Chapter 242 The strategy of Ning Han Middle School is one against nine (1/5)

In the arena, as long as both parties are standing on the arena, the competition has already begun.

There was no ridicule of the beginning of the battle.When Jiang Xiaoxin and the others stood still on the other side of the ring and took out their weapons, the people from the opposite Xinhan Middle School had already set off.

Especially Zhou Lu, who was the leader, had already rushed out when his toes were lightly tapped on the ring, and he rushed towards Yucheng Middle School in the first place, and the rest of the students behind him constantly changed positions between the crosses and followed closely behind. .

It’s… with the iron-blooded style of a soldier’s version.

The distance of 100 meters instantly surpassed one-third, and the momentum was majestic.

Facing Zhou Lu who was approaching quickly, Jiang Xiaoxin’s expression at the moment was also more solemn than ever.

With a low drink, as the star power filled, the ice thorns had already quickly condensed around and rushed to the opposite person from Xinhan Middle School who was close to him.

But unlike before, there were only a few or a dozen of them each time.This time, the ice thorns gathered around Jiang Xiaoxin were hundreds of ice thorns, which almost completely covered Jiang Xiaoxin’s sky and around him.

At the moment when the ice thorns condensed, the surrounding temperature dropped out of thin air.

Facing the ice thorns that were almost overwhelming and rushing toward him, Zhou Lu, who had been walking swiftly, leaned back slightly.

At the same time, behind Zhou Lu, a student holding a shield yelled “Rock Kai”

Later, the shield slammed on the rock of the ring.

In an instant, blocks of three-meter-high rocks all rose from the surroundings, forming a wall completely condensed by rocks, protecting Zhou Lu and other people from Xinhan Middle School behind him, completely blocking the ice thorns that rushed from the sky. Down.

When the student from Xinhan Middle School canceled the talent skills and let the rocky wall turned into powder and quickly fell from the air, Zhou Jia, Yuan Yang and others had already rushed in front of them in an instant.

Between the swings of the long knife, a series of blades with nearly three meters in length exuding an electric arc fell in the air like lightning.

This time is very cleverly grasped.Almost when Zhou Lu’s line of sight has just recovered, Zhou Jia’s talent skills have already rushed in front of Zhou Lu and others.

Unprepared, Xinhan Middle School and others were shocked.

In the end, Zhou Lu was the first to react, and the long sword wrapped in flame in his hand swung quickly, as if the air blade completely condensed by the flame swept towards the arc of the blade in the air.

The two attacks collided, and after a short pause, they disappeared from each other, and the fluctuations they caused scattered like a strong wind, blowing the clothes of Xinhan Middle School and Yucheng Middle School and others.

And when everyone who wrapped the attention of Xinhan Middle School was attracted by the fluctuations in the air, Yuan Yang and Wei Zidong at Yucheng Middle School rushed like shadows and quickly rushed to Xinhan. In front of a few people in the Han Middle School.

Between a series of talented skills and flying into the air, these…The students who studied suddenly found that they could not dodge.

Taking a quick look, the feet of a few people don’t know when they are already covered by a layer, and they are directly covered by their insteps: There seems to be a suction pull in this ice and snow.

Looking at it, I don’t know when Jiang Xiaoxin’s feet in the field have spread to the side where they are.

“Fire… Liao”

With a soft snort, the vigorous flame spread quickly, causing the original snowflakes to melt quickly like ice and snow.

After they were no longer imprisoned, the people at Xinhan Middle School hurriedly dealt with those in the air…the talented skills that rushed towards them, as well as Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang who were approaching again in front of them.

After the first round of the offensive of Yucheng Middle School was eliminated, once again watching the other party redistribute Jiang Xiaoxin and others who occupied different positions, the expressions of the participating students at Xinhan Middle School gradually became more serious.

In the previous time, no matter…

Is Xin Han Middle School or all the surrounding students’ attention attracted by Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaoxin and others are ignored.

But now, Xinhan Middle School and the surrounding students realized that Jiang Xiaoxin and others did not use their full strength before.

Afterwards, what surprised Jiang Xiaobai was that the people of Xinhan Middle School did not, like Tao Long before, allocated the strongest combat power to deal with Jiang Xiaobai in the first place, but instead concentrated on dealing with Jiang Xiaoxin. Wait for someone.

Although Xu Yan has had special training for several hours a day before, with the tacit cooperation of Jiang Xiaoxin and others, the strength displayed is not bad at all, but the level and strength of Wei Zidong and others in high school and high school are compared to Xinhan. The middle school people are more than a bit short.

Under this gap, facing Zhou Lu and the others, the subsequent battle quickly leaned into the situation of rushing to deal with it.

This time, without Jiang Xiaobai’s help, several people could feel the heavy pressure from the enemy.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or coincidental, some of the participating students suddenly noticed that the people of Xinhan Middle School and the students of Yucheng Middle School were in favor of the arena at the moment, and they suddenly reversed.

What Zhou Lu and others occupied at this moment belonged to the side of the ring where Jiang Xiaobai was located.

“At this moment, Zhou Lu, who was walking around the court, suddenly said.

As Zhou Lu spoke, the expressions of the people in Xinhan Middle School became straight, and the star power fluctuations on their bodies suddenly became violent. Xiaobai rushed.

After noticing the reaction of the students participating in the Xinhan Middle School, Jiang Xiaoxin and others did not understand that the other party’s goal from the beginning was to aim at Jiang Xiaobai farmer.

The previous fight was just that the opponent wanted to lower their guard, and at the same time, through the process of fighting, they kept getting closer to Jiang Xiaobai to shorten the distance.

Manuo thought of this, Jiang Xiaoxin and others’ complexions changed slightly.

Jiang Xiaoxin and the other two students in the Yucheng Middle School team who had awakened the long-range attack talent skills were all condensing talent skills and attacking the people of Xinhan Middle School who were facing away from them at this moment.

“Rock Kai”

But in the face of Jiang Xiaoxin and others’ attacks, the student holding a shield in Xinhan Middle School once again condensed a stone wall, and directly blocked the attack of Jiang Xiaoxin and others, and completely divided the entire ring into two. part.

Suddenly, the situation in the field instantly changed to Jiang Xiaobai alone facing the nine participating students of Xinhan Middle School.

For a time, I also understood the students and the gymnasium of Xinhan Middle School’s combat strategy this time.

The audiences in the audience all looked at Jiang Xiaobai on the ring, wanting to see Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction at the moment.

But when the line of sight was gathered on Jiang Xiaobai, all the surrounding…the audience’s line of sight became weird.

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