Chapter 322 Something weird seems to have gotten in (2/5)

After sending out a few guys who were staring at him as if looking at two or five boys out of the dimension space, Jiang Xiaobai estimated in his mind.

After more than an hour of tossing, he has already gotten out about three hundred students from the Magic Capital Military District Academy.

Thinking of this speed, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but shook his head.

It’s a little subtle after all.

It took an hour to toss so many people out.

But Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help it.

After all, before, Jiang Xiaobai only needed to take care of a few people from Jiang Xiaoxin.

But this time, I also need to consider those in the dimensional space… the students of Jiangnan University can’t let go of themselves at all.

But now, this time the level of dimensional creatures in the meta-space has almost reached the sixth level of the Stardust Realm.

Under this circumstance, the number of students who can persist is very small.

Before, Jiang Xiaobai was able to find some students from the Magic City Academy in a minute or two.

But just now, after swaying for about ten minutes, only a few unlucky ones were found.

After thinking about it, he flicked his hand and hammered a dimensional creature, and was so scared that the others around who looked at the body on the ground were half of the smashed body, and quickly wailed and turned around and ran away.

The longbow lifted lightly, and after solving the dimensional creatures that wanted to escape, Jiang Xiaobai had already turned and left in the direction where Jiang Xiaoxin and the others were.

It was said before that a few people would meet once ten minutes apart.

But this time, the time has passed so long, but Jiang Xiaoxin and others are still missing.

With Da Ha, Da Ha can determine his position as long as he is within a radius of five miles.

Naturally, the only possibility is that Jiang Xiaoxin is in trouble now.

In fact, it is exactly what Jiang Xiaobai thought.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Xiaoxin’s trio 3, they were already surrounded by five students from the Magic Capital Military District Academy.

If it is an ordinary student, with the strength of Jiang Xiaoxin’s three people 3, he can quickly solve it directly.

But among the five people, three of them 3 were the three former students who were originally recruited by Zhang Xunkun, but were eventually poached by Wei Xuehai.

Jiang Xiaoxin’s trio 3 During the recent period, although under Jiang Xiaobai’s training and the Awakener’s potion, their levels are like rockets, they have entered the fourth floor of the Stardust Realm in just over a month.

But at this moment, among the five people around, the worst-level ones have reached the fourth level of the Stardust Realm, and the three Anti-Bone Cubs have even reached the sixth level of the Stardust Realm.

If it weren’t for this more than a month of training, I’m afraid to face the five opponents at the same time5, and Jiang Xiaoxin’s three people3 are afraid that they will lose if they last less than a minute.

“Frost falls.


It was also at this time that Jiang Xiaoxin on the other side suddenly said.

In the next moment, as the star power in Jiang Xiaoxin’s body was filled, Jiang’s body slowly vacated, and a piece of white silk quickly became a piece of snow, even Jiang Xiaobai’s piece became a piece of snow.

Noting the surrounding situation, these students were shocked in their hearts, and quickly moved away from each other.

Almost at the moment when a few people retreated and pulled away, with Jiang Xiaoxin as the center, the surrounding area of ​​ten meters was quickly covered by blood blossoms and ice crystals.

The snowflakes, which were light and fluttering like feathers, were like sharp swords and swept toward the opposite person.

“Tu Miluo”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, the person opposite was shocked and hurriedly shook the long knife in his hand.

The next moment, the rocks above the ground surging, directly gathered in the air into a three-meter-high native, and directly blocked those… after the snowflakes in the sky, this native also turned into Lifelike ice crystals.

At the same time, at the moment this native turned into an ice crystal, dozens of sword blades that were continuously rotating as if they fell off were slashed through the air.

The sword blade directly cut this native man into pieces like a divine tool for cutting gold and breaking jade, and then rushed towards the awakened ones behind.

And Yuan Yang’s body didn’t know when it had already jumped high in the air.The big knife in his hand touched the ground, and a sharp barb had already spread out from the ground quickly.

Seeing this scene, the student from the Magic Capital Military District Academy on the opposite side hurriedly ran his talent skills to resist these attacks.

At the same time, this season’s Mingguang students are constantly scolding in their hearts.

They didn’t expect that Jiang Xiaoxin’s three people were only on the fourth floor of the Stardust Realm.

Even if they have the advantage in terms of number and level, they can’t take the three people on the opposite side for so long, not to mention, several times in the middle, they almost capsized because of the other’s powerful talent skills.

It’s like now, facing the woman on the opposite… who can control ice and snow, they don’t dare to touch them at all.

Up to now, several minutes have passed, but instead they have a feeling of being crushed and beaten.


Suddenly, just as Jiang Xiaoxin fell on the ground and was already raising the longbow in her hand to pluck the arrow, Daha on Jiang Xiaoxin’s shoulder suddenly yelled and turned her head to look in a certain direction.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin quickly turned her head, and in her sight, a figure was already fast from far to near.

Glancing at the longbow in the other’s hand and the familiar figure, Jiang Xiaoxin’s mouth is already showing a smile.

Similarly, the figure in the distance was noticed by others in the field.

When looking at the boy who was wearing the same school uniform as himself and others and approaching quickly, the Magic Capital Military District Academy got a lot of joy on the faces.

One of the students from the Magic City Military District Academy…opened his mouth and prepared to ask this person to help.

However, just when this talent had just spoken before spitting out the following words.

“Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff”

In the next second, several abnormal noises appeared one after another.

The parts of these five people exploded almost at the same time, and a blood arrow was shot out from the local positions of the few people.

Under the local anomaly, the five people 5 couldn’t help making noises one after another.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!”

Several people from Jiang Xiaoxin: “Towels”

Freshmen of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy: “”

But these five voices echoed in the sky one after another, no matter…

It was Jiang Xiaoxin or the Magic Capital Military District Academy who couldn’t help her face becoming stiff.

It feels like something weird has gotten in.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was already only a dozen meters away from the crowd, listened to this obviously strange sound at the moment, and his body that was moving forward quickly couldn’t help but pause.

After that, his gaze shifted, looking at one of his companions whose faces were still faintly rippling with a sense of inexplicable pleasure, the expressions of the few people were a little bit stunned.

And being stared at by a crowd of people, only then did you say “Yeah”

The student of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy who was whispering blushed inexplicably, as if he was a little bit ashamed.

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