Chapter 203 It seems…someone is singing (2/5)

In the valley outside the door of the Dimensional Space, all the remaining students in the valley and the teachers and leaders of the various schools at the moment are placed on the screens next to the valley.

The students who entered the dimensional space this time, as the dimensional creatures killed by the students inside earn points, they will be able to feed back on the outside screen.

Especially the first screen, the name displayed on it, the student’s points, and the font of the student’s school are much larger than other screens.

On this screen, only the score information of the top 100 students was recorded.

At this moment, when Xu Yan and the remaining students from Yucheng Middle School were all looking at the screen, Zhu Huanchun didn’t know when he had already reached Xu Yan’s side.

Looking at Xu Yan’s nervous expression, Zhu Huanchun just… sneered: “What’s so good, just the trash under your hands, even if you are lucky now, you haven’t been eliminated, I’m afraid it is hiding somewhere to move. Don’t dare to move.”

Hearing this, Xu Yan couldn’t help turning her head and glanced coldly at Zhu Huanchun and snorted: “What are you so proud of, don’t forget, in your Shangling Middle School, so far, no student has entered the first 493 points. Hundreds.”

Zhu Huan Chunman said casually: “No hurry, anyway…it’s still early, it’s only a few minutes now.”

After speaking, after a pause, Zhu Huanchun suddenly approached, and his voice lowered a little: “In addition, I forgot to tell you before that I just used Huan Ningxiang on your students when I was approaching.”

“Fantasy Condensing Fragrance”

Xu Yan’s expression changed drastically when she heard this name.

Phantom Ningxiang is a special product for tracking purposes.

Some dimensional creatures are cunning by nature, and often when they detect something wrong, they will run away and find a place to hide.

Huan Ningxiang was developed to deal with these…dimensional creatures.

After using the magical incense, and then through a special instrument, it can accurately grasp the movement within a distance of two kilometers.

Xu Yan didn’t expect this Zhu Huanchun to be so vicious, she used Huan Ningxiang when she got close before.

Noting Xu Yan’s reaction, Zhu Huanchun’s smile became even greater.

“In addition, I forgot to give you a life. Wang Wenjie has already entered the third level of the Stardust Realm. Even the awakeners of the fourth level of the ordinary Stardust Realm are not opponents. You still want to get the qualifications for the rewards after this game. , Idiot said dreaming.”

Having said this…, Zhu Huanchun has already left proudly.

“Hey, Teacher Xu, look, Xuedi Jiang is already in the top five hundred names.”

At this time, a student next to Xu Yan suddenly pointed to the second place, and the screen said.

Hearing this, Xu Yan quickly raised her head and looked at the second screen.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the second screen, Jiang Xiaobai’s name appeared quietly.

Seeing this, Xu Yan’s expression was a little slow.

“Hope, this kid can try to get rid of those…the people in Shangling Middle School, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

…At the same time, above the wilderness, Ji Sheng was constantly waving his hands to fight with the surrounding dimensional creatures.

Looking at the completely different school uniforms of these students, I can guess that these students are not from the same school, but formed a temporary team in this meta-space.

“Dammit, these guys are really tough.”

After these students joined forces to kill the dimensional creatures in front of him, one of the students holding a shield took a breath.

The person next to him sighed and said: “Who said no! Not to mention the speed, the power and reaction are so strong, it is also the first level of the Stardust Realm, and the three of us can barely kill this guy. Abyss Dimensional Space These…………The strength of dimensional creatures is really not that strong.”

“This is just you killed. As agreed, it’s my turn next time.”

“no problem.”

………Also when the three students relaxed and chatted a little, suddenly, the boy with a shield among the three frowned and asked, “Did you hear the sound?”

“what sound”

The two people nearby asked.

The boy holding the shield said with a somewhat uncertain tone: “It seems…someone is singing.”

“Don’t make fun of singing, this is the dimension space, and it’s still the abyss dimension space, who would be so stupid to sing, isn’t that looking for death?”

A student next to him has no good air.

The boy holding the shield scratched his head, then groaned again and then smiled bitterly: “But I really heard the sound of singing, and it seems to be getting closer.”

Just as these words fell, all of them felt the ground under their feet vibrate slightly.

Under this change, both this and the trio 3’s expressions changed, and they quickly turned their eyes.

After waiting for a few seconds, everyone can feel the vibration of the ground under their feet becoming more and more obvious.

It’s as if there are hundreds of people stomping their feet at the same time.

And between this shaking, there was a faint singing voice.

Looking along the place where the faint sound came from, in the sight of a few people, the plains in the distance were already dusty, as if there were a lot of things, fast approaching.

As the distance over there approaches, the faint singing before the ears of a few people is more obvious.

“A little closer, let you hold hands”

“Be brave and I’ll follow you”

“What time are you waiting for is running out”

“Go on and have to be friends only”

…And while the sound of this singing echoed, in the sight of several people, they had already seen a student riding on a two-meter-high blood-red wolf-like dimensional creature and quickly approaching.

As they approached quickly, the few people also clearly saw the boy in their sight, holding an alloy longbow in one hand.

What’s especially noticeable is that there is a small speaker hung on the neck of the blood-red wolf under the boy.

Fang Cai’s voice came from this small speaker.

As he ran, the boy nodded and shook his head, as if he was singing along with him.

“I’m Cao, it’s true that someone sings, isn’t you afraid of attracting the dimensional creatures around you?”

Seeing this scene, these students all stared, and one of them couldn’t help but vomit.

“You, look behind that guy.”

At this moment, the student next to the three of them… holding the shield suddenly said a little hesitantly.

Hearing that, all of them took a look at the distance.

In my sight, behind the wolf and dog, followed by a dense group of dimensional creatures howling frantically, the number of which was dazzling, it was… not less than three hundred.

Seeing this, the faces of the three students disappeared in an instant, leaving only a pale face.

“Yes, pills”


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