Chapter 262 I also buried myself by the way (1/5)

Glancing at Fang Xiuwei who was about to move, Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, at the moment when these two arrows came to him, Fang Xiuwei, who was sitting on the ground, instantly felt that an electric drill was drilled out of the concrete floor under his part, and he directly stabbed in. The strong tingling made Fang Xiuwei jump up from the ground in an instant. .

But at the moment when the body just stood up, his legs were habitually numb, and then he knelt on the ground again.

“Silly dog, staring at this shameful pen”

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobai yelled, and the Daha on Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder jumped directly to the ground, instantly transforming into the form of a two-meter-high blood wolf king, and his two blood-red eyes stared at Fang Xiuwei motionlessly.

Feeling the fierce aura coming from the red giant wolf in front of him and the fluctuations in the star power that indicated the first layer of the Stardust Realm, Fang Xiuwei couldn’t help but dilate his pupils, and he was stupid in place.

“Second, Dimensional Creature”

Fang Xiuwei couldn’t think that the pet that looked extremely cute by Jiang Xiaobai would be a dimensional creature, and it would also be a silver-level dimensional creature.

If it were in its heyday, Fang Xiuwei might not care too much about the giant wolf at the first level of the Stardust Realm in front of him.

But with a lot of blood loss before, Fang Xiuwei is now weak and almost unable to lift it up, and it may be okay to bully the awakened person at the level of Astral Mechanic Apprentice.

Once a dimensional creature in the Stardust Realm, once he does it, with Fang Xiuwei’s current situation, Fang Xiuwei can be sure that he will die.

After letting Daha control Fang Xiuwei, Jiang Xiaobai quickly asked: “Sister, what’s wrong?”

At this moment, Yuan Xiaoning’s eyes were already blurred and hazy.

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s question, Yuan Xiaoning held on to the last point of consciousness and said: “I don’t know, I feel weak, my body is a bit hot, and my head is dizzy, like being drugged.”


Jiang Xiaobai was startled.

Afterwards, he glanced at Fang Xiuwei beside him, and Jiang Xiaobai said coldly in his heart: “You did it..”

Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s question, Fang Xiuwei was stunned, thinking about what happened before, until now, Fang Xiuwei still doesn’t understand. From the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning already knew their identities.

In other words, only Fang Xiuwei thought that his current disguise was impeccable.

Suddenly, Fang Xiuwei suddenly felt like a Shabi, completely led by Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning.

Looking at Fang Xiuwei who was slightly startled but did not respond to him, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were half-squinted.

With a move in his heart, Fang Xiuwei’s part exploded again.

And this time Jiang Xiaobai didn’t keep his hands.

Fang Xiuwei exploded this time, and under the previous damage stack, the blood had already rushed out like a fountain.

Under this pain, Fang Xiuwei couldn’t help screaming in pain.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice once again “I don’t like nonsense, hand over the antidote.”

At this moment, in the face of Jiang Xiaobai’s words and his part, Fang Xiuwei still didn’t know where he was.The situation of his own partial explosion in ten minutes was all because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiuwei’s expression was faintly mad.

“It turns out that you are all doing the ghost.”

God knows that for nearly ten minutes, Fang Xiuwei suffered from the pain that came from a local location all the time.

And also forcefully pretend to be strong.

But now, I suddenly realized that my current situation is completely due to Jiang Xiaobai.

After understanding all this, how could Fang Xiuwei stand to stare at Jiang Xiaobai with a pair of eyes, and he could not wait to smash Jiang Xiaobai directly.

But to have a silver-level dimensional creature as a pet, Jiang Xiaobai’s strength is definitely in the Stardust Realm.

Therefore, Fang Xiuwei knew that if he had no chance of winning at all now.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the strong murderous anger in his heart, Fang Xiuwei gritted his teeth and said: “Let me go, I will give you the antidote.”

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

Obviously Fang Xiuwei only wanted to use this as a threat to escape, and for other things, wait until later and then slowly find opportunities to settle accounts.


However, as soon as Fang Xiuwei’s words fell, he heard a sound from a local location.

Suddenly, Fang Xiuwei was speechless, and there was only one sentence in his heart.

Express all your inner thoughts.

“Tell me about the terms, you’re afraid that your head is showing up! Honestly, I will give you a happy one.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked condescendingly at Fang Xiuwei who was kneeling on the ground in front of him and said coldly.

In this regard, Fang Xiuwei lowered his head and said nothing, obviously intending to resist to the end.

“Oh, it’s quite hard!”

Facing Fang Xiuwei’s stubbornness, Jiang Xiaobai frowned.

Immediately, my heart moved.

After that, Fang Xiuwei felt that he was twitching continuously like a drum.

In normal times, this twitching sensation will make people feel it, but it won’t be a big problem.

But now Fang Xiuwei is different! Now Fang Xiuwei’s part is already full of holes, even if it is just a little bit, it will be infinitely magnified.

Not to mention the continuous feeling like playing drums now.

Suddenly, Fang Xiuwei at this moment understood what it meant to be painful to the depths of his soul.

In one minute, Fang Xiuwei, who was so determined not to let go, only lasted one minute before truthfully recruiting everything.

And when he learned that the medicine Fang Xiuwei gave Yuan Xiaoning was specifically for the awakened and there was no antidote, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but twitch.

Afterwards, staring at Fang Xiuwei who was already sweating, with less air intake and more air, and a pair of Fang Xiuwei who was about to fall into shock, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly.

Then he kicked Fang Xiuwei’s chest and directly kicked his entire chest into the depression. After the heart burst, after contacting the Magic City Awakener Coordination Bureau and the police through the mobile phone Awakener software, he was already holding Yuan Xiaoning and already. Daha regained his size and left quickly.

In this regard, he fell softly to the ground, watching Jiang Xiaobai holding Yuan Xiaoning almost instantly spanning thirty or forty meters, and the next moment he disappeared from his vision, Fang Xiuwei’s eyes were full of misery and regret.

I originally thought that I could get revenge as I wish today, but I didn’t think that the last thing would turn out to be like this.Everything seemed to be Fang Xiuwei dug a hole and jumped in, not to mention it, and buried himself by the way.

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