Chapter 263 I am just a victim (2/5)

Holding Yuan Xiaoning swiftly on the street, at Jiang Xiaobai’s current speed, it took less than ten seconds1 for a kilometer to run wild on the street, which naturally caused a crowd of pedestrians to exclaim.

This time, Yuan Xiaoning had taken the initiative to find Jiang Xiaobai, so the chosen place was not far from the hotel where Jiang Xiaobai was located.

He rushed all the way and returned to the hotel directly with Yuan Xiaoning in his arms.

After returning to his room, looking at Yuan Xiaoning, whose face was flushed like an apple at the moment, and his eyes were blurred, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart jumped violently.

According to what Fang Xiuwei said before, the medicine given to Yuan Xiaoning in the coffee shop before was the kind of…chunyue, and there was no antidote at all.

Unless it is the awakening of the detoxification talent skill, there is absolutely no way.

The problematic detoxification talent skills are inherently rare, and they are also tasteless on weekdays.According to Jiang Xiaobai’s knowledge, this time, among the top ten college students in the country, there are no students who have awakened the detoxification talent skills.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai could only turn on his mobile phone and log in to the Awakener software to release a task.

“Awakened person who has awakened the detox talent skills is required to go to room 140 of the 493 shop of Bailing Bird, limited to females”

After entering the information quickly, Jiang Xiaobai directly set the price of the reward at twenty nine-level silver star beads.

After the mission was released, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Yuan Xiaoning, who was already unconsciously shaking on the sheet at the moment, and began to lose consciousness. Suddenly, it seemed that in the current situation of Yuan Xiaoning, it was very likely that the awakened person who received the mission could not be supported. Come.

Now, the only way is to try to see the “one shot into the soul” as a healing talent skill.

Can you solve Yuan Xiaoning’s problem now?

No matter how bad it is, just suppress the current situation of Yuan Xiaoning until there are qualified awakened people coming over.

After thinking about it, after Jiang Xiaobai hesitated, the navigator gritted his teeth and snapped his fingers at Yuan Xiaoning.

Suddenly, a holy golden light burst out of Jiang Xiaobai’s hands and swept directly towards Yuan Xiaoning.

“Ah four beeps”

However, it’s okay for Jiang Xiaobai not to be like this. As the skills are integrated into Yuan Xiaoning’s body, he is “into the soul”.

Under the effect of the skill, Yuan Xiaoning’s body trembled violently.

Afterwards, the trace of clarity that Yuan Xiaoning could still retain has completely disappeared, and his consciousness has completely fallen under the dual effects of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills and physical effects.

“Oops, play off”

Looking at Yuan Xiaoning’s situation at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth.

Moreover, it seems that under his own skills, Yuan Xiaoning’s current medicinal effect in his body has become a situation where one plus one is greater than two.

“Damn, what do you get swollen now”

Looking at the current situation of Yuan Xiaoning, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but buzzed his mind and was dumbfounded.

Don’t wait: Jiang Xiaobai thought a lot.At this moment, Yuan Xiaoning had already stood up unconsciously, and his misty eyes were aimed at Jiang Xiaobai.

After murmured, Yuan Xiaoning already stood up and took the initiative to put his arms around Jiang Xiaobai’s neck.

Then, in Jiang Xiaobai’s astonishment, Yuan Xiaoning turned and threw herself down.

“I, Cao, can it be said that this method can only be used”

Feeling Yu Yuan Xiaoning’s enthusiasm, Jiang Xiaobai feels a little chaotic now.

“Wow two sounds”

But at this moment, Da Ha Kan, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning who were hugging each other suddenly called out.

Hearing Daha’s voice, Jiang Xiaobai felt his enthusiasm for Yuan Xiaoning at this moment.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Xiaobai’s power burst out and pushed Yuan Xiaoning aside with a powerful force, and then carried the silly dog ​​to the door within a second.

Let go, close the door, and lock a set of procedures, which adds up to less than two seconds.

Alone, he squatted in the aisle and looked at the hotel door that had been closed in front of him.

Poor, lonely and helpless.

Then, looking at Yuan Xiaoning, who was approaching him again in a blur, Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone: “Sister, don’t be like this, we won’t be good like this.”

At first sight, there was nothing wrong with this.

But if Yuan Xiaoning is still awake at this moment, watching Jiang Xiaobai who said these words at this moment, he will definitely swear directly at Jiang Xiaobai as shameless.

Nothing else, just because Jiang Xiaobai is now refusing to resist, but his hand is directly taking off his clothes, his face is full of interest, where there is a slight resistance to a fishing law enforcement posture.

But for Jiang Xiaobai’s situation, Yuan Xiaoning at this moment did not pay attention at all.

In this way, after a few seconds, he was thrown down again to get Jiang Xiaobai.Looking at the enthusiastic Yuan Xiaoning in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought.

“Is this a crime”

But this idea just came out, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought that it was him who seemed to have not yet reached the standard of adulthood.

Even if it was a crime, Yuan Xiaoning was in front of him, and he was just a victim.

Thinking about this, Jiang Xiaobai was immediately relieved.

…After waiting for two hours, following some madness, and glancing at Yuan Xiaoning, who was leaning against her in a deep sleep, falling into a deep sleep, Jiang Xiaobai shivered a little afterwards.

After nicotine circulated in the lungs and then spit it out, Jiang Xiaobai exhaled.

The Tao is impermanence in the world.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai thought that he would wait until Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia were mature before he said goodbye to the name boy chicken.

But he didn’t expect Yuan Xiaoning to be cut off by Yuan Xiaoning for the first time in the middle.

Suddenly I thought of a paragraph on the Internet before.

There are only exhausted cattle, and no bad farming.

In the past, Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was for ordinary people.

But today, Jiang Xiaobai feels that for an awakened person like himself, it seems the same is true.

In the previous two-hour battle, Jiang Xiaobai experienced fatigue that had not been for a long time.

I have to say that the previous medicinal effect is really thief.

Yuan Xiaoning, who was almost as cold as Jiang Xiaoxin in the past, can be said to be presumptuous and crazy, making Jiang Xiaobai faintly unbearable.

But farewell to the boy chicken, Jiang Xiaobai is still happy to see this exhaustion.

“Ding Dong”

However, at this moment, the doorbell at the door suddenly rang.

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