Chapter 200 Believe me, eat meat (4/5)

The so-called non-positioning dimensional space means that once the awakened person enters the dimensional space, they will be randomly transmitted to a certain location in the dimensional space.

In this way, even if people from the same team step into the secondary space gate at the same time, they will appear in different positions, let alone teaming up.

Those…students with higher strength are fine, but those…students whose strength levels are only astral mechanics apprentices, if they are unlucky once they enter, they can’t do it. It will be sent directly to some silver dimensional creatures, and then the fun will be great.

Maybe it will directly use the function of resisting attacks on the watch, and maybe it will not be able to support the staff to come and rescue.

And this time the game will last a full day for 24 hours.

Therefore, it is inevitable that some students will retreat after knowing the content of this competition.

After all, many learn “four nines three”

According to Sheng, the game is only, even if there is an injury, it will not be life-threatening.

But now, the situation has clearly far exceeded my expectations.

Regarding this point, the organizer does not limit it, but requires all school leaders to ask students who are willing to continue the competition to sign a life and death agreement within five minutes. After five minutes, the students who have signed the life and death agreement will begin to enter the dimension in turn. In space.

“What do you think”

At Yucheng Middle School, after learning about the content of this competition, Xu Yan’s expression was also a little heavy at Haihui Temple.

Obviously, Xu Yan did not even think of the content of this competition.

In the field, except for…Jiang Xiaobai, any student who enters the dimensional space will take great risks.

The organizer has made it very clear before.

The results of this competition will be evaluated based on the individual scores of participating students and team scores in each school to determine the ranking of each school competition.

In other words, once there are too many abstentions in Yucheng Middle School, even if you get a good ranking in the next ring competition, because your personal performance is too low, the overall ranking will drop drastically.

Faced with this situation, after hesitating for more than ten seconds, there was already a boy on Yucheng Middle School who raised his hand, and a little timidly chose to withdraw from the individual competition.

And this student is also a senior high school student who has reached the eighth-level star mechanics apprentice.

Fortunately, except for this student, none of the other students opted out, but resolutely signed their names.

But when he saw that Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin had also signed their own names, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but pull Jiang Xiaobai and said: “This time the match is so dangerous, why don’t you stop them both?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: “Not as dangerous as you think”

When everyone heard this, their eyes turned to Jiang Xiaobai, with some inquiries.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai whispered: “Although the venue of the game this time is the Abyss Dimensional Space, the monsters inside are already powerful in the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm. Don’t forget, this time in the school that participated in the competition. , After all, the students of the Astral Mechanic Apprenticeship accounted for seven or eight 708%.

According to the normal situation, once they enter the dimensional space and are followed to a certain position, I am afraid that these students will die at least half of them this time.

The consequences of this number of deaths are definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Therefore, in my opinion, since the organizer’s sight line has arranged corresponding rescue personnel, this number will definitely not be small.

It is very likely that for every kilometer, there will be a rescuer hiding, making it easy to leave at any time.

Therefore, even if you get in bad luck and bump into a silver-level dimensional creature, as long as you can open the protective cover in the watch, you will definitely be able to support rescuers to come.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, everyone felt very reasonable.

And the student who gave up aloud before had a touch of regret in his eyes, and couldn’t help but look at the life and death agreement in Xu Yan’s hand again.

Without waiting for the student to speak out, Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a while and said, “Mr. Xu, let Yuan Yang replace the guy who just…quitted into the dimension space!”

“Why let me go”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Yang was stunned.

To be honest, Yuan Yang’s level can be said to be the lowest in the field, with only a sixth-level star mechanics apprentice.

Although after some analysis by Jiang Xiaobai just now, it is known that the danger of this individual match is not as great as he imagined, but Yuan Yang is still a little frustrated after all.

He wanted to refuse, but at this time Jiang Xiaobai suddenly patted Yuan Yang on the shoulder and said, “Have you heard a word?”

Yuan Yang was startled and asked: “What are you talking about?”

Jiang Xiaobai picked up the corner of his mouth and said: “The live fish go upstream, the dead fish follow the flow, follow the tens of millions to make millions, and follow the beggars and beggars. Believe me, and eat 0…”

I thought Jiang Xiaobai would say something reliable, but it turned out to be such a bowl of chicken soup.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “Everyone is here. Thank you for your participation! Otherwise, it would be boring to go back like this. Anyway…Safety is guaranteed.”

Hearing thank you for participating, Yuan Yang couldn’t help rolling his eyes, but after hesitating, he gritted his teeth and signed the last life and death agreement with his name.

After the agreement was signed, Yuan Yang walked to Jiang Xiaobai’s face with a bitter expression, and asked, “You asked me to participate, is it because you have any good ideas?”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, “A little while…talk about this.”

Although I didn’t say it directly, it was obvious that Jiang Xiaobai really had a way to deal with it, which made Yuan Yang feel relieved.

After waiting for a few minutes, with the arrival of the organizer’s time limit, all the agreements have been handed over to the logistics office by the teachers of each school.

At this time, the man who seemed to be a little elegant before standing on the high platform stepped forward again and said: “Very well, next, as long as the students who have signed the life and death agreement, each student can get 100 personal points. ”

“Ah what, I will get one hundred points”

“That’s right! Why hasn’t done anything yet.”



All of a sudden, those…students who had originally given up because of danger were dissatisfied.

According to the previous organizer, killing a dimensional creature with a seventh-level star mechanic can only earn one point, an eighth-level star mechanic with a dimensional creature is two points, and a ninth-level star mechanic with a dimensional creature is very.

The dimensional creatures on the first level of the Stardust Realm are ten.Each level later, the points obtained after killing are twice the previous dimensional creatures.

One hundred points is equivalent to killing ten dimensional creatures on the first floor of the Stardust Realm.

Facing the controversy of the following students, the middle-aged man on the high platform snorted coldly: “Shut up all of you.”

As he spoke, a majestic star power had already burst from the leader’s body, spreading, and covering the entire valley, which made people unable to help but be overwhelmed by a layer of pressure.

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