Chapter 170 Are you going to pay a visit to the meta creature this time?

Seeing Yang Meng directly kneeling on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai thought for the first time that he had just unconsciously used a skill on Yang Meng.

But when he checked the system and found that he had only received two hundred achievement points from the lava lion, he was sure that Yang Meng’s sudden kneeling had nothing to do with him.

Looking at Yang Meng’s look of surprise and horror, Jiang Xiaobai still doesn’t know where this product is entirely because of the lava lion that suddenly fell and knelt on the ground, his legs weakened and knelt to the ground.

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai felt speechless in his heart.

As he knelt on the ground, Yang Meng, who had been completely scared before, also recovered.

When he saw the lava lion in front of him, he subconsciously slapped the face of the lava lion in panic.

Originally also because of the inexplicable “Four Nine Three” at this moment

Miao fell from the sky and knelt on the ground and fell into a daze, feeling the pain on his face suddenly recovering.

Because of the delay in the previous few seconds, the lava lion felt that his two forelimbs had regained consciousness at this moment, and stood up.

The fierce eyes stared directly at Yang Meng, his body was slightly arched, and the sharp fangs in his mouth were already exposed.

But before the lava magic lion moved, two streams of light suddenly rushed out from Jiang Xiaobai’s side and directly hit the two forelimbs of the lava magic lion.

Suddenly, the lava lion, who had not had time to move, had already bent his legs and knelt on the ground again.


Looking at the lava magic lion kneeling in front of him again, Yang Meng couldn’t help showing a bit of astonishment on his face.

At the same time, looking at Yang Meng who was kneeling on the ground face to face, Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless: “I said, are you planning to visit the metabiological hall this time?”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yang Meng lowered his head and looked at it, only to realize that he was actually kneeling in shock.

His face flushed immediately, and he quickly stood up.

Then after looking at the lava lion in front of him, Yang Meng couldn’t help asking: “Strange, how does this lava lion look like it’s kneeling!”

Ignoring Yang Meng here, he glanced at Liu Yingying and Wang Gang, who were already surrounded by a group of seven lava monsters. Break Changhong.

Seeing those arrows flying through the air, and then approaching those… lava monsters, the arrows all turned around and hit the knees of the temperament lava monsters.

“Puff, puff, puff…”

In an instant, the seven lava monsters that originally surrounded the two of them had experienced rigorous training, and they knelt on the ground one by one.

Liu Yingying: Wang Gang: The strange scene of the seven surrounding lava monsters kneeling together directly caused Liu Yingying and Wang Gang to stay where they were, and they even forgot to do it.

In the end, it was Jiang Xiaobai’s reminder that the two people from the gods moved again.

After waiting for two minutes, as the dimensional creatures around the few people were on the ground, before the other… Xiaobai is here.

After taking a look at the lava lion that was just killed by Yang Meng at close range, Wang Gang hesitated for a while and couldn’t help asking: “Brother Jiang, take the liberty to ask, just this… Dimensional creatures kneel down, they are all……”

Although the words were not finished, the meaning could not be more obvious.

In response, Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, “Yes, didn’t I say that I have two control-type talent skills? One of the effects is to force people or dimensional creatures to kneel directly.”

Listening to what Jiang Xiaobai said, almost all three of them had eyelids beating wildly, and they were shocked.

“I, Cao, you seem to be: teasing me to force people to kneel, and such terrifying skills”

Three people at the age of 3, claiming that they have never seen any talent skills, have heard of them, but have never heard of anyone who has talent skills that make people kneel so weird.

But the previous scene is still lingering in the minds of a few people. If it is not because of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, those………the lava lion will not be able to kneel down for no reason. Kill them.

To be honest, after knowing Jiang Xiaobai’s age, although they were surprised by Jiang Xiaobai’s talent, a few people subconsciously regarded Jiang Xiaobai as the object of protection…. But where did you think of Jiang Xiaobai’s awakening talent skills? It will be so cruel, it can directly make people and dimensional creatures kneel down forcibly.

Therefore, after pondering for a few seconds, Yang Mengqiang endured the weirdness in his heart and said to Jiang Xiaobai, “This skill, cow break.”

With that said, Yang Meng was… curiously asked: “Brother Jiang, can you tell me the effect of your second control skill”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “100% was taken over by empty hands.”

Now that he has become the Awakened and has reported in the Coordinating Bureau, as long as he has the heart, he can find his related files in it.

So Jiang Xiaobai also considered it before, and chose three 3 talent skills to report.

Naturally, now I don’t worry about being known about the effects of my talent skills.

“Hundred%% what blade”

Yang Meng didn’t seem to have heard the name of such a long talent skill, and some did not react.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t say much, put his right hand in his pocket and took out a few ordinary throwing knives bought that night, facing the side and just… threw it over.

Seeing the flying knife slowly tracing through the air, Liu Yingying and Wang Gang didn’t know what Jiang Xiaobai meant by suddenly throwing the flying knife here.


But in Yang Meng’s eyes, the flying knife in the air seemed to have a strange magical power, so Yang Meng’s sight was completely attracted, and he couldn’t move half a point from the flying knife in the air. There was a bit of swaying.

Seeing that the flying knife flew a few meters in the air, it was about to fall to the ground.

The next moment, I saw Yang Meng, who was originally beside Jiang Xiaobai, suddenly flashed, and almost instantly changed to appear three meters away, kneeling on the ground with two hands together.

In the palm of his hand, a flying knife happened to be sandwiched.

If it weren’t for Yang Meng’s dazed and sluggish face at this moment, just looking at this action would be like making a wish to Jiang Xiaobai.

Liu Yingying:…….. Wang Gang:………

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