Chapter 299 The fat to the mouth is all flying away (3/5)

Although it is a dormitory, Jiangnan University has the worst living environment, but it is the top university in the country.

Therefore, the rooms in this dormitory are completely single rooms like hotels.

It’s just a lot smaller in terms of space.

Calculating, plus the toilet, it only looks like more than twenty flat.

And although the furniture in the room is clean, it is inevitably a bit old.

After taking Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Yang into his dormitory, Yuan Xiaoning turned and left to take Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia to the place where the female students lived.

When he came before, Jiang Xiaobai had already contacted Yuan Xiaoning.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai also knows that Yuan Xiaoning has also been frequently circulating in various dimensional spaces to complete the tasks in the school as much as possible to continuously improve his strength.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai can only press the restlessness in his heart.

Those who can enter Jiangnan University are all geniuses in various places.

In addition, everyone knows through the introduced seniors that they know that the place they live now is not their fixed residence in the future.

Therefore, there are very few people who have made friends all over the world after entering the school, like the ones in the previous life… Ordinary universities.

Almost walking in the aisle, like a stranger, the atmosphere is cold and stiff.

Jiang Xiaobai and others were originally stuck on the last day to report, so before that…we were told by Xu Yan about the gathering of freshmen in the school the next day.

The next day, after a few people ate breakfast and strolled around slowly, they rushed to the playground.

In the process, Jiang Xiaobai just… noticed some strange phenomena.

That is, some groups of people are looking at it…the old school students are also walking toward the No. 1 playground.

In the process, the eyes of these veteran students kept on those…the new students who were alone, with obvious teasing in their eyes.

In the process, Jiang Xiaobai even heard something like “This year, it is finally our turn to bully these freshmen.”


When Jiang Xiaobai arrived, the playground was already clearly divided into two arrays.

There are almost a hundred old students on one side, and the new students standing on Jiang Xiaobai’s side on the other side.

And on the audience stage at the front of the playground, there are leaders and mentors of a group of schools.

Zhang Xunkun, Xu Yan, and Zhu Huanchun are all on the list.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, following a man with a Chinese character face on the audience stage on the playground and his face full of awe .”

The sound is transmitted through the star power, and it is clearly transmitted to the ears of all the students on the playground.

Moreover, when the opponent used the star power, the fluctuation of the star power on his body completely made Jiang Xiaobai unable to see the level, and it was a bit richer than Xu Yan.

It is very likely that he has also stepped into the Star Awakening.

Hearing the voice of the man on the stage, the freshmen below all reacted quickly, and then quickly stood up to each other.

After all the students stand neatly, the last leader will come on stage.

After the usual praise and affirmation of the nonsense that a group of freshmen can enter Jiangnan University, the leader who walked through the scenes stepped back and switched to step forward.

After a soft cough, Zhang Xunkun already said softly: “Hello, introduce yourself, I am the vice president of Jiangnan University, Zhang Xunkun, because the old principal has something.

Please, so I will preside over this new year’s ceremony.”

After a brief introduction, Zhang Xukun already said slowly: “I want to come to all the students from the reception of the old students or other people to know, tomorrow, you will have an assessment from our school. .

I don’t care how genius you used to be in your own places, in Jiangnan University, the last thing you lack is genius.

Where there are people, there are three, six, nine grades, even Jiangnan University is no exception, so this time the assessment determines your treatment in Jiangnan University, and also determines your status in this freshman class.

I believe that the importance of this can be easily understood with your intelligence.”

Zhang Xunkun at this moment is not as casual as Jiang Xiaobai felt in colleges and universities across the country.

There is a sense of majesty and solemnness all over the body.

While speaking, even if it was a few meters away, the freshmen below could clearly feel the pressure from Zhang Xukun.

After some explanations, Zhang Xunkun said: “As a traditional habit of Jiangnan University, today, in addition to…welcome new students, it also allows new students to understand that they are in school. identity.

Therefore, next, there will be a small game.

I believe that everyone has already noticed these next…100 students, they are sophomores who are one year higher than you.

0 The following small game is…, you one thousand people 100 deal with the hundred sophomores. Once you can beat a sophomore in the process, then those who defeat these students will be able to gain extra 10 points until ten.”

“10 points and 10 points”

Listening to what Zhang Xunkun said, all the new students below are all bright.

In Jiangnan University, ten points and 10 points are equivalent to what concept.

To put it simply, a first-class silver star pearl is only equivalent to two points in Jiangnan University.

If you change the ordinary silver star orb, ten points and 10 points are enough to redeem an ordinary silver ninth-level star orb.

…If you are a freshman in another school, when you learn that you are going to fight against an old student, even if the person is dozens of times ahead, I am afraid that it will be timid.

But who can enter Jiangnan University is not the proud child of heaven, and his heart is filled with arrogance.

There are even arrogant students.

Therefore, even if they learned that the other party was one year older than themselves, these students not only did not have the slightest worry, but also had a sense of excitement.

Among this newcomer, Jiang Xiaobai is even more brilliant.

One hundred sophomores, if all resolved, it would be…one thousand points and 1 point.

These 1,000 points and 1 point are already enough to redeem a Grade Awakener potion again.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s view, this is all fat delivered to the door! Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai can’t help but “hey”

With a laugh, he looked at all the old students over there, and their eyes were full of excitement.

However, just when Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his hands and looked excited.

Zhang Xukun on the stage turned his eyes and directly locked Jiang Xiaobai below.

Noting the joy on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, Zhang Xunkun’s face went dark.

Then, with a tone of voice, he said with a bit of helplessness: “Jiang Xiaobai, you come out, this time you don’t have to participate in the game.”

After a while, there was an uproar from all the students below.

Jiang Xiaobai’s face suddenly stiffened when he heard this, and suddenly he felt that the fat in his mouth was flying away.

: After thinking about this chapter for a long time, in the end I still awakened and eliminated those…the old clichés that the students knew and acted like in the university…The plot, it is good to go directly to the topic, so as not to pave the way for everyone Feel the water for a long time.


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