Chapter 300 Not that they are stupid, but because the enemy is too treacherous (4/5)

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to earn a point, and then he relaxed his consumption when he was at Jiangnan University.

But how can I think that Zhang Xukun would come to himself like this, and directly exclude himself from the students and prevent him from participating.

After a daze, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being dissatisfied: “Why, I’m not a freshman”

Originally, I heard that Zhang Xukun asked one person to come out alone without attending, and the surrounding freshmen were scanning left and right to see who Zhang Xunkun said Jiang Xiaobai was.

Now when I heard Jiang Xiaobai speak, all eyes were placed on Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

But it looks “normal”

Except that the scarlet milk dog in her arms looked cute, she didn’t feel any big deal either.

On the audience stage, watching Jiang Xiaobai’s “Seven Five Seven” with a stubborn face on his neck underneath his neck

, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help rubbing his temples.

From Xu Yan, Zhang Xunkun already knew that Jiang Xiaobai had directly rushed to the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm in just over a month with the medicines he had obtained.

Others don’t know, how could he not know whether Jiang Xiaobai alone or when he was on the first level of the Stardust Realm alone, the bursting strength was faintly comparable to the ordinary Awakeners on the first level of the Stardust Realm.

Not to mention entering the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm now.

The strength can be imagined.

I’m afraid that even the awakened people on the third level of the ordinary Galaxy Realm may not be able to make Jiang Xiaobai.

In the Galaxy Realm, even in the sophomore year, none of the students reached this level.

Even those who are now in the sophomore year………the top ten of the whole year, the strength that can burst out, it is estimated that they may not be able to catch up with Jiang Xiaobai.

This time, Zhang Xunkun’s 100 students were obviously worse.

Deal with those… Ordinary freshmen.

If you throw Jiang Xiaobai in, you can imagine the result.

I’m afraid that with Jiang Xiaobai’s talents and skills, these 100 sophomores can live a life of doubt.

Therefore, when he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai below, Zhang Xunkun didn’t have a good temper: “Don’t talk nonsense, throw you in, this game won’t have to be played, and it’s equivalent to giving you a thousand points for free, be honest, and play.”

Treat it differently….

It is everywhere.

If Jiang Xiaobai is not treated differently, many things will not be able to go to war at all.

Listening to Zhang Xunkun’s words, the surrounding freshmen and sophomores over there obviously felt that Zhang Xunkun had known Jiang Xiaobai before.

And the tone of this familiarity is obviously equal to the two.

But after a while, most of the freshmen around were unconvinced, and so did some students who had just entered the sophomore year.

Just now Zhang Xunkun’s words, thousands of eyes are gathered on Jiang Xiaobai’s body, obviously with doubts, shock and dissatisfaction.

In their opinion, their own strength may not be better than Jiang Xiaobai. Why can Jiang Xiaobai be valued and treated differently in this way…The freshmen who entered Jiangnan University have long been accustomed to it. The radiance among the peers was so bright that all eyes were focused on him.

All the brilliance at this moment was taken away by Jiang Xiaobai alone because of Zhang Xunkun’s few words.

Let me ask…How can the proud man of heaven be able to withstand Jiang Xiaobai’s side? Also with a little smile.

“Hey, Xiaobai, you also have today! It looks like you can’t do the next thing.”

Yuan Yang, who was too lazy to betray and gloat, stared at Zhang Xunkun above, feeling the surrounding… various emotions in his sight, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly moved in his heart.

Then, after waiting for a few seconds, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: “Uncle Zhang, I know you are for my good, and I don’t want me to be injured in the battle, but no matter what, I am also a freshman at Jiangnan University. If you leave me alone If you don’t participate in the battle on one side, this is tantamount to favoritism. After all, it’s not good for your reputation. I can’t do that.”

Zhang Xunkun: “”

On the audience stage, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who said this with a sincere expression on his face below, the question mark on Zhang Xunkun’s face seemed to be caused by Jiang Xiaobai’s so much to make it unresponsive.

Xu Yan at the back glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was full of voice and emotion.

But through Xu Yan’s understanding of Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Xunkun always felt that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t hold back any good ideas…. Immediately he said in a deep voice: “Don’t be fooling around, hurry to the side.”

This is what I said, the surrounding…The freshman and sophomore students of Jiangnan University are more certain, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Xunkun may have an unusual relationship.

Facing Zhang Xunkun’s words, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said with a solemn expression: “Uncle Zhang, if you let me leave under such a name, it is tantamount to saying this… The sophomore seniors are not as strong as me.

What do you make them think? After all, everyone is a genius from all corners of the world, and there is a resilience in my heart. Today you let me leave, what do you make these classmates think. Therefore, in any case, this time I fight. You have to participate so that you can show the fairness and fairness of Jiangnan University’s treatment of students.”

“Well said, classmate Jiang, I support you.”

After Jiang Xiaobai’s words fell, there was already a student among the freshmen who couldn’t help but shout.

This loud shout was like a fuse, and other students also praised Jiang Xiaobai’s actions at this moment.

Even the old sophomore at Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but nodded secretly when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Even the eyes of the surrounding students looking at Jiang Xiaobai changed.

From the previous hostility to the current Xin 5.

1 reward.

Yuan Yang, who was still speaking a cool word next to him before, looked at the transformation of the students around him, and was already dumbfounded.

I never thought that Jiang Xiaobai’s simple words would have caused these students in the field to have such a change.

A few seconds later, Yuan Yang couldn’t help turning his head and smelling Zhou Jia in a low voice.

Yuan Yang pondered for a moment, and said “stupid”

Replaced by “simple”

Two words.

Hearing this, Zhou Jia pondered for a while and looked at Jiang Xiaobai next to him. She couldn’t help but sighed: “It’s not that they are stupid, but because the enemy is too treacherous.”

: The problem of chapter chaos has been solved. It took a long time before, tangled, and today I have to stay up all night again.

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