Chapter 265 I can understand, Yue Jiushengqing (4/5)

After closing the door and shortly after entering the bathroom, Yuan Xiaoning had returned to the room.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai who looked a little awkward over there, Yuan Xiaoning’s thoughts were also extremely complicated.

Then slowly walked to the chair opposite Jiang Xiaobai and sat down:.

At this moment, Yuan Xiaoning didn’t wear anything inside, but was wearing a nightgown outside.

Sit down like this now: It adds a bit of a feeling of revelation, and it is more tempting.

If it were before, Jiang Xiaobai would not have been able to look twice, but now the situation is not right.After taking a deep look, Jiang Xiaobai has already retracted his sight from Zhenjingweizhai.

After that, the room was so quiet.

It seems that I don’t like this kind of quiet and depressing atmosphere very much. After dozens of seconds, Jiang Xiaobai touched the tip of his nose “Four Nine Three.”

He turned his head and explained: “Well, senior sister, it was actually because senior sister was drugged by Fang Xiuwei before. When she was brought to the hotel, senior sister had already had the effect of the medicine. In fact, I refused at the beginning.”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiaoning looked up at Jiang Xiaobai and snorted softly.

“Do you refuse to just… take off your clothes while verbally refuse”


Hearing what Yuan Xiaoning said, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai stupefied slightly, Yuan Ningxiao also laughed angrily and explained it.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai understood that although Yuan Xiaoning’s consciousness had sunk under the influence of the medicine’s power before, it was not known whether it was because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, but instead left a trace of clear consciousness.

It’s just that this clear consciousness can only let Yuan Xiaoning know what happened from beginning to end, but it can’t stop it from happening.

Knowing this, Jiang Xiaobai was immediately embarrassed.

Looking at the unnaturalness on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, Yuan Xiaoning was also speechless for a while.

After a little pondering, Yuan Xiaoning said: “You…”

But Yuan Xiaoning had just uttered a word, Jiang Xiaobai had already turned his head suddenly, nodding his head with an extremely serious expression: “I have loved, I will be responsible, and I don’t think you are older than me.”

Yuan Xiaoning: “………”

It’s fine if you will be responsible, Yuan Xiaoning can understand, but that… At this moment, facing Jiang Xiaobai’s rush to answer, Yuan Xiaoning’s fist can’t help but clenched. , I suddenly wanted to punch something.

But feeling the pain… the slight tearing pain below, Yuan Xiaoning still suppressed this impulse in her heart.

To be honest, if today’s affairs are alone, with Yuan Xiaoning’s personality, it is very likely that the first thought will be…killing people.

But now the opposite is Jiang Xiaobai. Whether it is the previous experience or the relationship between Bai himself and Yuan Yang, it is impossible for Yuan Xiaoning to have such an idea.

Immediately, after taking a light breath, Yuan Xiaoning said in a slow voice: “I know that you are forced to do the things before. After all, there was no other way at the time, but my time is too short, and you are still not of adulthood. Can’t make it so hastily, can you understand?”

Yuan Xiaoning’s words are a bit messy, but the meaning in it is clearer.

Although the previous interaction with Jiang Xiaobai made Yuan Xiaoning feel very good about Jiang Xiaobai.

And, no matter…

It can be said that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent, strength, and even appearance can be said to be the only thing Yuan Xiaoning has seen in his life.

If you are about the same age as Jiang Xiaobai, maybe Yuan Xiaoning will really take advantage of the trend and acquiesce in the identity of himself and Jiang Xiaobai’s partner.

But when it comes to men and women, and Jiang Xiaobai’s age is also here, Yuan Xiaoning has to consider more.

Regarding what Yuan Xiaoning said, Jiang Xiaobai did not rush to speak, but just nodded as a sign and let Yuan Xiaoning continue speaking.

“And soon, you will also enter Jiangnan University. In the future, we will have a long time to contact. Therefore, we will wait for some things to think about later, at least until there is a further improvement in the relationship, how about.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, “Senior sister, don’t worry, I can understand, it’s Jiushengqing!”

Upon hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Xiaoning nodded first.

But then, I glanced at one side of the messy sheets and those on the bed…imprints, watching the teasing smile in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes 0…Yuan Xiaoning understood, He was driven by Jiang Xiaobai without any preparation, but he didn’t seem to have any evidence yet.

After a few seconds of silence, Yuan Xiaoning’s impulse to beat people rose again.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai also knows that he has taken a big advantage today.

So the next discussion is… more reasonable.

Roughly about today’s affairs, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning will keep secret.

After the two people’s feelings further ferment, and Jiang Xiaobai becomes an adult, the relationship will be officially settled.

Regarding this point, Jiang Xiaobai will naturally have no objection.

After all, I was only 16,1616 years old.

Anyway… the third base is already on, and the first base and second base are just a matter of time.

Come to say Fang Chang, Jiang Xiaobai is not in a hurry.

After these matters were settled, Yuan Xiaoning went directly to the bathroom to take a bath.

In the process, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to be more reserved, but after listening to the sound of running water, he still didn’t hold back the washing with Yuan Xiaoning.

With the previous things, Yuan Xiaoning was too lazy to take care of Jiang Xiaobai’s advantage to herself in the process.

After Yuan Xiaoning was dressed, neat and took away the blood-stained cloth from the sheet, Jiang Xiaobai was 1.

1Send Yuan Xiaoning to the door of the hotel.

“By the way, in the next time, Yuan Yang will trouble you to take care of it. Otherwise, even if you enter Jiangnan University later, I’m afraid there will be some problems.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded solemnly.

“Senior sister, don’t worry, it’s a family, I will take care of him.”

Rao is Yuan Xiaoning. He rolled his eyes when he heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words and said “call by phone.”

Then he left quickly.

“Eh, isn’t that my sister, why did you come here?”

When looking at Yuan Xiaoning’s somewhat flustered figure when she left, Yuan Yang’s stunned voice suddenly sounded behind.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at Yuan Yang, who walked out of the hotel. Jiang Xiaobai’s face showed an elder-like smile.


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