Chapter 357 If you make a mistake, you must admit it, if you want to fight, you must stand upright (3/5)

In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and his party entered the training room at the specified time.

Compared to other people, Jiang Xiaobai seems a little lacking in interest.

After training in the previous morning, as the four 44th grade students were fighting alternately, they were familiar with each other accordingly…

After all, they are all from the same school, and those who can be selected to replace the school in the national competition are the top geniuses of each grade.

Naturally, there is no arrogance between each other.

Jiang Xiaoxin and a group of people are…the whole morning is full, Jiang Xiaobai watched for a while, and waited for these to be determined…The talents and skills of the participating students After summarizing the general situation, it just… looks a little boring.

During the process, I can only pass the time with my mobile phone boringly.

In the training set by Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan, the previous time was mainly to understand each other through constant battles between each student, and at the same time, let Zhao Hanshan and Xu Yan understand the situation and problems between each student. Give pointers.

Naturally, in the past few days, this kind of thing has been repeated almost every day.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally couldn’t bring up any interest.

And shortly after entering the training room, He Weihua also entered the training room with a senior student.

When looking at Jiang Xiaobai inside, He Weihua’s expression could not help but change.

After a while, He Weihua gritted his teeth and is already walking towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Noting He Weihua’s movements, Zhou Jia already had Jiang Xiaoxin’s eyes on He Weihua’s body, with a faint sense of guard.

And Jiang Xiaobai also looked at He Weihua with great interest.

As He Weihua walked in front of Jiang Xiaobai, looked at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, and after a moment of indulgence, He Weihua already bowed his head slightly and said, “Student Jiang, I apologize to you for what happened in the morning.”

Seeing He Weihua who bowed slightly at this moment, Zhou Jia and several people looked surprised.

After all, in the morning, when facing Jiang Xiaobai, He Weihua was completely angry.

Normally, after being defeated by Jiang Xiaobai in the morning and ravaged like that, He Weihua should now hate Jiang Xiaobai and look like he will never die.

Being watched by Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and others like this, He Weihua couldn’t help but smile.

After being taken to the infirmary and healed his injuries through the healing talent skills, thinking of being played like Jiang Xiaobai before, the current He Weihua indeed has a murderous heart.

That kind of hatred almost made He Weihua’s face twisted.

It was also when He Weihua was thinking about how to avenge him, this time a senior who was also selected by the school as the participating student found He Weihua.

Then I talked about Jiang Xiaobai’s affairs.

After understanding the effects of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills in those days, He Weihua felt that a basin of ice water was poured directly from his head.

Then I thought about the battle in the morning in detail.

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels in his heart.

Not to mention Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, just to defeat the talent skills issued by Yi Jian in the morning with his bare hands is enough to see that Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is definitely not inferior to him.

If you add those talent skills, you can only be ravaged.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Jiang Xiaobai has just entered Jiangnan University.

Now when he is just a freshman, his strength has already surpassed himself. If it is given to…Jiang Xiaobai in a few years, what height will he grow to be able to enter Jiangnan University at that time, He Weihua obviously does not Maybe like Li Wanji in Yucheng Middle School back then.

I also know that some people can bully at will, but some people can’t offend anything.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaobai is…belongs to the latter.

Therefore, He Weihua can be sure that if this continues, Jiang Xiaobai will really be offended, and his life will not be better in the next year.

And the most important thing is that He Weihua was really shocked by Jiang Xiaobai’s…

Just kidding, let people kneel down, directly control people to pick up flying knives, let people explode locally and kneel and let people call Dad.

Regardless of….

Which one it is, just hearing it is enough to make people feel chills.

Not to mention these…The terrifying talent skills are all concentrated on Jiang Xiaobai alone.

Imagine walking outside in the future, Jiang Xiaobai silently showed himself such a picture of his skills, even just thinking about it is enough to make He Weihua afraid for a while.

Therefore, after a lot of painstaking experience, He Weihua felt that turning the enemy into a jade silk was the best choice for him.

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand upright.

Many times it is… so, impulse is often the product of ignorance.

In the adult world, the only consideration is gains and losses.

At the same time, listening to He Weihua’s apology, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were also a little surprised, as if he was a little surprised by He Weihua’s performance at the moment.

It seems that he felt Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, and He Weihua also slowly raised his head, with sincerity in his eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head slightly, and slightly picked the corners of his mouth.”

This guy, it’s… it’s kind of interesting.”

He Weihua has just entered his senior year, and his age is estimated to be 22, 23.

At this age of motivation, He Weihua can calm down so quickly and take the initiative to admit his mistakes without caring about his face problems.

This mindset alone is already beyond the claws of most of the peers.

Although it is not clear whether He Weihua is really good and sincere, since the other party has taken the initiative to apologize at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai will not hold on.

After smiling lightly, Jiang Xiaobai said slowly: “Look at what the senior student said, I should be embarrassed.”

“I believe you a ghost.”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, He Weihua couldn’t help but think of the scene in the morning when Jiang Xiaobai played with himself completely, in applause.

If it weren’t for Zhao Hanshan’s prevention at the time, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s attitude at the time, it was completely a trend of playing himself alive, and there was a slight embarrassment. If he believed Jiang Xiaobai’s words, He Weihua had a brain problem.

But in the face of Jiang Xiaobai’s words, what can He Weihua say.

After all, after the previous events, where does He Weihua dare to provoke Jiang Xiaobai, he just needs to show his attitude and make sure that Jiang Xiaobai will not have any opinions on him in the future.


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