Chapter 174 The bad guy (3/5)

The three of Liu Yingying knew each other.

The reason for accepting this quest is entirely because the goal of Trio 3 is also to strengthen his own weapons in order to obtain enough lava hearts, so by the way.

After two successive calls, there were as many as hundreds of dimensional creatures that died under the hands of a few people.

Not to mention the requirements of the mission, even their goals have been achieved.

If it changes to the past, whether to continue in this meta-space or leave, the three of them have the final say.

But today, the reason why a few people can accomplish their goals quickly is to say unceremoniously because they hugged Jiang Xiaobai’s thighs.

Therefore, whether to leave or continue next, the few people also handed over the decision-making power to Jiang Xiaobai.

The national college competition is coming soon, and the selection of the competition is in the city.

Regardless of….

Whether Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia, and even Jiang Xiaoxin have already received the exact news, they will leave for the game in advance in three days.

The national college competition generally lasts about a week: time.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai also wants to save a large amount of achievement points before the game, in case it is needed from time to time.

Today, I have all come in, every hundreds of thousands of achievement points, where would Jiang Xiaobai be willing to leave nature, Jiang Xiaobai also directly chose to continue.

Seeing this, none of the three of 3 objected.

After all, the benefits in this metaspace after the event are to be divided equally.With Jiang Xiaobai, their previous earnings of more than an hour are completely comparable to the earnings of the previous half a month, and they will naturally not object.

As several people become more and more familiar with each other, almost every time Jiang Xiaobai uses skills to leave a few dimensional creatures, the three people 3 ambushing will directly rush out in the shortest time. Solve the dimensional creatures.

Even after reaching the back, from the ambush of the original three people 3, it evolved into those directly following Jiang Xiaobai…the dimensional creatures.


However, it was also when the surrounding dimensional creatures were constantly attracted to him, a roar full of violence suddenly sounded from one side.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Xiaobai and others all turned their heads quickly.

But in the line of sight, a lava monster rushed quickly from a distance.

The reason why I saw this lava monster at a glance is entirely because the flames surrounding this lava monster are not red, but a faint blue.

And its body and mind are nearly twice as tall as an ordinary lava monster.

“Oops, it’s the lava lord.”

Looking at the golden rooster in the distance, which seemed to be an extremely independent creature, Liu Yingying among the three already exclaimed.

These things in the Lava Demon Dimensional Space…Secondly, because of its particularity, the original strength is more troublesome than other dimensional creatures.

And although the lava lord is only a dimensional creature on the fourth floor of the Stardust Realm, the awakened ones on the sixth floor of the Constant Stardust Realm will have a headache when confronting them, let alone them.

Once Liu Yingying’s trio of strength is met with 3, let alone a kill, it is still a question of whether he can leave alive.

Therefore, seeing this lava lord fiercely couldn’t help shouting: “Brother Jiang, hurry up, that’s the lava lord, we can’t figure it out.”

The movement of the lava lord’s appearance was too loud, not to mention Liu Yingying, Jiang Xiaobai had heard it for the first time.

Hearing the voice behind, not only did Jiang Xiaobai not have the slightest fear in his eyes, but instead drove Daha under him to take the initiative to approach the location of the lava lord.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, Liu Yingying’s expression changed.

“How to do”

After pondering for a while, Wang Gang quickly asked.

Before Yang Meng spoke, Liu Yingying on one side had already said in a deep voice: “First continue to clean up these surrounding…Dimensional creatures, wait: try it, if it doesn’t work, then withdraw.”

If it were placed in the past, when they saw this lava lord, a few people would definitely turn their heads and run away.

But before, after seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, several people also wanted to try it out to see if they could kill this lava lord with Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

Later, after a discussion, several people continued to follow up, one by one, with their talent skills, quickly harvesting those who followed Jiang Xiaobai…the lava lion and the lava monster.

It was also after Liu Yingying and the three of them tried their best to eliminate those…the lava lion and the lava monster, as the distance between the two sides approached, Jiang Xiaobai waved his right hand, and there were already two lines. The streamer rushed towards the lava lord.

0 When the lava lord knelt directly on the ground, just when he looked dazed, Jiang Xiaobai, who was riding a big ha, was already in front of the lava lord.

I have to say that this lava lord is indeed very tall, even if he is kneeling on the ground, he can be as high as he is.

In the ignorance of the lava lord, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head and looked up, then raised a middle finger to the lava lord.

At the same time, Daha under Jiang Xiaobai was also curiously looking at the pile of lava lords in front of him.

Especially when he glanced at the blue flame on the lava lord, Daha’s wolf face showed a humane suspicion.



A mouthful of phlegm was already spit out from Daha’s mouth, and it was directly covered on the face of the lava lord in front of him.


With this spit from Daha spitting on the face of the lava lord, the blue flame was tumbling, and it was less than a second to burn the saliva on his face without a trace.


Seeing this scene, the wolf face was surprised.

Then one of the forelimbs lifted up, and after hesitating for a while, it instantly popped out like a spring, slammed onto the face of the lava lord, and immediately retracted the claws.The process was almost at its extreme.

But when the paw was retracted, staring at the slightly curved hair on his paw, Daha seemed to be dissatisfied with a look at the lava lord and spit out again.

Looking at Daha’s…behavior, Jiang Xiaobai has a black line.

This and the dog thing are completely ruined.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know where exactly this guy learned these things from, and the movements and expressions were completely like a husky doing tricks.

It’s hard to say that Daha was treated as a husky during this period of time, and a mutant dimensional creature was really developed into a husky, but it didn’t wait: Jiang Xiaobai thought a lot, after being spit on his face by Daha, he was again After Daha slapped, the lava lord who was kneeling on the ground at this moment has recovered.

Seeing that the palm in front of him was full of contemptuous wolf faces, he was already roaring, his expression was extremely irritable, and even the blue flames on his body were a little restless and tossed towards the big. Ha and Jiang Xiaobai rushed to B.

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