Chapter 315 Can I touch your baby? (4/5)

After a moment of indulgence, looking at Wei Xuehai, who was holding the Grade Awakener’s potion in front of him, Zhang Xunkun said slowly: “Heh, it seems that President Wei is really confident in the people of your school!”

Wei Xuehai smiled and said, “That’s natural. After all, we are the Magic Capital Military District Academy.”

There was a faint sense of superiority in the words and alluding to Jiangnan University as a branch campus of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy.

Afterwards, seeing Zhang Xukun never responding, Wei Xuehai continued: “Why is it just for fun? Does President Zhang dare not or is your school already suffering from such a shortage?”

Awakener’s potion, the higher the price, the higher the price:

A potion for the first-level awakened, its value is more than dozens of times higher than that of the first-level awakened.

Only the current branch level “Seven Nine, Seven”

The awakening potions are no less valuable than the thousands of first-level awakening potions before.

Even those who are awakened in the late stage of the Galaxy Realm like Zhang Xunkun and Wei Xuehai, it is not easy to get one.

Now it was taken out by the opponent in the name of a bet.

Zhang Xunkun will not know what purpose he is holding.

Listening to Wei Xuehai’s radical words, Zhang Xunkun’s face was sullen, and after taking a deep breath, Zhang Xunkun said solemnly, “Okay, a potion for the first-class Awakener, this bet, I should come down.”

Even though he said that, Zhang Xunkun’s expression and hesitating expression seemed to hold back without a hint of confidence.

This made the smile on Wei Xuehai’s face even more intense.

However, Wei Xuehai couldn’t see it.As Zhang Xunkun turned his head and looked to the side, the gloom and rage on his original face disappeared without a trace, and what appeared instead was a kind of weasel’s cunning and secret joy of stealing a chicken.

At this moment, Zhang Xunkun suddenly understood why Jiang Xiaobai always liked to dig holes and then let people jump in.

This kind of superiority stemming from IQ is simply not too good.

…In the dimensional space, with more than an hour of continuous time, almost every twenty minutes in the middle, some spatial cracks will appear, and then the higher-level dimensional creatures will be compared to the previous ones. Will be thrown in.

In the originally barren and cold dimensional space, it seems to be rejuvenated.

In it, the low roars of some dimensional creatures full of violent aura echoed continuously.

And in this more than an hour, the level of dimensional creatures invested in the meta-space this time has reached the level of the fourth level of the Stardust Realm.

According to the estimates of Jiang Xiaobai and others, I am afraid of those new students, even if they spontaneously form a team after entering the dimensional space, I am afraid that most of the astral mechanics are already forced to end this assessment.

“Hey, it’s weird why it took so long. Except for some people from the school, I didn’t meet any of the people from the Magic City Military District Academy.”

Walking in this hill, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but murmured.

“Perhaps because the teleportation is relatively far and for most of the new students, as far as these…The strength of the dimensional creatures is already a bit tired, where can you dare to go around? Rushing around”

Yuan Yang thought for a while, and felt right.

After all, regardless of Jiangnan University or the Magic Capital Military Command College, the conditions for enrolling students during the college entrance examination are only ninth-level star mechanics apprentices.

The dimensional creatures in it started from the first level of the Stardust Realm, and for ordinary students, the pressure is indeed not small.

In this way, a few people were walking behind Jiang Xiaobai who was teasing the dog while chatting.

Suddenly, behind a weed about five meters to the right of a few people, a sparse sound suddenly came.

When several people turned their heads to look to the right, a girl in the costume of the Demon’s Military District Academy had already walked out from one side.

He has a round face and looks exceptional, but his height is only about 1.4 meters:

In general, it looks like a little girl who looks only eleven or twelve years old.

It’s just that the little girl looks a bit strange in her posture.

Raise both hands as if carrying something on his shoulders.

But when the little girl walked out of the bushes behind and looked at the 1.5-meter-long knife on her shoulder, who was 1.4 meters tall, Jiang Xiaobai fell silent.

Can you imagine a picture of a cute little Loli appearing in front of you carrying a knife bigger than himself, Jiang Xiaobai and others never thought of 0… so… ,Regardless of….

Whether it was Jiang Xiaobai or Yuan Yang, their eyelids twitched fiercely.

However, after taking a closer look at this little Loli, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought of the information that he saw in Zhang Xunkun’s office last night…

The photo of one of the people with a relatively superior strength level unexpectedly overlaps with the little Loli in front of him.

According to the information above, the little girl in front of her is called Chu Nuan, who is on the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm, and is taking the line of force warfare.

However, in the information last night, there was only an ID photo above the neck, and things like height would obviously not appear on the information.

Therefore, looking at Chu Nun in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai’s mind quietly came up with a thought.

“Legal Loli.”

According to the information above, this Chu Nuan has reached the age of eighteen, and is completely adult.

But the eighteen-year-old Chu Nuan is as long as an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

Regardless of….

It is placed anywhere, it is absolutely rare like a giant panda! Similarly, after Jiang Xiaobai reacted to know the identity of Chu Nun, the three of Jiang Xiaoxin 3 also thought of Chu Nun’s identity.

0 at a time.

3, the three of 3 expressions are a little nervous.

At the same time, when Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were on the Chu Nun who was on the opposite side, the other party’s eyes were also swept on Jiang Xiaobai, and their attention was refocused on Jiang Xiaobai.

After a bit of hesitation appeared on that cute little face, Chu Nuan slowly walked to Jiang Xiaobai with a knife larger than her own.

Perhaps Chu Nuan’s appearance is too deceptive.Even if the other party is a student of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, Jiang Xiaobai rarely did not do it directly, but quietly looked at what the other party wanted to do.

After Chu Nuan walked to Jiang Xiaobai’s side, she raised her head slightly and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, “Um…, can I touch your baby?”

Jiang Xiaobai: “”

Three Jiang Xiaoxin 3: “”


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