Chapter 314 Take the initiative to send yourself to the fat sheep (3/5)

Next to the Dimensional Space Gate, a Jiangnan University staff member said: “This Dimensional Space Gate has been blessed by the machine, so it changes its transmission position every minute.

In order to ensure the fairness of this assessment, each school takes turns to cross over 100 people to enter.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but look at this machine that included the dimensional space door, and his expression was full of surprise.

I have to say that since entering Jiangnan University, many things have not been touched by Jiang Xiaobai before.

The artificial control creates the constantly changing location of the dimensional space gate.The ability to do this alone is enough to see how much Jiangnan University spends…energy and material resources for the annual assessment.

Seeing that the students in front had already begun to line up and quickly stepped into the dimensional space gate, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt something wrong.

Immediately he turned his head slightly, just to meet Xu Miaomiao, who was looking at him sternly.

Watching Jiang Xiaobai look at him, Xu Miaomiao glanced at the students in front of him, and walked slowly to Jiang Xiaobai.

Then the voice was slightly lowered: “Last time I let you take advantage of the loopholes, this time I didn’t have such luck.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai squinted at Xu Miaomiao.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly said: “In other words, I don’t think you should be Xu Miaomiao, but Xu Jingjing.”

Suddenly, inexplicably, such a sentence came, Xu Miaomiao couldn’t help but a puzzled look appeared on his face, “What do you mean?”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “It can be seen that people who want to come to your family think that you may be short of water in the five elements is the name of Miao Miao, but I think you are not short of water in the five elements, but the five elements are lacking. Jing matches you better.”

This has just been said, and a freshman next to a few people can’t help but “pouch”

There was a laugh.

Then, feeling Xu Miaomiao’s angry eyes, the freshman coughed slightly, as if he was a little embarrassed and said: “I’m sorry, I didn’t hold it back for a while, you continue.”

Withdrawing his attention, when Xu Miaomiao looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his fist was already tightly clenched, and the veins on it were rising, showing the anger in Xu Miaomiao’s heart at the moment.

After a few seconds, Xu Miaomiao said cruelly: “Okay, very good, surnamed Jiang, you’d better pray not to meet me in the assessment, otherwise, I can guarantee that you will definitely regret what you did to me before.”

After speaking, Xu Miaomiao walked away angrily.

For…Xu Miaomiao, a guy who can be abused by flipping his hands, Jiang Xiaobai feels like a waste of time even looking at it.

After about ten minutes, after more than half of the people entered the dimensional space, Jiang Xiaobai followed up.

When he stepped into the dimensional space gate, Jiang Xiaobai had already stepped into the dimensional space behind his eyes.

The first thing the surrounding scenery gives Jiang Xiaobai is desolation.

There are deserted hills everywhere, and withered trees without a leaf stand, as if they have not been swayed for thousands of years.

It is different from the past…After entering the dimensional space, you can smell a strong bloody breath. Around here, the air is exuding a kind of sultry heat like the desert, even a single sound can be heard.

The entire space is filled with an inexplicable aura of dilapidation.

“Xiao Bai, how do you say”

After scanning the surrounding environment, Yuan Yang already asked aloud.

After looking at the other students around… Jiang Nan University students, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly, “I’ll talk about it later.”

Immediately afterwards, while others were still looking at their surroundings, Jiang Xiaobai had already chosen a direction and left quickly.

Waiting until Jiang Xiaobai and others have crossed a distance of several thousand meters, except for…withered trees and weeds, when no one student can be seen, a feeling of shock suddenly came from the whole. Emerging in the dimensional space.

In the next moment, in Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight, there were already several dimensional cracks emerging out of thin air.

After that, a dimensional creature that was only equivalent to the first layer of the Stardust Realm had quickly drilled out of these cracks.

However, in less than 30 seconds, there were already a dozen silver-level dimensional creatures flooding the surrounding area, and bloodthirsty eyes were directed at Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

Glancing at these…After a short pause, they rushed towards them one after another…The dimensional creature, Jiang Xiaobai continued to tease his arms. Daha waved his hand.

0 Since entering the Stardust Realm, Jiang Xiaobai has…had discovered that if he wants to obtain achievement points by a large margin, he can only find dimensional creatures or awakened ones with a level much higher than himself.

And like these… but the dimensional creatures at the first level of the Stardust Realm, every time they hit their own talent skills, they can only bring about ten achievement points, it is simply It’s so pitiful.

Therefore, for… these… dimensional creatures, Jiang Xiaobai really can’t give birth to hands-on interest.

With the current strength of Jiang Xiaoxin’s three daughters, if you want to deal with these…The dimensional creatures at the first level of the Stardust Realm, don’t be too simple.

Even facing a dozen of them, it didn’t even take a minute.

… Gazing at the dimensional cracks that slowly disappeared over there, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jiang Xiaoxin who was around and said slowly: “Walk around first, wait for almost These…The strength of the dimensional creature has reached the fifth level of the Stardust Realm: Let’s do it again.”

At the same time, in the trial field.

After the first wave of dimensional creatures were successfully invested, Wei Xuehai suddenly turned his head to Zhang Xukun and said: “I don’t know whether President Zhang knew that the two schools suddenly appeared in a bet about the results of this assessment.”

Zhang Xunkun turned his eyes slightly and couldn’t help wondering what Wei Xuehai meant when he suddenly asked this question, but Zhang Xunkun responded with a chuckle: “Know a little bit, I don’t care much about the small squabbles among the students.”

Hearing this, Wei Xuehai smiled and said: “Even the students in our two schools are betting, it is better to bet on the pleasure of the two of us.”

Saying, don’t wait: Zhang Xunkun speaks, Wei Xuehai has already said to himself: “In this way, I will take a grade Awakener’s potion as a bet, and bet that the students of the Magic City Academy can take the lead in this assessment. I don’t know President Zhang. Dare to respond.”

Zhang Xunkun looked at the Grade Awakened Potion in Wei Xuehai’s hand, then looked at Wei Xuehai, who had a shoehorn face, but with a somewhat seemingly unsmiling face at the corner of his mouth, which looked even more ugly.

At this moment, Zhang Xukun’s eyes changed a little when he looked at Wei Xuehai.

It’s like the fat sheep who took the initiative to send himself to his mouth.

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