Chapter 201 Gang committed crimes (5/5)

Let alone other people, even Jiang Xiaobai, at this moment, feels his chest is stuffy, as if he is a little out of breath.

“I’m going, this guy is so strong”

Under this feeling, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but murmured.

Xu Yan next to him said slowly: “The person on the stage, named Zhang Xukun, is really the president of Jiangnan University. The strength is naturally extremely powerful.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being a little bit stunned.

Those who are awakened in the nebula realm are already able to enter the level of the platinum dimension.

At this level, the awakened person has the ability to destroy a city in every gesture.

The big guy with the Nebula Realm spoke. The original students who were… still irritating dared to continue talking, all of them shrank like quails.

Even if it was a bit ironic, he kept silent after knowing the identity of Zhang Xukun through the leader teacher next to him.

And Zhang Xunkun’s reaction and the fall of rewards undoubtedly confirmed Jiang Xiaobai’s previous conjectures.

Afterwards, all the students from each school who signed the life and death agreement were slowly taken to the depths of the valley under the arrangement of 07.

What deserves Jiang Xiaobai’s attention is that among these students, there are still many students with star mechanics apprentices.

Obviously, many of them are the same as Jiang Xiaobai, inferring the same conclusion from limited information, and preparing to enter the dimensional space to fight it.

In the process, Wang Wenjie of Shangling Middle School didn’t know when he had already arrived at Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

The sight of Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia paused for a while, with some inexplicable luster, before turning to Jiang Xiaobai who was standing in front of them.

“Heh, boy, you were very tugged before! I hope you ask God to worship the Buddha for blessings not to meet us in the dimension space, otherwise, I don’t mind letting you know what it means to survive, not to die, or not to die.”

Facing Wang Wenjie’s words, Jiang Xiaobai just smiled gently, and slowly uttered two words.


Seeing this, Wang Wenjie and other students in Shangling Middle School were already slightly darkened, but they didn’t say much and just sneered, and turned to the front.

However, just when Wang Wenjie and other people from Shangling Middle School had just stepped into the dimensional space, they had not completely dissipated.

Jiang Xiaobai was already thinking about it.

“Puff, puff, puff, puff…”

In an instant, with a few dull sounds and screams, blood arrows suddenly burst out of the dimension gate.

And the student who was about to enter the dimensional gate was directly splashed with this blood.

“I’m Cao, what’s the matter with this blood, why is it suddenly vacated from the dimension”

“Could it be that the opposite side of the Dimensional Space Gate was already a student who was killed by the Dimensional Creature before entering, so the blood was sprayed out?”

“You said, there really is this”

“Uh… don’t you think the smell of these blood, it’s a bit strange”

“Don’t say it, it’s really, it seems to have a little shit smell.”

…Suddenly several blood shots shot out from the door of the Yuan Space this time, and the students at the door suddenly hesitated.

Not to mention these students, even some of the staff who are in charge of monitoring next to them are at a loss and have not figured out the situation.

Dimensional creatures are extremely sensitive to blood, and this time the dimensional space belongs to the abyss dimensional space.

If you enter with blood, I’m afraid that the dimensional creatures hundreds of meters around will smell the fish, let alone hunting dimensional creatures to earn points, whether you can live is still a question.

Naturally, the latter…The students who were sprayed with blood can only go to wash up and change into clean clothes after swearing in secret.

While walking, these students continued to curse.

As for these… Jiang Xiaobai, the instigator, smiled softly, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

No one can pretend to leave in front of oneself, even if they leave, they will inevitably bring heavy pain.

After the other students entered the Dimensional Space Gate in turn, Jiang Xiaobai already waved his hand to get Wei Zidong and others from Yucheng Middle School to get closer to him.

After a few people gathered, Yuan Yang took the initiative to ask: “How do you say?”

Jiang Xiaobai said directly: “After you enter, it is best for each of you to find a safe place to hide. I will try to find you and meet in the shortest time.”

“What you think is this method”

After hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Yang’s eyes widened and his face was “You seem to be teasing me”


Wei Zidong frowned and said, “Boy, your method is a little unrealistic. After all, the dimension space is so large, everyone is randomly teleported to different locations. If you want to gather us together, it will undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack!”

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled quietly and said: “For others, maybe this approach is not feasible at all and it is thankless, but don’t forget, I am a man with a dog.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai directly took out the vials and handed them to 493 people. Looking at the yellow body in the vials, Zhou Jia asked with a blank face: “What is this?”

Jiang Xiaobai pointed and said, “This silly dog’s urine.”

Hearing that, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin both shook their hands, almost throwing their things on the ground.

Fortunately, I know that Jiang Xiaobai is not boring at this time so that he can endure such jokes.

Among the few people, a girl from Yucheng Middle School suddenly thought: “Little brother, can it be said that you want to pass this, and then let your tame animal find us”

Jiang Xiaobai gave a thumbs up and said: “Smart.”

Although this dimensional space is a non-locating abyssal dimensional space with a huge range, Daha itself is a silver-level dimensional creature with an extremely sensitive sense of smell.

Relying on these… the discharged urine, as long as it is close to a certain area, Daha can directly search for other team members along the smell.

In this way, finding a needle in a haystack is completely avoided.

At the speed of Daha, even if it is a dimensional space, it will be able to gather all people in more than two hours, even if it is a dimensional space.

At that time, nine people and nine gathered, the gang committed crimes, plus Jiang Xiaobai was there, in this dimensional space, they would do whatever they wanted.

If you meet someone who is not pleasing to the eye, just fuck him.


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