Chapter 204 What did you just want to say? (3/5)

Above Daha, while listening to the song, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head from time to time as he sang.

After that, I took out a lollipop from the space ring, removed the outer packaging, and threw it away, and then floated to the mouth of a dimensional creature behind, and was caught off guard by the dimensional creature that choked on the wrapping paper and directly stopped the warrior. Own neck, and then knocked down by the companion behind.

Then it was… an inhumane stampede, causing this dimensional creature to die in wailing.

Jiang Xiaobai himself put the lollipop in his mouth and ate it, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

I have to say that although gaining achievement points is absorbing, this process will be a bit boring.

And it’s all over and over again…The unpleasant cry of the dimensional creature makes people tireless.

No matter how hard you are, you can’t suffer yourself, even in the dimensional space, you have to be better about yourself. Jiang Xiaobai’s space ring Zhao Hong has prepared more audio and snacks.

So, next Jiang Xiaobai is…riding the dog, listening to the song, eating snacks, and then gaining achievement points by the way.

My mood improved a lot in an instant.

Afterwards, he lifted his gaze slightly, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the three figures standing in the distance.

After looking intently, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes lit up after confirming that it was a student participating in this competition.

After that, he quickly patted Da Ha and pointed at the three people over there.

Seeing this, Daha, “Woo…”

After a sound,…rush in the direction indicated by Jiang Xiaobai.

Here, the three students who were originally shocked by the movement made by Jiang Xiaobai over there watched Jiang Xiaobai rushing towards them, and their bodies trembled.

There is nothing close to Jiang Xiaobai, but don’t forget, behind Jiang Xiaobai, there are hundreds of dimensional creatures! And these… Level.

If they are all attracted, even if they have the protective cover on the watch, they are afraid that they will be cold if they don’t insist on a second.

Fortunately, when the distance between these people was about 100 meters, Daha under Jiang Xiaobai had already turned a different direction.

Waiting for these… when the dimensional creatures circled, Jiang Xiaobai, who was originally on Daha’s body, suddenly jumped up and rushed directly towards them.

After landing and rushing for a certain distance, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three students who were already stunned in front of him, pointed to the school uniform and asked: “Brothers, ask, have you met any students wearing such uniforms?”

Seeing those…Dimensional creatures were not drawn over, both this and the trio 3 were relieved in their hearts.

Then, one of the participating students glanced at Jiang Xiaobai who was eating a lollipop in front of him, his face was… “Have you…”

However, it didn’t wait: the student’s words came out, and behind, a dimensional creature was already roaring and rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

During the movement, the part of this dimensional creature had blood dripping.It is conceivable that Jiang Xiaobai had definitely been paying attention to it with skills before.

Looking at this dimensional creature, the three of them had already recognized the identity of this dimensional creature within 3 hours.

It was a dimensional creature belonging to the third layer of the Stardust Realm.

You know, before the three of them faced the dimensional creature on the first level of the Stardust Realm, they almost had an accident, let alone a silver dimensional creature on the third level of the Stardust Realm, they couldn’t beat it at all!

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai frowned slightly in response to the movement next to him, and then, his empty right hand suddenly lifted, and then directly hit the body of this dimensional creature.


As the dull voice of He sounded, in the sight of several people, Jiang Xiaobai’s punch directly blasted half of this dimensional creature’s body directly.

The powerful force caused the incomplete body of this dimensional creature to fly upside down, and when it fell to seven or eight meters away, after that, the body twitched for a few times and then there was no sound, and it was completely cold.

“One, one punch, half of the body is gone”

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the three students almost stared out as if struck by lightning.

Looking at this dimensional creature lightly, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the student who was talking to him just now and asked: “What did you just want to say?”

Facing the integration of Jiang Xiaobai’s vision, after retracting his vision, looking at the sunny and even handsome Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, the unhappiness on the student’s face suddenly disappeared, and the cold sweat on the back quickly overflowed, and the face was also Obviously a little paler.

“You, you, are there…, are there… many lollipops”

After swallowing it for several seconds, this student forcibly squeezed out this sentence.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai asked in an angry tone: “I ask if you have ever met me wearing the same school uniform as mine”

“No, no.”

The three of them shook their heads desperately.

See this, Jiang Xiaobai “嘁”

He said, “I don’t know if it’s better, but what I don’t look like is…it’s beautiful.”

……Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s dissatisfaction, the three students were completely angry, not daring to speak, and even forced a smile to show good.

Just kidding, just now, Jiang Xiaobai punched a dimensional creature from the third layer of the Stardust Realm to death in front of them.

Fierce is exactly like Jiang Xiaobai himself is a dimensional creature.

With such strength, who would dare to provoke no news, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t bother to waste time with these three people.

After turning around and running for a few steps, he jumped up, returned to Daha who was slipping over there with the dimensional creature, and then left.

A few dozen seconds later, as Jiang Xiaobai and a number of dimensional creatures left, after the dust spread out, there were footprints on the ground and the corpses of a few dimensional creatures who were trampled to death by bad luck.

After a while, I glanced at the direction of Jiang Xiaobai, who was already invisible. After the three students were silent for a while, the student who had asked Jiang Xiaobai for a lollipop suddenly said quietly: “Suddenly, I want to quit this time. It’s a game.”

Not to mention the student, the two students next to him glanced at the corpse of the dimensional creature with half of its body missing, and this thought came up in their hearts.

It’s not that they didn’t give much strength, but after seeing the scene just now, they suddenly felt that perhaps their life was more important than the game.

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