Chapter 321 Suddenly, the style of painting is a little wrong (1/5)

In the dimensional space, all the students of the two schools are now thinking about how to fight or how to kick the opponent’s school out of the game.

No one would have thought that during this process, there was an undercover who stirred up the wind and rain in this meta-space, and a lot surrounded by dead trees. At this moment, several freshmen from Jiangnan University are struggling to deal with it. Looking at the dimensional creature in front of him.

Up to now, those…low-level dimensional creatures that existed in this dimensional space were almost killed by every student.

Almost all the dimensional creatures that remained to the present were relatively high-level dimensional creatures.

Just like now, these Jiangnan University freshmen are facing a dimensional creature of the fifth layer of the Stardust Realm.

Among the five freshmen from Jiangnan University, the one with the highest level of strength is only the second level of the Stardust Realm, and there are even two students with ninth-level star mechanics.

If it is an ordinary student, facing such a fierce beast, I am afraid that it has already been unable to hold on and left.

However, these Jiangnan University freshmen are relatively hard-spirited, even if they are injured, they are still fighting.

However, these freshmen from Jiangnan University did not notice at all.In the 11 weeds that were only about five meters away from a few people, there were two pairs of eyes staring at them.

The costume he was wearing was the costume of the Magic Capital Military District Academy.

“Hey, these Jiangnan University guys are really ruthless, even if they do, they still insist.”

“Isn’t this better? Wait until they and the dimension creature are both defeated, when we suddenly start to kill the dimension creature first, and then we can easily kick these Jiangnan University people out of the game.”

“Yes, it happened to be a class for these Jiangnan University students, knowing what is called the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.”

… “The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and it is really appropriate.”

But just as the two were talking in low voices, another voice suddenly sounded behind them.

Hearing the voice from behind, the two students of the Magic Capital Military District Academy turned their heads in surprise and quickly.

When the two turned their heads, they happened to see a boy squatting behind them with his face covered.

But when they looked at this person’s clothes that were exactly the same as their own, the two men couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’m Cao, brother, you are too scary, I thought it was from Jiangnan University!”

“Just…, buddy, when did you come?”

Listening to the questions of the two, Jiang Xiaobai, who was covering his face, responded, “I came just when you announced and discussed how to steal the blame.”

Hearing this, one of them smiled and said: “It just so happens that the people from Jiangnan University over there are about to end. Wait a minute: Brothers will do it with us.”

“I think you might not be able to do it”

Jiang Xiaobai said.

The student who spoke before chuckled and said, “How could it be possible that there are two people who are still a little dangerous? Now that we add you to three people, isn’t it?”

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were sincere and said: “No, we are not all along the way.”

“You’re not all the way, brother”

The student didn’t understand Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction.

However, without waiting for him to continue to inquire, the few Jiangnan students in the field also jointly wounded this dimensional creature in place, and they were only one step away from being able to complete the kill.

Seeing this, the student didn’t even bother to continue inquiring at all, and directly screamed.

“Hands on”

At the moment the sound was uttered, the two students were already slightly arched, and one foot was severely stepped on the ground.

But the next moment, when the two students were already ready to rush out like cheetahs, their two hands suddenly protruded, and then they directly grabbed their ankles one left and the other right.

Under this resistance, the two who had been preparing to release themselves and rushed out instantly staggered and then slammed to the ground.

After that, before the two of them could react, they felt a feeling of weightlessness coming from the clouds.

“Ah! Ah!”

Immediately afterwards, the two of them were slammed on the ground with Jiang Xiaobai directly clasping their ankles in the air and couldn’t help but scream.

The news here spread, and the few people at Jiangnan University were also shocked, and they quickly turned their heads to look at them.

But when looking at the grass not far away from a student wearing the uniform of the Magic City Military Region Academy, and two other students from the Magic City Military Region Academy like sandbags, these people from Jiangnan University slid to the ground after a thousand. They couldn’t help staying where they were.

“Uh, what’s the situation over there? That’s the three 3 Magic Capital Military Region Academy members who started their own hands.”

“How do I know, but when did these three guys come? We didn’t notice it at all.”

….. In the stupefaction on Jiangnan University, after smashing the two students from the Magic Capital Military District Academy to the ground a few times.

It was Jiang Xiaobai who dragged one hand and slowly walked out of the grass as the two students from the Magic Capital Military Region Academy suffered multiple fractures and lost their combat effectiveness.

“Why, why”

Being dragged by Jiang Xiaobai’s feet on the ground, a student forcibly endured the pain and confusion in his body and asked Jiang Xiaobai.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, “I forgot to tell you that I am an undercover agent.”

“Undercover, undercover”

After receiving Jiang Xiaobai’s answer, the eyes of the two students couldn’t help but burst.

“You 310 are from Jiangnan University”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and smiled: “Is it unexpected, I am surprised or surprised”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai who was already smiling and bending his eyes, the two couldn’t help but curse in their hearts.

“I am pleasantly surprised that you are paralyzed! This is a freshman assessment, and it is not Infernal Affairs. How dare you and he play an undercover game and still dare not… want a little face?”

I don’t know if they were so angry at this scene, the two students fainted directly after shaking their bodies.

Several students from Jiangnan University were completely dumbfounded when they watched this scene.

But don’t wait: these freshmen spoke, Jiang Xiaobai has already knocked the two students from the Magic Capital Military Region College down in front of a few people. ”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai’s several vertical leaps have already moved away quickly.

After waiting until Jiang Xiaobai’s figure disappeared from sight, these Jiangnan University students looked at the two on the ground who had passed out.

Thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s previous identity revealed in his words, he couldn’t help but twitched his mouth, and some thoughts were inexplicable: “Now that the competition between schools is so strong, even the undercover is coming out”

The other people looked at each other, and they also looked a little weird.

I always feel that this time the assessment, it seems that suddenly, the style of painting is a bit wrong.


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