Chapter 266 As long as you don’t die, you can do whatever I want (5/5)

Being stared at by Jiang Xiaobai like this, Yuan Yang couldn’t help shaking.

“I’m going, Xiaobai, don’t look at me like this, I’m panicking.”

Jiang Xiaobai patted Yuan Yang’s head angrily and said, “What nonsense, your old sister will come over and ask me to take good care of you.”

“take care of me”

Yuan Yang’s eyes lit up, “This can be there.”

During this period of time, Yuan Yang fully realized the principle of eating meat with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai patted Yuan Yang on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just the relationship between the two of us, let alone the senior sister. Even if you don’t say it, you will definitely take care of you.”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai like this, I don’t know why, Yuan Yang always feels something is wrong.

It wasn’t that there was something wrong with what Jiang Xiaobai said, but the look in his own eyes, which was inexplicably weird, which made Yuan Yang puzzled.

Therefore, with this strange feeling, Yuan Yang asked “Then what, can I ask how you plan to take care of me”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “It’s very simple, first set a small goal for you, such as directly entering the Stardust Realm within a month.”

“Enter the Stardust Realm in a month”

Yuan Yang’s mouth twitched fiercely.

If it is normal, there will be a reward for winning the 07 this time, plus the benefits of Zhang Xukun from Jiangnan University who give Jiang Xiaobai the lead and the trade from Xu Yan.

In the next three months, Yuan Yang, Jiang Xiaoxin, and Zhou Jia will definitely be able to enter the Stardust Realm, and even greater improvements are possible.

But to enter the Stardust Realm within a month, Yuan Yang’s absolute pressure is not ordinary.

“One month, it’s a bit difficult!”

Yuan Yang asked weakly.

Jiang Xiaobai patted Yuan Yang on the shoulder with a kind smile. “Don’t worry, say that one month is only one month. If you can’t do it, more than a day, I will interrupt one of your legs, and then I will heal you again until you Enter the position of the Stardust Realm.”

Hearing this, Yuan Yang couldn’t help shaking his body again and again, looking at Jiang Xiaobai in horror, “I’m going, it’s so cruel, is there any mistake?”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “Fortunately, reaching the Stardust Realm, this is only the first step, trust me, there must be a way to continuously spur you.”

Thinking of the effects of Jiang Xiaobai’s talented skills, and thinking of those before…Wang Wenjie and others who were defeated by Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

If these skills are used on himself, just thinking about the scene, Yuan Yang is full of cold.

Immediately, after swallowing, Yuan Yang said with a dry smile: “Xiao, Xiaobai, you are welcome, I have already arranged for the summer vacation, and my sister will help me train.”

Jiang Xiaobai responded: “Sorry, your old sister has already handed you over to me before, and she also said, as long as you don’t kill you, you can do whatever I want to do next.”

Hearing this, Yuan Yang suddenly felt that he might not be his sister and brother, so he actually gave his own to Jiang Xiaobai to toss.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang began to hesitate in his heart whether to break off friendship with Jiang Xiaobai and live in peace.

After confirming that his life was about to fall into misery, Yuan Yang, who was still thinking about going outside, suddenly felt a little lack of interest.

He glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, who was alone at the moment, and said: “By the way, where are your sister and Zhou Jia”

“I guess you’re still shopping outside!”

While walking back toward the hotel, Jiang Xiaobai also replied smoothly.

Jiang Xiaoxin eases Zhou Jia’s previous shopping craziness, Jiang Xiaobai has seen it before.

It will not end until it gets dark.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai can still clean up the room.

Otherwise, after Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin came back and were seen by the two women, they couldn’t afford to face another trial.

…At the same time, at this moment, it is almost ten kilometers away from the Lark Hotel.

According to Jiang Xiaobai’s previous notice, the staff and the police in the Demon’s Coordination Bureau’s sub-bureau have rushed to the scene and surrounded the surrounding area with a cordon.

It is different from those outside…the onlookers who looked at the surrounding cordon curiously and looked at the situation inside.

At this moment in the depths of the alley, a group of awakeners from the coordinating bureau looked at Fang Xiuwei, who was already cold on the ground, with extremely solemn expressions.

Just ten minutes ago, after everyone arrived at the scene, and after a preliminary inspection of Xiuwei’s corpse, they were silent when they looked at Fang Xiuwei’s completely destroyed part and bloodstained blood.

A moment later, this time, Song Xuezhen, the captain of the Southwest Branch of the Central Planning Bureau, turned his head to a staff member next to him. “Xiao Wang, you just said that Fang Xiuwei was walking along the road before, and all three 3 streets were left behind. Blood stains”

The staff member who was questioned by Song Xuezhen nodded and said: “Yes! And there are many eyewitnesses and even surveillance cameras that have been photographed, but the previous image was taken by an old lady in her seventies. I want to come. This Fang Xiuwei disguised it through his talent skills.”

While talking, the staff member known as Xiao Wang took a deep look at Fang Xiuwei’s corpse on the ground.

The forensic doctor had checked it before, and Fang Xiuwei was injured in only one place on his body.

Naturally, there were blood sources left on all three 3 streets along the way, so naturally it goes without saying.

Based on the previous forensic estimates, combined with the blood on the three streets and the surroundings at this moment, the bleeding volume is at least one thousand or two hundred milliliters.

Calculated based on Fang Xiuwei’s weight, it was almost a quarter of 493.

Of course, this is not the point.

The key point is the confessions of the witnesses who have been found in the previous pictures.It seems that Fang Xiuwei used to say that every ten steps or so, a part of it would explode.

Every time you walk a hundred steps, there will be a splash of blood in the local area.

This can’t help but make everyone wonder what exactly caused Fang Xiuwei’s situation.

How painful it is to explode a meeting locally, anyone who just thinks about it will take a breath.

And like Fang Xiuwei, the local burst to the point where it is now full of holes and the loss of a thousand or two hundred milliliters of blood.

Everyone can’t imagine what it will be like.

So, when I was watching those…monitoring screens, all the staff members were cold in their hearts when watching Fang Xiuwei’s images of constantly splashing blood in some parts.

Even if the case was successfully eliminated because of Fang Xiuwei’s death, the Awakeners who were dispatched by the Southwest Division in the next few days seemed a little silent.

And during the walking, these staff couldn’t help but step up some parts, and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

As Song Xuezhen, who led the team this time, after seeing the information about Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning in the investigation, Song Xuezhen deeply impressed the face in the photo that looked handsome and innocent but harmless to humans and animals. In mind.

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