Chapter 175 Small body, great power (4/5)

Feeling the anger from the lava lord in front of him, Daha, who saw that the opportunity was wrong, did not need Jiang Xiaobai to speak, and he turned and ran away.

When the lava lord stood up again, Jiang Xiaobai and Daha were already tens of meters away.

Seeing this, the angry lava lord roared, his body filled with flames.

Suddenly, in the sky above everyone, there were already more than a dozen pieces: the huge lava condensate of blue flames smashed towards Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

“No, it’s the skill of the lava lord, the lava falls from the sky, fast back.”

Seeing the huge blocks of lava that began to gather in the sky, Liu Yingying and others behind them all changed their expressions.

Similarly, Jiang Xiaobai, who noticed the change in the air, raised his brows slightly.

During the rapid movement of Daha, the right hand is already placed on the bowstring of the alloy longbow, “Four Nine Three”

Above, as the arrows gathered by the star power condensed through the space, it was already swept toward one of the lava pieces in the sky that was nearly half a meter in size.

The arrow of the roots of the stars shot down the lava above his head from top to bottom, looking at the lava lord with the wave of star power on his body again, and when Daha quickly approached, his skill was already lost. Past.

As the lava lord over there knelt on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai’s bow and arrow in his hand were already moved one after another.

“Shoo…!, hoo…!, hoo…!”

Suddenly, nine arrows shot back and forth, rushing towards the head of the lava lord as quickly as a straight line.

As the first arrow condensed by star power exploded when it hit the lava lord, the arrows behind followed closely.

When the last arrow condensed by star power arrived, it directly blasted the head of the lava lord completely.

However, just after Jiang Xiaobai blasted the head of the lava lord, the blue flames on the lava lord were soaring.

The scattered stones on the ground rolled quickly, and then tossed to the body of the lava lord.

When the position of the stones on the body changed, a head was already piled up again.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes lightly.

It is not easy for ordinary dimensional creatures.The reason why the lava lord made Liu Yingying and the others change their color is completely because of the difficulty of the lava lord.

In addition to… possessing skills and great power, the most troublesome thing is that unless it is hitting the key: or receiving a devastating blow, the injuries that can be received are all at the extreme. Recovery in the time.

And the key to any dimensional creature: it is no different from the star orb in the body.

The key to the lava lord: it is also the star orb and the lava heart in his body that are the source of all energy.

But based on the situation just now, Jiang Xiaobai felt that even if he used Nine Stars Lianzhu again, I was afraid that it would be difficult to defeat the lava lord…the huge thoughts, Jiang Xiaobai sighed. He sighed and rushed from Daha’s body to the lava lord.

“I’ll go, what is he going to do to fight close to the lava lord, is he crazy!”

On the other side, after avoiding the skills of the lava lord just now, the trio 3 raised their heads and saw the single-handedly rushing towards the lava lord Jiang Xiaobai, Zhong Jun was shocked.

Although Jiang Xiaobai had shown great strength and talent skills before.

But the opposite is the Lava Lord, even the awakened person of the Stardust Realm with outstanding power attributes like Wang Gang dare not do this.

Jiang Xiaobai, an awakened person who took the auxiliary route, took the initiative to approach, which in the eyes of the three people 3 is completely looking for death.

During the fast movement, a shot of the skill was thrown out, and as two streams of light emerged, controlling the lava lord to kneel on the ground, his body rushed to the lava lord with a few vertical leaps like a cheetah.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai who rushed in front of him, the lava lord gave a low growl, a huge hand was already raised, and it was brought to Jiang Xiaobai fiercely.

There was a dull whistling sound between the waves of the huge lava palm.

Facing the action of the lava lord, Jiang Xiaobai raised the corner of his mouth, then raised one hand.

You know, although the lava lord is a dimensional creature on the fourth floor of the Stardust Realm, his power attributes are only a few thirty points.

However, Jiang Xiaobai’s power attribute has already exceeded forty points.

What is a small body has great power.

This is.

Therefore, as Jiang Xiaobai and the lava lord’s palm, which was a few dozen times different in size, was raised in the air, it turned out to be intact and blocked the lava lord’s hand. 0… In this scene, the three eyes of Liu Yingying, Yang Meng and Wang Gang on one side were about to stare out at this moment.

“I, Cao, I saw something that guy actually blocked the attack of the lava lord with one hand.”

Yang Meng couldn’t help but rubbed his eyes, feeling that he was just too nervous and hallucinated.

But after rubbing his eyes, he took a closer look and found that Jiang Xiaobai was indeed standing in front of the lava lord intact.

Not to mention Liu Yingying, even the lava lord looked at Jiang Xiaobai, who was directly stopped by a hand in front of him, and the flame-condensed eyes on his face jumped a few times, as if he did not react at all.

At the same time, after stopping the giant lava hand of the lava lord, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth was slightly raised when he felt the temperature in the palm of the opponent’s hand that he could bear.

In the next instant, as Jiang Xiaobai’s palm was slightly hard, he slapped the lava lord’s hand away, his fist was raised, and it was already a quick punch to hit the lava behemoth.


As Jiang Xiaobai’s fist fell and hit the lava lord, with Jiang Xiaobai’s fist as the center, the powerful fluctuations suddenly dispersed, and if the strong wind crossed the border, even if it was Liu Yingying who was 20 meters away. Et al’s hair 1.

1 and the clothes are blown loudly.

At the same time, under the superimposed force of The Nine Brocade of Falling Waves, the lava lord’s body suddenly appeared with cracks and then cracked with Jiang Xiaobai’s fist as the center.

It was as if it was…like a hammer hitting a stone, under the splash of the broken stone, the body of the lava lord was directly blown away by Jiang Xiaobai’s punch.

One is braving: the blue flame of the stone that looks like the palm of the heart and a star orb have fallen from the air as the body of the lava lord scattered.

For a moment, no matter…

Whether it was Liu Yingying or the remaining dimensional creatures in the field, they all stopped in an instant.

Every line of sight in the field was placed on the pile of rubble in front of Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaobai.

The entire sky suddenly fell into a dead silence.


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