Chapter 232 We can go up and shout 666 (1/5)

Looking at the leaders of the various schools that had gathered to discuss before, Zhou Xiuping, the leader of Hanhai Academy, was the most embarrassed.

After all, it was before… he offered not to go privately with Jiang Xiaobai to influence the latter Jiang Xiaobai to choose a school.

But it was also him who came to Jiang Xiaobai first.

But the first prerequisite for being a leader is a shameless face.

Therefore, facing Zhang Xukun and other leaders around him, Zhou Xiuping coughed lightly, “Ah, I didn’t expect you to have juniors in this Bailing Bird Hotel!”

Originally, other people were also a little embarrassed at the moment, but now they heard Zhou Xiuping say this, they also borrowed the donkey to go down the ramp: “Yeah! Yeah! What a coincidence, I came to look at the environment, um, this environment is good.”

After a slightly awkward chat, a group of people came in eagerly, and then left inexplicably together.

……… Regarding the fact that a group of big men gathered at the door of his room in the hotel, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know at all.

For the next two days, Jiang Xiaobai was almost like Xu Yan said, basically staying in the hotel.

I feel bored, so I will give pointers to Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia who have been training crazy for these two days.

In the early morning of two days, the people from Yucheng Middle School took the bus again to the location of this competition.

The venue of the arena is set in a stadium in the magic city that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

In a field almost the size of a football field, there is a high platform of nearly 100 meters.

When Jiang Xiaobai and others arrived, the auditorium around the stadium was already full of spectators, and their eyes scanned among the school teams below.

Glancing at the dense crowds of people in the auditorium around the stadium, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but say, “I’m going, so many people.”

Perhaps it was because Jiang Xiaobai and others performed very well before, and Xu Yan’s mood at the moment is also much better.

Hearing Yuan Yang’s words, Xu Yan turned her head and responded: “This time the rewards of the national college competition have spread like wildfire. It can be said that this time the national college competition has gathered more talents than before.

Naturally, it also attracted a lot of people who wanted to watch this battle among talented students from various schools…”

After speaking, after a pause, after scanning Peng Rou’s a few nervous students, Xu Yan frowned and said: “However, I advise you to adjust your mentality and not be influenced by the people around you, otherwise you will be in the ring. On, the opponent will not be merciful.”

Wei Zidong faintly heard what Xu Yan meant and asked carefully: “Mr. Xu, can it be said that there will be casualties in the ring competition?”

Xu Yan glanced at Wei Zidong and gently “Yeah”

There was a response.

Seeing this, Wei Zidong and others felt even more nervous.

In response to this, Xu Yan said quietly: “Although in the past there were also students who participated in the arena competitions who were injured in the process, it was forbidden to be cruel, but this time there was no such rule in the competition.

Obviously, this action means that this life-and-death struggle between participating students is not prohibited. I believe you have already experienced this in the last individual competition.”

When she said this, Xu Yan was also confused.

After all, in front of so many spectators at this moment, if there are casualties in the game, it will definitely have some impact.

In the past, this was something that every school was unwilling to do.How could this time suddenly acquiesce in casualties among students, but soon after this question emerged, Xu Yan did not continue to deepen.

To put it bluntly, these issues are not something Xu Yan needs to worry about, but issues that other schools need to consider.

I got the affirmation from Xu Yan, and even Yu Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia looked solemn on Yucheng Middle School.

Yuan Yang and Wei Zidong couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Xiaobai who was yawning, and felt a little relieved.

Yuan Yang even comforted himself: “Don’t be afraid, we have Xiaobai, so we can wave as much as we want in the ring.”

Hearing what Yuan Yang said, everyone around nodded, and when they looked at Jiang Xiaobai, they were also a “big guy begging for cover”.


Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands and said: “Don’t count on me, Teacher Xu said, in the process, unless you are in danger, otherwise I will only use the talent skills to assist you, and will not take the initiative.”

“Ah why”

Yuan Yang asked inexplicably.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, “Don’t ask, ask is… be hit.”

Yuan Yang: …After receiving Jiang Xiaobai’s answer, Yuan Yang was speechless for a while.

Xu Yan next to him said: “Xiaobai’s strength is too strong, he has solved all the enemies with his hands, why are you going up?”

Now that Jiang Xiaobai’s strength has been determined, Xu Yan’s thinking has also changed.

In addition to ensuring that she can get the first place, she also wants to let Jiang Xiaoxin and others temper her.

After all, this time the competition met all the talented students from various schools, and being able to compete with these…competing students also has certain benefits for… Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

Although excluding Jiang Xiaobai, the overall strength of Yucheng Middle School is low, but with Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, it can greatly make up for the lack of strength of Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

Yuan Yang’s neck was dissatisfied and said: “I choked on Yuan Yang’s shameless response. Xu Yan glared at Yuan Yang in an angry manner. NS.

“Teacher Xu, tell me, will we meet the person from Shangling Middle School again later”

After looking at the surrounding situation for a while, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked.

Seeing the ill-intentioned look in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, Xu Yan was taken aback, and then shook her head: “I don’t know this. After all, the rules of the next ring match are still unclear. ”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said with a slight disappointment: “Isn’t it that I can’t find a chance to kill the other guys?”

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to come to revenge not overnight. If it was said that Xu Yan’s deal had dealt with the people of Shangling Middle School, then following the actions of Wang Wenjie and Zhu Huanchun, Jiang Xiaobai really missed the people of Shangling Middle School. On it.

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s muttering, Zhou Jia and others were all speechless farmers.

Because of Jiang Xiaobai, several of the strongest students in the Shangling Middle School Ma Nuohao died in the last individual competition, and afterwards they pushed the wicked things they had done to Wang Wenjie, who was already dead.

Now I still think about the remaining students in Shangling Middle School…The students who participated in the competition, on the contrary, it made it as if Jiang Xiaobai himself had a lot of feuds with Shangling Middle School.

Xu Yan was afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would jump too much in the game later, and couldn’t help but exhort: “Say it first, a while…you should still converge during the game. Don’t play too much. There are still around. So many viewers are here.”

After learning about Jiang Xiaobai’s behavior in the dimensional space through Jiang Xiaoxin and others, Xu Yan couldn’t help but silently mourn the students who met Jiang Xiaobai.

Now I am worried about Jiang Xiaobai for a while…when I was in the game, I became interested and played those students to autism.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Xu Yan bitterly, “Look at what you said, am I such a person?”

Yuan Yang and the others twitched at the corners of their mouths, and suddenly they didn’t want to pay attention to Jiang Xiaobai.

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