Chapter 243 Against (2/5)

In the eyes of everyone, Jiang Xiaobai, who was originally a contestant this time, did not know where he took out a bag of melon seeds and was leaning on the guardrail of the ring “cough cough cough”

He was licking sunflower seeds, and there was a bottle of drink on the head of the little milk dog next to him.

In this way, it looks like it’s a game.

It is clearly a situation of watching a play.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s leisurely reaction at this moment, the people at Xinhan Middle School paused slightly at this moment, and then all their faces were dark.

In the face of them, Jiang Xiaobai is still eating melon seeds leisurely.Is this having sufficient confidence in himself, or is he not putting them in his eyes at all, but no matter what, watching the situation on Jiang Xiaobai’s side, Zhou Lu etc. The faces of all the people at Xinhan Middle School were darkened.

“Quick Fight”

After giving the order, several people rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai quickly.

In the process, several participating students behind Zhou Lu had already gathered star power, and their talents quickly swept towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai swung his body lightly to avoid the attacks that rushed towards him in the air.

But in the 493 process of dodging, Zhou Lu also quickly approached.

And when he was already rushing to Jiang Xiaobai.

The three participating students in Ning Han Middle School, including Zhou Lu, had already knelt on the ground because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talents and skills.

Feeling the feeling of weakness on the legs caused by the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, Zhou Lu couldn’t help feeling tight, and couldn’t help but stare at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely.

I can get to this point at this moment, no matter…

It can be said that it is an extremely talented existence of the same age, and its self-esteem is bursting.

But now, because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, he kneels directly in front of tens of thousands of people. How can Zhou Lu, such as the proud of heaven, be able to bear it, although he has already been psychologically prepared in advance. , But at this moment Zhou Lu still couldn’t help but feel angry, and she looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a bit of sorrow in her eyes.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhou Lu Guojue waved the long sword in his hand and burst a flame sword wave towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Not only Zhou Lu, but those in Xinhan Middle School at this moment…the few participating students who have also awakened the long-range attack talent skills have almost never stopped attacking Jiang Xiaobai from the beginning until now.

Up to now, he is still constantly using his talent skills to attack himself, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart is turned, and he can’t guess the attention of the other party’s heart at this moment.

Obviously, at this moment, the people of Xinhan Middle School want to constantly attack themselves through the remotely talented talent skills, so that they can continue to respond, and thus cannot actively release their talent skills.

Then the rest quickly approached Jiang Xiaobai for an attack.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and praised the clever idea.

In fact, it is indeed like Jiang Xiaobai’s conjecture.

After seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s talents and skills before, Xinhan Middle School is already discussing quickly.

Thinking about how to fight once against Shang Yucheng after middle school.

Finally, such a method was discussed.

After all, from the previous Jiang Xiaobai’s point of view, although his talent skills are powerful, almost all of them have no harm.

In other words, in the eyes of the people around, Jiang Xiaobai is taking the route of assisting the awakened.

Therefore, as long as you can get close to Jiang Xiaobai and make Jiang Xiaobai flawlessly use his talent skills, you will have the opportunity to defeat Jiang Xiaobai.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai’s biggest problem is solved, other people on Yucheng Middle School will naturally not be able to overcome any storms.

If it is a general awakened person, I am afraid that facing the attack of the participating students of Ning Han Middle School, I really can only be exhausted to deal with it and have no time to make other reactions.

But it is a pity that they are talking about Jiang Xiaobai at the moment, and almost all the talents and magic skills belong to the smooth hair.

Therefore, in the face of the remaining few students from Xinhan Middle School who were quickly approaching him, Jiang Xiaobai was already slowly lifting up.

However, just as Jiang Xiaobai was preparing to use his talent skills, in his line of sight, the opposite was already about ten meters away from him. Among the five participating students of Xinhan Middle School, one of them suddenly put his hands on the two beside him. On a teammate.

The next moment, in Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight, the figures of these three students disappeared out of thin air.

When he noticed this scene, Jiang Xiaobai had a look.

“A talent skill for stealth function?”

The three participating students who disappeared at this moment are not others, but they are the three players who were temporarily replaced at Xinhan Middle School before the start of the game.

However, what is worthy of Jiang Xiaobai’s attention is that this and the talent skills of the three people’s 3 stealth function will completely hide the body of these three people, and even the heartbeat will disappear.

In the face of this situation, I am afraid that I am really blinded by the ordinary awakened person.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth.

“But, do you think I can’t help it if I’m invisible”

After directly using his skills to make two students from Xinhan Middle School who were still exposed to his sight, knelt on the ground with a look of unwillingness, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart moved.

You know, among Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, there is a range of skills.

“Star Power Blockade”

But not waiting: Jiang Xiaobai uses talent skills.

At a distance of almost five meters in front of the right, there was a low shout.

Suddenly, one with a range of about ten meters: the dark black mask suddenly spread out, directly covering Jiang Xiaobai and the surrounding students…Xinhai Middle School’s participating students.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that he hadn’t noticed the star power in his body.

Not only that, but in the line of sight, the figures of the three people who were invisible were once again exposed to the line of sight.

Moreover, during the movement, he couldn’t feel the slightest fluctuation of star power.

Only one of the students who stayed in place was the star power fluctuating and rolling.

And this participating student is also one of the three participating students who were replaced on the spot before.

Obviously, the other party’s behavior at this moment was not a temporary intention, but a plan already in place.

In other words, from the beginning of this battle, the people of Xinhan Middle School, no matter…

Whether it is the way of fighting or the cooperation between them, it is completely…for yourself.


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