Chapter 161 I respect you as a man (5/5)

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +10”


Seeing Chu Deyi’s situation over there, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly startled.

It’s not because Chu Deyi’s achievement points are less than what he intended, but because of Chu Deyi’s situation at the moment.

Before Jiang Xiaobai, he remembered clearly, “the pain of growth”

Although it will cause local injuries to the target object, there is little movement.

And this time, after Chu Deyi hit the skill, a blood arrow was directly shot out locally.

In other words, under the skills just now, Chu Deyi’s pants were also collapsed.

This is a situation that hasn’t happened before.

But it happened before in the “growth pain”

After upgrading to level five, Jiang Xiaobai’s skills have always been used by those…dimensional creatures.

Therefore, now Jiang Xiaobai is a little unclear whether this is an additional effect after the skill is upgraded to the full level, or it is because the power of Jiang Xiaobai’s use of skills has increased after entering the Stardust Realm.

07 At the moment outside the test room, Li Dashan’s staff originally were…standing in front of the glass.

In order to get a closer look at the test situation inside, no matter…

It was Li Dashan or the staff who fought closer, and the distance from the glass was only about ten centimeters.

It’s so hard to die, Chu Deyi in the room is relatively back, almost pasted to the back glass.

Naturally, this suddenly exploded a blood arrow locally, and suddenly a blood arrow was…spouted from Chu Deyi’s part, and then splashed on the glass.

Standing in front of the glass window, Li Dashan and others were directly shocked by the sudden blood arrow.

Almost all of them let out a “fog grass”

Then he took a step back abruptly.

To bear the brunt of the situation, the older Li Dashan was even more shocked by this scene and covered his chest, feeling deeply shocked.

Coupled with Chu Deyi’s unprepared cry of pain, all of them subconsciously felt that the parts were tight, and their legs were stretched straight at this moment.

Partially exploded, and it was still splashed with blood like this. The key point: after being hit hard, and when the intense pain hits, Chu Deyi just… wants to squat down slowly to alleviate the suddenness of this. Deep pain.

But before squatting down completely, the greater pain caused by the muscle tugging is… let Chu Deyi take a breath and suddenly stand up again.

Turning his head to look at the blood on the glass and on the ground behind him, Chu Deyi’s eyes narrowed.

Chu Deyi didn’t know that in a hurry, he would suddenly explode because of Mao, but the amount of bleeding did make Chu Deyi a little flustered.

But looking at Jiang Xiaobai on the opposite side, after gritted his teeth, Chu Deyi chose to conduct the evaluation first. Anyway… it was just a matter of one or two minutes. What a colleague wakes up is the therapeutic talent.

Thinking of this, Chu Deyi gritted his teeth and forcibly endured it and said to Jiang Xiaobai: “Student Jiang, please hurry up and use your talent skills on me.”

“Well, come again”

After returning to his senses, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the strong Chu Deyi on his face, obviously a little surprised.

But since the other party can handle it, Jiang Xiaobai naturally doesn’t say much about his identity.

Immediately condensed a cluster of star power again.

Suddenly, a blood arrow burst out of Chu Deyi’s part again.

And because of the previous wound, this blood arrow was even more scattered when it burst.

There is already a small piece of blood on the back glass that is completely covered by drops of blood.

And Li Dashan and others who saw this scene behind the glass couldn’t help but step back a few steps again in such a scene.

The intense pain caused Chu Deyi’s body to tremble abruptly at this moment, and his teeth were all bitten.

Looking at the situation of Chu Deyi on the other side, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but ask: “Then what, are you sure you want to continue”

Hearing that, although Chu Deyi wanted to curse in his heart, he still replied, “Follow, go on, hurry up!”

Up to now, Chu Deyi hadn’t thought that he partially exploded because of Jiang Xiaobai’s skills.

“I respect you as a man.”

Facing Chu Deyi’s dedication, Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed in his heart, and once again burst into star power.

As a more scattered blood spattered on the glass behind, the second-stage injury brought a more intense pain, causing Chu Deyi to cry out again.

Kneeled on the ground softly.

As if through the tide, Chu Deyi was about to be submerged, and his hands were on the ground, dripping from his forehead and dripping down his cheeks to the ground.

At this moment, Chu Deyi was sure that there really seemed to be a problem with his body, and it seemed that it was still serious.

While enduring the local pain, Chu Deyi raised his pale face and gritted his teeth and said: “Jiang, classmate Jiang, the test, the test may have to be changed by another person, my brother needs to go to the hospital if something goes wrong here.”

Here, after hearing Chu Deyi’s voice, Jiang Xiaobai returned to his senses and looked at Chu Deyi, who was so scared that he was almost green. After a light cough, he quickly said: “Then, it’s okay, it’s just me. There are healing types in the talent skills of Awakening.”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Chu Deyi hurriedly said in his heart: “You have awakened the healing talent skills are too good, quickly, let me use it for my brother.”

Outside, I was also scared by the blood of 493 Chu Deyi before, and now I am going to ask Li Dashan and others. At this moment, they stopped when they heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

Now that Jiang Xiaobai has awakened the healing talent, then the problem shouldn’t be big.

But I think so, looking at the…slowly falling blood on the glass window, thinking of the place where the blood spurted, Li Dashan’s eyelids jumped, and there is no trace. After a few steps, I took a little distance.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai in the room nodded and signaled that his right hand was already raised and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in the air like a horror without directly rushing into Chu Deyi’s body.

In an instant, it was like being wrapped in warm spring water, with unspeakable but wavelike waves that made the soul feel as if it was about to ascend to heaven with a strong and stimulating comfortable feeling that drowned Chu Deyi’s whole body.

Especially in the local area, it feels like being in a hot spring, warming people’s hearts and spleen.

It’s like ascending from hell to heaven.

Under this extreme feeling, Chu Deyi’s body tilted, and he lay directly on the ground shivering, and at the same time his face quickly turned from pale to ruddy.

“Ah pronounced as a sound–”

A murmur filled with enjoyment as if radiating from the soul echoed.


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