day of the gathering, so under the advice of the juniors, it is proposed that these students who participated in the competition on behalf of the school this time should celebrate on the second floor of the cafeteria to deepen mutual understanding.

Youdao is to gather things together, if it is face-to-face…The students who are relatively ordinary in strength or talent, maybe some of them will be a little brave.

Not to mention that the gathered talents are all cutting-edge geniuses.It is just that after a group of people have gained a certain understanding of Jiang Xiaobai today, I am afraid that no one dares to show their arrogance.

After a brief discussion, the group had already agreed to return to their respective residences to wash up.

And Jiang Xiaobai was stayed by Xu Yan.

When there were no other people around, Xu Yan asked in a low voice: “How long are you going to delay the Zhu Huanchun thing, Uncle Zhang has asked me several times.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai said in a huff: “Why are you asking me about this? You didn’t know. I used to take Sister Yuan Yang before, but later you just threw Xiaoxin and Wang Ningxiang to them. I.

It made me so busy before, how can I still have time to take care of that guy”

Hearing Xiaobai said this, Xu Yan’s face was also slightly red.

Xu Yan faced a breakthrough before, so Jiang Xiaobai was asked to temporarily bring Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

After the breakthrough, it was discovered that under the leadership of Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin and others, especially Wang Ningxiang, had made rapid progress, which was even better than the effect of his previous teaching.

Immediately, Xu Yan basically disappeared, and she couldn’t understand the phone call, and she couldn’t answer the text message.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai found out about this matter in person, Xu Yan was also a little embarrassed.

Then he coughed lightly and said, “Then I can’t let this woman stay at Jiangnan University like this all the time. If she stays here for one more day, I feel upset.”

“She’s not your aunt, what’s so upsetting”

Jiang Xiaobai thought speechlessly.

Immediately he said slowly: “Don’t worry! That guy didn’t have a good time some time ago”

“What do you mean?”

Xu Yan asked.

Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth turned lightly and said, “Have you never heard that money can make ghosts drive you?”

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai talked about his actions during this period.

In fact, it is simple, that is… Jiang Xiaobai contacted some sophomore students through Yuan Xiaoning privately, and then used points as compensation to let those students stare at the situation of the students under Zhu Huanchun.

As long as the students under the Zhu Huanchun banner enter the dimensional space, they will follow up, and then grab the blame and interfere.

Anyway, it is to ensure that Zhu Huanchun’s students in private will not receive any money and return without success.

This result also means that the school announced that students were temporarily not allowed to enter the dimensional space until the trial field…, Zhu Huanchun’s students did not even get a star orb from the dimensional space.

Even the tasks received from the school have not been completed.

After more than a month, the more than 20 students under Zhu Huanchun knew that they and others had been targeted, and it was Jiang Xiaobai who targeted them.

But what Jiangnan University talks about is…survival of the fittest.If students are bullied, they can only solve it by themselves, and each tutor cannot intervene without authorization.

And Jiang Xiaobai’s strength has long been made clear, even the sophomore Fang Hanfei was solved by Jiang Xiaobai, I wish Huanchun’s chickens where they dare to find Jiang Xiaobai’s troubles.

According to Jiang Xiaobai’s understanding, the students under Zhu Huanchun have at least the general willingness to apply to the school to change instructors.

The students under his own hands were targeted in this way, and the feeling in Zhu Huanchun’s heart as a mentor can be imagined.Before Zhu Huanchun almost broke his family in order to enter Jiangnan University.

Now the students under her can’t complete the task, and she can’t get points.

Even as a mentor, Zhu Huanchun can explain what it means to be difficult in the past few months.

In the process, when Jiang Xiaobai met Zhu Huanchun, he could almost always feel Zhu Huanchun’s eyes that he could not wait to swallow his sight.

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