Chapter 218 This is simply to play people alive to the rhythm of collapse! (2/5)

The breeze slowly brought the heavy bloody aura carried by the hundreds of dimensional creatures around, but compared to the many dimensional creatures who died on one side… I didn’t dare to move at all because of the pictures that were a few meters away.

Seeing that their two talented teammates were like human skin balls at this moment, they were quickly kicked over and kicked by the nine people in the field. Listening to the screams that gradually began to weaken, both Yan Tianming felt shuddering. .

To be able to become an awakened person in high school, Yan Tianming’s talent is naturally not bad, and he even takes the initiative to enter the dimensional space.

Even in the fight between the awakened, Yan Tianming had seen it several times.

But no matter…

In any case, the impact will not be as great as the impact that Yan Tianming is now bringing.

Not to mention Yan Tianming, the rescuer on the side saw the battle between the awakened in the dimension space for the first time at this moment, and it turned out to be such a weird way.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others who were gradually playing, the rescuers couldn’t help shook their heads and sighed secretly, “You have committed sins!”

This sentence is not to Jiang Xiaobai and others.

After all, there will be battles in the place of human beings, and the fights and conflicts between the awakeners have existed for hundreds of years. In the 493 dimensional space, all the awakeners are already used to respecting their strength.

This point can be seen only by looking at the involuntary fighting and life-and-death battles in this national college competition.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai and others and He Meng are competitors in their own right.There are a series of things before, even if Jiang Xiaobai and others directly kill them, it is not a big deal for this rescuer.

The reason why this rescuer was allowed to say such a thing was completely pitiful to He Meng.

It’s not good to provoke, this guy is going to provoke Jiang Xiaobai.

These in the dimensional space…the rescuers can all communicate with each other.

Therefore, almost all rescuers in the dimension space now know about the actions Jiang Xiaobai tossed out before.

I also know that because Jiang Xiaobai is alone, almost half of the participating students are out of the game.

Those…half of the students were knocked out by Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai himself acted recklessly in the dimension space.

He Meng and several people are looking to provoke who is not good, and they have to provoke Jiang Xiaobai, if it is not for too many crimes, how could it be so bad. The sound, I also know that Jiang Xiaobai will not be able to play for long.

The rescuers can see that He Meng, who is being kicked back and forth in the field at this moment, also knows this.

At the beginning, because he was kicked over as a ball in the process, He Meng, who was unwilling to do so, still wanted to struggle.

But after struggling several times, every time after returning without success, He Meng also gave up.

Since I can’t resist, I can only do it.

Once again, he moved quickly and came to the front in a kneeling posture.

This time, before Yuan Yang moved, Meng had already fallen directly to the ground.

Just like now, the mouth is already filled with blood, and He Meng, who looks wilted, knows that he has almost reached the limit of endurance.

“Can I finally die?”

Feeling the intense pain from all over his body, He Meng had no resentment or anger in his heart, and some, it was just a feeling of relief.

By now, He Meng has determined that Jiang Xiaobai on the opposite side has not let go of his thoughts at all.

If he changes the past and knows that he is about to be killed, He Meng will definitely not sit back and wait.

But now, He Meng is calmly welcoming this moment.

After all, compared with death, life is worse than death, which is the cruelest thing.

However, at this moment, a golden glow flashed and rushed directly into He Meng’s body.

For a moment, it was like being in a hot spring, and He Meng felt an indescribable feeling full of him.


Under this feeling, He Meng couldn’t help making a comfortable sound, and his body shuddered unconsciously.

At the same time, He Meng’s injuries healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Jiang Xiaobai’s two or three attempts, after the skill, He Meng was shocked to find that all his injuries had been fully recovered.

Not only that, but the mental state is even better than before.

And there is an indescribable mental energy all over the body.

If it were in the past, this kind of mental energy would naturally be better.

But what the problem is, what He Meng wants now is not to be full of energy, but to want to die! It also means that Jiang Xiaobai and the others can continue to play the game that they have just played.

It was almost in the body…After the feeling dissipated, Jiang Xiaobai’s light and fluttering voice was already in He Meng’s ears.

“Come on, everyone, go on, don’t be afraid, as long as you don’t kill him all at once, I can rescue him.”

The others hadn’t spoken yet, He Meng was already in shock. He turned his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai with a harmless smile on his face. He couldn’t help but roared in his heart: “Are you a devil or saying you are God?” Come down to play with me”

“Crazy, crazy, crazy!”

At this time, there was only one thought left in He Meng’s mind.

Seeing that he was about to die, he could be freed, but he was rescued by Jiang Xiaobai’s several healing talent skills.

If it is said that death is more painful than death, then it is more miserable than death that life is not as good as death.

Today, He Meng is fortunate enough to experience the transformation of these two processes in person.

He Meng has never hated the healing talent like he does today.

Seeing this unexpected scene in the field, the rescuer next to him trembled severely.

“Dammit, can still play like this”

Obviously, this rescuer did not expect such a change.

Seeing He Meng who was once again reduced to a toy in the field, the rescuer couldn’t help covering his face with one hand.

“This is simply to play people alive to the rhythm of collapse!”

However, Yan Tianming and the two men who were kneeling on one knee looked at the situation in the field, and after a moment of indulgence, the other leg also bends involuntarily.

Just knelt aside quietly, shivering, and didn’t dare to say a word.

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