Chapter 162 It’s so cruel! (1/5)

Outside the window, Li Dashan looked at Chu Deyi who fell to the ground at this moment.

When watching Chu Deyi’s unconsciously rubbing his hands on his body, several people couldn’t help but twitch their mouths, and had an urge to rush in and beat others.

Nothing else, just because Chu Deyi’s expression and actions at this moment are too cold and wretched.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.After a few seconds of the effect of the skill dissipated, Chu Deyi’s consciousness returned to clarity before returning to his senses.

Turning his head slightly, looking at Li Dashan and others who were staring at him as if looking at a pervert, Chu Deyi suddenly regained his senses when he recalled his previous… .

Immediately, a face was as red as a monkey butt and was about to bleed.

He stood up quickly, moved a little, and confirmed that his partial injury was completely healed, Chu Deyi was slightly surprised.

Then he turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise and said, “Jiang, your healing talent is very effective.”

In the past, Chu Deyi also tested one or two awakeners who had awakened the healing talent skills, but the effect was good, but because the level was not high, the effect was not strong.

Regarding the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s current skill, even those in Chu Deyi’s previous university… the few students who have awakened the healing talent skills in the juniors and seniors are not necessarily comparable.

But after the words fell, as if thinking of the feeling that he had…can’t help sinking into it before, Chu Deyi twitched the corner of his mouth and continued: “It’s just… it feels a little bit rude.”

Although Chu Deyi is a single man, he often spends money for pleasure anyway. Thinking of the feeling that was just ten times stronger than usual, Chu Deyi was… speechless.

And I don’t know why, inexplicably, I want Jiang Xiaobai to treat…self again.

I can think of Li Dashan and others behind him and the environment he is in now can only suppress this idea.

“What I said! It turns out that Chu Deyi’s previous reaction was the influence of that kid’s healing talent…!”

Li Dashan outside the test room was also stunned when he heard what Chu Deyi said inside.

The rest of the staff looked at Jiang Xiaobai curiously.

Chu Deyi used to describe Jiang Xiaobai’s skills as “not serious.”

Three words.

Coupled with Chu Deyi’s previous reaction, for a while, a meaningful smile flashed across the faces of these staff members, good skills! In the room, Chu Deyi shook his head and pressed down those in his heart. After thinking about it, he turned to Jiang Xiaobai and continued: “Okay, the test continues, Jiang, please continue to use the talent skills with me!”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, then said: “Next is my third talent skill.”

“Should the third be the second?”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Chu Deyi was shocked.

Some people don’t know what Jiang Xiaobai’s words mean.

“Could it be that……..”

However, when Chu Deyi glanced at the…bright red blood on the ground.

Suddenly there was an idea that was so bold that he didn’t even have it before.

But don’t wait: Chu Deyi thought more, as the two azure blue streamers burst in the air like lightning.

I don’t know if there is fear in his heart for other reasons, Chu Deyi actually chose to step aside.

But what is surprising is that the two arrows that were supposed to be straight in the air turned out to bend together at the moment when Chu Deyi’s body moved, and then they crashed into Chu Deyi’s.

“This, this is, self, automatic tracking”

The moment this thought appeared in his mind, a subtle force that was so powerful that Chu Deyi could not resist and deal with it suddenly spread from the center of Chu Deyi’s knees.

Until the two calves completely lost their due perception at this moment.

In the sight of Chu Deyi and Li Dashan behind him, Chu Deyi’s two legs bend backwards so smoothly.

Originally, because of Chu Deyi’s side shift at this moment, the dual script was in a state of six or seven centimeters off the ground, and the centimeter was moving.

Therefore, in the field of vision of Li Dashan and others, he watched Chu Deyi in the moving room, after moving nearly half a meter in a posture with his calves slightly tilted back, he knelt on the ground heavily.

Li Dashan: “……”

staff member:”……..”

Even with a glass partition, when Chu Deyi fell on his knees again, Li Dashan and all the staff could hear the dull sound made by kneeling on the ground very clearly.

Although he had already prepared in his heart, when Chu Deyi knelt on the ground, Li Dashan and several staff members beside him couldn’t help but turn his head and couldn’t bear to look.

Kneeling heavily on the ground, feeling the pain and the kind of… soft and numb knees that came from the kneeling, Chu Deyi’s blank face slowly lifted up and looked at it. Jiang Xiaobai.

“Yes, tell me, is the role of your talented skill?”

Jiang Xiaobai said truthfully: “”Go down, kneel down”

Although his own personal experience at this moment has already made Chu Deyi faintly understand this, when he heard Jiang Xiaobai’s own skill effect, Chu Deyi still unavoidably twitched his eyes a few times.

After groaning for a few seconds, Chu Deyi continued to ask: “Before that, I partially exploded because of one of your talent skills.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

When Li Dashan and others heard this conversation, they all froze in place.

Originally, Li Dashan and a few people were about… Chu Deyi suddenly burst into parts for no reason, and the situation of blood soaring was… a lot of doubts.

It is said that hemorrhoids are committed, but whoever has hemorrhoids will directly shoot out a blood arrow so exaggerated.Now I heard the dialogue between the two and realized that co-authoring this turned out to be Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skill.

Li Dashan and other staff members couldn’t help but glanced at the blood on the glass, and then thought of the previous picture of blood surging out from a part of it.

For a time, Li Dashan and others Manuo Haojun couldn’t help taking a breath.

Originally, Li Dashan thought that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills that made people kneel and kneel empty-handed were already ferocious enough.

But compared to this kind of localized blood-soaking talent skills at this moment, it is completely painless or itchy.

If Jiang Xiaobai used the current skill on Wang Yang last night, Li Dashan can be sure that when he and others arrive, Wang Yang, I’m afraid it will be completely cold.

“It’s so cruel!”

Unexpectedly, Li Dashan’s heart… had such an idea.

But what followed was immensely fortunate. Fortunately, Chu Deyi stood up today and helped himself to test Jiang Xiaobai. This allowed me to be able to survive the night and avoid the deep loss. Already cruel pain.

At this moment, Li Dashan suddenly felt a little pity, he gave birth to a son.

Otherwise, today Chu Deyi’s kindness said that everything is worth letting his daughter marry him.

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