Chapter 169 Foggy, scared to death (3/5)

Glancing at the majestic, blood-red and fierce Daha under Jiang Xiaobai, several people suddenly thought of the words Jiang Xiaobai said before entering.

For a time, several people were speechless.

Who else can think of a weak and cute little milk dog as soon as it enters the dimensional space, it turns into a dimensional creature with a strength that can reach the ninth-level astrological mechanic. “This, this is the dimensional creature brother, your talent Aren’t two skills control one treatment?

I was dumbfounded: It was almost five seconds or so.

Jiang Xiaobai took a strange look at Yang Meng and asked, “Is there any problem?”

Yang Meng don’t choke.

The problem is big.

Ordinary awakened people, if they don’t have the talent skills to awaken the beast, let alone a ninth-level star mechanics class dimensional creature like Daha.

Even if it is two or three, the dimensional creatures of the first-class star mechanics can’t control it.

But looking at the obedient Daha under Jiang Xiaobai, where there is a slight loss of control, Yang Meng sighed and said: “Forget it, you are happy!”

With that said, his gaze stayed on Daha under Jiang Xiaobai’s body a few times with admiration, before forcibly twisting his gaze away.

Envy is the separation of my qualitative wall, and I really want to have such a beast that can be used as a mount and retreat as a cute pet! For a while, this idea emerged in the hearts of all three of them.

However, it was confirmed that Jiang Xiaobai could control this dimensional creature, and a few people did not care too much.

Then, riding the big ha, Jiang Xiaobai just followed a few people and moved forward.

The lava demon dimensional space can be described by the rugged rocks.No one knows that a lava demon lion will be lying behind a boulder, or a lava monster will appear.

This way, I walked slowly and carefully for about ten minutes or so.As some star power fluctuations emerged, in the sight of a few people, the magma suddenly boiled in a lava pool.

The next moment, a flame was covered in flames, and it looked like it was composed of hundreds of rocks of various sizes, and a lava monster almost three meters high climbed out of the magma pool.

After seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others, the lava monster hammered two huge hands directly on his chest.

After staring at Jiang Xiaobai and the others with a dull roar like flames, the three-meter lava monster is already running towards Jiang Xiaobai with a slow and stiff step.

Seeing this scene, Wang Gang, Liu Yingying, and Yang Meng all had their expressions condensed slightly, and they all assumed a fighting posture in an instant.

In the ensuing battle, Jiang Xiaobai also reached the strength of several people.

It is worthwhile to have the guts to come to this Lava Demon Dimensional Space, although these three people are not very strong, the combat skills and consciousness are far from the Stardust Realm.

But victory is due to the excellent cooperation between the three and Liu Yingying has a “high frequency oscillation”

The talented skill of, makes the long whip in his hand fully able to achieve the effect of breaking jade and dividing gold.

It can be said that it is the defensive creature nemesis of the lava monster.

Without Jiang Xiaobai’s hands at all, this lava monster has been solved by Trio 3 in just 30 seconds.

However, after successfully killing the first lava monster, except for…

Once the battle process drags on for a long time, dimensional creatures will continue to be attracted.

In the lava demon dimensional space, a single dimensional creature may be okay.The biggest trouble is that once the battle begins, it cannot stop next, and more and more dimensional creatures will be alarmed around.

Just like now, as the battle between the previous few people and the lava monsters spreads, at this moment in the surrounding…the lava pool, as the bubbles are already in the air, the lava monsters begin to start. I was shocked and crawled out of it.

In just ten seconds, there were already six lava monsters crawling to the ground, and their eyes gathered on Jiang Xiaobai and others.

“No, why are there so many lava monsters this time”

Seeing this scene, Yang Meng couldn’t help but change his expression, even Liu Yingying and Wang Gang’s expressions were extremely solemn.

In the case of several people, at most three to four dimensional creatures can be dealt with at the same time.

Now the number has directly jumped to six, which is beyond the range that three people can bear.

But don’t wait: a few people thought about it, and it was also when these lava monsters rushed towards a few people, Liu Yingying and Wang Gang had to meet them and fight.

0 and Yang Meng continued to use long-range skills to attack and interfere in the back.

All of a sudden, the situation was… from the former ease to the current sternness, and it was so fast that several people were not mentally prepared at all.

It was also when the three of them 3 were attentively focused on these lava monsters, Jiang Xiaobai, who was still sitting on Daha, suddenly glanced to the side.

In the line of sight, a dimensional creature that was covered with flames and looked like a lion, nearly one meter and five high dimensional creatures leaped between the rocks, quietly approaching several people.

It is another dimensional creature in the meta-space this time, the lava magic lion.

It was also after the lava lion quickly approached, its body suddenly jumped, turning into a fiery red shadow in the air, and then paused and looked at it in place.The attention turned out to be on Jiang Xiaobai and Yang Meng at the back of the team.

……After a slight pause, the lava lion has already leaped its body, directly past Liu Yingying in front and Wang Gang to Jiang Xiaobai and Yang Meng behind the team, turning around. In an instant, he had crossed half of the distance, and after a few seconds, he would pounce straight on Jiang Xiaobai and Yang Meng.

But just as Yang Meng was about to lift his head, at the moment above the two of them, the lava magic lion, which was already less than five meters away from the two, had already opened its fangs, as if the pupils of flames were already fierce. A touch of astonishment suddenly appeared in the eyes of the lava lion.

The next moment, the lava lion that originally appeared to be falling diagonally seemed to be pulled by an invisible object.After a pause, it fell quickly like a missile and then knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai and Yang Meng.

At this moment, Yang Meng was concentrating on having just released a talent skill to press a lava monster on the ground, completely unaware of the changes in the sky above him.

I only felt a flower in front of me, and after a slight vibration in front of me, there was already an extra head in front of me…flaming all over his body, with the same color as the surrounding lava creatures.

“Fog Grass, I’m scared to death”

Looking at the lava magic lion kneeling in front of him, without any psychological preparation, Yang Meng’s body trembled, and then his legs bent, just like this, kneeling on the ground face to face with the lava magic lion in front of him.

Jiang Xiaobai: B!

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