Chapter 219 The boss is compassionate, Yiqi Juechen (3/5)

Half an hour later, maybe it was tired of playing. After Zhou Jia kicked He Meng over again, Jiang Xiaobai directly reached out with his right hand and grabbed He Meng’s arm directly, then pulled out a semi-circle in the air and fiercely. Smashed to the ground.

The powerful force directly caused He Meng to hit the ground with a lower limit of more than ten centimeters on the surrounding rocky ground.

Under the rupture of internal organs and the fragmentation of bones on his body, He Meng was silent after shaking for a few times.

However, it is a pity that when He Meng died, no one could break through Jiang Xiaobai’s defense and kick He Meng to the goal behind Jiang Xiaobai, which made Wei Zidong and others feel a little pity.

After solving He Meng, Jiang Xiaobai turned his eyes and looked at Yan Tianming and Yan Tianming over there.

Feeling Jiang Xiaobai’s sight, from beginning to end, I saw He Meng’s life and death, Yan Tianming and another participating student, all shaking.

The blood all over his body seemed to be frozen.

After ten seconds of relaxation, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even speak, as if Yan Tianming, who had faintly understood, raised his right hand tentatively, and then slowly moved closer to the watch on his left hand.

Then he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai cautiously.

If you change other participating students, I’m afraid that Yan Tianming and the two can’t beat them, so it’s a big deal to abstain.

It can be seen that after seeing He Meng’s situation before, both of them knew that Jiang Xiaobai disagreed.

Noting that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t respond to his actions, Yan Tianming continued the movements in his hands, and his right hand was already placed above the watch, but the distance was only less than five centimeters.

At this time, Yan Tianming glanced at Jiang Xiaobai again and saw that Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t stopped him, and then he pressed the button on the watch fiercely.

After the watch started up and a green light lit up, the hanging boulder in Yan Tianming’s heart dissipated.

Seeing this, the student next to Yan Tianming also reacted and quickly activated the watch’s distress function.

At this point, the rescuer who had watched the scene for more than half an hour over there waved his hands and gestured to Yan Tianming and the two people over there.

After Yan Tianming and the two stood up, they walked towards the rescuers step by step.

After the rescuers took Yan Tianming away, Jiang Xiaobai and the others continued to collect the star beads, and then continued to act in the dimension space.

At the same time, under the protection of rescuers, the two Yan Tianming at this moment have been sent out of the dimension space.

As he stepped into the dimensional space gate and appeared outside the valley, looking at the participating students and the teacher of the team leader in front of each school, Yan Tianming suddenly heard a slight weeping sound.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw tears of the contestant who had just been with him next to him, and his eyes were slightly red.

Noting Yan Tianming’s gaze, the student said with a feeling of aftermath: “Finally, I came out alive.”

Hearing this, Yan Tianming suddenly remembered what he had just stood on the side and saw He Meng, who had been tortured and disabled for half an hour before his death. Yan Tianming also felt it and said: “Yes! We are alive.” Out.”

With that said, Yan Tianming seemed to be affected, and there was water mist in his eyes.

After a while of fear, I suddenly felt gratitude to Jiang Xiaobai for feeling the compassion of the boss.

The more I think about it, the deeper the feelings of the two, even if they know that there are people from other schools around, they can’t help crying.

At this moment, the rescuer who had just brought out the two of Yan Tianming looked at the two men with grief and tears, and sighed in their hearts.

“They are just children! But they have suffered such a crime, and it is difficult for them.”

According to the heart, even if you put him in the perspective of Yan Tianming, I am afraid that he has experienced something just now, and the reaction now is similar.

However, Yan Tianming’s experience is clear to this rescuer, but others don’t! Therefore, looking at Yan Tianming standing in front of the door of the dimension space crying like two children, all the students and teachers are all It was a face of doubt.

Especially the leader teacher and students of the two schools, glancing at Yan Tianming’s two geniuses in their school and crying so aggrieved, it is even more confusing.

And then don’t care…

What did the people at their school ask, Yan Tianming both shook their heads.

0 After experiencing the previous things, Yan Tianming did not dare to say those previous experiences.

It’s not just because of shame, but because both of them know it, and the misfortune comes out of the mouth.

After all, there will be another ring match next.

If it were for a moment…the mouth was about to say everything, and then they met the…devil-like guy again, and Yan Tianming only thought that the picture was…the back spine was chilly.

For Yan Tianming, it doesn’t matter what champions and rankings are.

I just want to be able to complete this national college competition safely, and then leave safely, and then stay away from that… this guy like the devil.

…… With the passage of time, by now, this personal match has already spent almost eighteen hours It’s only four hours before the end of the time.

And now, I don’t know how many schools have the eyes of the leader teachers and students who frequently look at the location of Yucheng Middle School.

Nothing else, just because at this time period, on the scoreboard outside the valley, what made people surprised is that among the top 100 students, nine of the 9 positions belonged to Yucheng Middle School.

Moreover, it was still terrifying to dominate the top nine rankings.

The tenth place… belongs to Xinhan Middle School, and the student named Zhou Lu has just broken through 50,000 or 10,000 points.

The score difference with the ninth Yucheng Middle School student is more than 5,000.

And this gap in points is still magnified.

Basically, unless there is an accident in the middle, I am afraid that this time the top ten ranking in the individual competition has already been set.

But compared to the rankings, what makes all the participating students and the team leaders curious at the moment is the one who is ranked first in the standings…the student named Jiang Xiaobai.

In terms of personal points, it has reached a terrifying more than 120,000 points, leaving the second place with nearly 100,000 points.

This made all the school’s students and the team leader curious about how strong this Jiang Xiaobai was to be able to achieve such a great ride and lead so many points.


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