Chapter 231 What is most lacking in the 21st century? Talent (5/5)

After learning about Jiang Xiaobai’s performance in the dimensional space, in the afternoon of the next day, Xu Yan… took Jiang Xiaobai into the training room of the Awakened in the hotel.

After waiting for half an hour, Xu Yan came out with a complex emotion of frustration and excitement.

By now, Xu Yan can be sure that Jiang Xiaobai’s strength displayed at this moment, even if it is not suitable for talent skills, is completely no less than the awakened person at the first level of the ordinary Galaxy.

If you use talented skills, I’m afraid that the awakened people on the second and third floors of the Galaxy Realm will be cool.

Before meeting Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan thought that she was already a rare genius.

But now compared with Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Yan feels like a fart genius.

Now Jiang Xiaobai had such strength when he was only at the first level of the Stardust Realm.Isn’t it impossible to say that when he enters the Star River Realm, it is possible to hang himself up and beat him up to be a monster.

But what is exciting is that Jiang Xiaobai has such strength.Even if there is no Jiang Xiaoxin and others, Jiang Xiaobai alone is enough to sweep the competitors from other schools in the next ring.

To put it bluntly, this time the champion of the national college competition, Yucheng Middle School has been awarded.

“By the way, 07, during the next time, you’d better not go out for the time being.”

While walking, Xu Yan suddenly spoke as if thinking of something.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Xu Yan suspiciously and asked, “Why?”

After pondering for a while, Xu Yan said slowly: “I wish Huanchun”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly, and instantly guessed what Xu Yan meant.

“You worry that the woman will do something to me”

Xu Yan nodded and said, “Do not rule out this possibility. After all, Zhu Huanchun has always done everything by unscrupulous means. Before, you used Wang Wenjie to… some of the strongest students in Shangling Middle School. It’s all solved, it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t do it to you.

So, before the ring game starts, if you want to go out, you’d better let me know.”

From Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai has already learned that Zhu Huanchun’s level is similar to Xu Yan.

It was also at the peak of the Galaxy Realm, and it was only one step away to enter the Star Sea Realm.

Even now that Jiang Xiaobai’s strength has greatly increased, it is still quite difficult to deal with Zhu Huanchun.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

It was also when Xu Yan explained this to Jiang Xiaobai and told about the information she collected about some participating students from other schools during these hours.

In a low-key, luxurious and connotative room, some people are sitting in their own positions, looking at the picture on the screen in front of them.

If Jiang Xiaobai and other people from Yucheng Middle School are here, they can recognize the picture for the first time, and it is the picture of their previous actions in the dimensional space.

After waiting for the picture on the screen to play, Zhang Xunkun glanced at the information about Jiang Xiaobai in front of him. After pondering for a moment, he glanced around at the heads of these top universities like him. Zhang Xunkun said slowly: “This name is Jiang Xiaobai’s students were accepted by Jiangnan University.”

As soon as these words came out, sitting opposite Zhang Xunkun in his fifties, some bald middle-aged people coldly snorted: “Why can this kid directly punch those………Stardust Realm Sixth Floor? His sub-pocket blasted away, and his strength was at least forty points. At first glance, it is more suitable for my Hanhai Academy.”

“Heh, don’t forget, this kid’s talent skills are of auxiliary type. Among my Celestial University, the auxiliary department is the strongest. This student should have entered into Celestial University.”

…Beside, when a staff member watched the heads of the top universities in the country blushing for a student ID, he glanced at the frozen Jiang Xiaobai picture on the screen, and the staff couldn’t help but promote. There was a strong feeling of envy and jealousy.

The national college competition every year, strictly speaking, is also the selection of some outstanding seedlings by each university.

But in the past, it was all those…Ordinary universities for selection.

This year’s organizer is China’s top ten universities.

For ordinary people, even if they can be accepted by any of these top ten universities, it is a matter of the ancestors accumulating virtue.

But at this moment, in order to fight for the identity of the student Jiang Xiaobai, the leaders of these top ten universities turned out to be fighting.

I don’t know how many people will be shocked when it spreads out.

I can think about it. After watching the pictures in the video with his own eyes, this staff member also had to admit that the…the student named Jiang Xiaobai was really a thief.

Only at the first level of the Stardust Realm, they were able to stir up such a big movement in the dimensional space, turning those… silver dimensional creatures around.

In the end, the leader of Hanhai Academy asserted: “In this way, since everyone has taken a fancy to this student named Jiang Xiaobai, then after this college competition, we will see which university the participating student will actively choose. In China, no one should contact the participating student in advance, how?

Zhang Xukun and others looked at each other, and they all nodded and agreed.

After the meeting was over, looking at the leaders of the various schools who had left, Zhang Xunkun got in the car and told the driver directly: “Go directly to the Bailing Bird Hotel.”

Bailingniao Hotel, which is the hotel where Jiang Xiaobai and other Yucheng Middle School stayed.

Now Zhang Xunkun has just finished the meeting… heading to the Bailingniao Hotel, the destination is naturally self-evident, and he rushed to Jiang Xiaobai.

As for the 493 that was agreed during the previous meeting and discussion, Zhang Xunkun directly and selectively forgot.

Just kidding, such a gifted student naturally has to find ways to include students in his own school.

What kind of talent is most lacking in the 21st century?

Regarding Jiang Xiaobai’s previous performance in the dimension space, his talent needless to say, his strength is completely worthy of a dozen or twenty awakeners of the same realm.

There is no reason for such a talented student to extrapolate. After arriving at the destination, Zhang Xukun went directly to the 12th floor of the Bailing Bird Hotel.

However, when Zhang Xunkun walked to the room where Jiang Xiaobai was, he suddenly saw an acquaintance.

It was the leader of Hanhai Academy who had previously suggested not to let everyone contact Jiang Xiaobai.

“This old thief”

Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but cursed in his heart, he couldn’t guess that this guy had the same plan as himself.

Similarly, when Zhang Xukun saw the leader of the Hanhai Academy, the other party also saw Zhang Xunkun, and the other party’s face was obviously embarrassed.


Then, without waiting: the two spoke, and the elevator on one side rang again, and another leader from the top ten universities had already walked out.

In the next few minutes, the leaders of the top ten universities in the previous room were gathered here, and the surroundings were once caught in an awkward atmosphere!

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