Chapter 158 When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you (2/5)

The next day, until about noon: After Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia set off for the dimension space, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the room yawningly.

I have to say that after using the skills on the two women last night, even after returning to the room, Jiang Xiaobai failed to calm the boiling blood in his body for a long time.

Inevitable insomnia, I didn’t fall asleep until about five o’clock.

After washing and eating something, Jiang Xiaobai went out.

Yesterday Jiang Xiaobai had already entered the Stardust Realm, and was already regarded as an official Awakener.

According to the regulations, all awakened persons who enter the Stardust Realm need to report to the local awakened coordinating bureau.

Exactly what happened to Wang Yang last night, Jiang Xiaobai also had to go to the Awakened Coordinating Bureau.

Subway, bus, tossing for two hours, Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the destination.

After entering the Awakened Coordinating Bureau and waiting for more than ten minutes, the Awakened who… made a transcript for himself last night was… hurried to Jiang Xiaobai.

“Xiaojiang, wait a long time!”

I don’t know if it is an illusion, Jiang Xiaobai feels a little cautious when the other party speaks.

“Fortunately, it didn’t take long.”

Jiang Xiaobai also knows that this awakened person is called Li Dashan, a name full of local emotions.

Li Dashan smiled, and then walked inside with Jiang Xiaobai.

But Jiang Xiaobai feels that there are 493 things that are strange when he follows Li Dashan into it. Along the way, the surrounding people or those…the people with smiles on their faces are still watching. When turning to himself, they all stunned for a while, and then squeezed a professional smile from his face with some difficulty.

This can’t help but make Jiang Xiaobai a little strange.

Do people in this coordinating bureau like this professional smirk? “By the way, Uncle Li, what happened to that guy last night?”

While walking, Jiang Xiaobai asked while looking around.

Speaking of Wang Yang, Li Dashan’s expression suddenly stiffened, then shook his head and sighed inexplicably, “It’s okay! It’s just that the guards yesterday said that… Wang Yang cried all night and fainted in the middle. The doctor came to check and said it was too sad.”

“Well, it’s so easy to cry, it’s impossible for you to educate him again afterwards:”

According to Wang Yang’s response to Jiang Xiaobai last night, it’s not like someone who would cry because he was caught! Li Dashan glanced at Jiang Xiaobai faintly, and wanted to say, “What is the reason? Don’t you have any counts?”

As far as Li Dashan knows, last night Wang Yang was crying and cursing, Jiang Xiaobai, his voice was like a cry, and his heart was broken.

If it weren’t for knowing the whole story, the people who guarded Wang Yang felt that Wang Yang was like the kind of poor man in the novel… who was abandoned after being toyed with.

It can be seen from this that when I was with Jiang Xiaobai last night, how much psychological trauma was left to Wang Yang.

But what Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know was that after bringing Wang Yang back last night, the entire person who worked overtime also left a huge trauma.

You know, no matter…

Whether it is the staff of the police station or the coordinating bureau, while recording and listening to the prisoner’s description of the specific process, their heads will continue to deliberate and imagine, in order to infer whether there is something missing.

Therefore, during this process, when listening to Wang Yang’s intentional and sad tone describe his own personal experience during the half-hour, those… work recorded for Wang Yangji No personnel.

When taking notes, in that short 10 minutes 1010 process, three 3 staff members were changed one after another.

Among the three three staff members, the young man who entered the bureau not long ago even took time off and went to the hospital today.

Not long ago, the doctor’s diagnosis result was sent over.

The result obtained is “slightly autistic with violent and cruel pictures and imaginary sequelae. It is recommended to take a one-month rest plus psychological and treatment.”

It’s just that I heard Wang Yang’s narrative, not to mention Wang Yang himself as a person who experienced it personally.

Therefore, even in the past, many staff members who had a very bad attitude towards people like Wang Yang who committed crimes were rare last night who did not take care of Wang Yang.

All with a bit of “I know you are uncomfortable, maybe it’s better to vent it.”


Many times, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you.

But some abysses, after falling, are at most…death, but some abysses, once they break into it, life is worse than death.

It’s like Wang Yang.

In just a few days, he killed more than a dozen awakened students, so cruel, but last night it was because someone couldn’t think of looking at Jiang Xiaobai and understood what misery is.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Dashan to talk to Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, the world has mental problems because of the transcript. This matter is too embarrassing to say that nothing can be passed on.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai was told to make a new transcript today, but I don’t know why this part of the good thing yesterday was omitted.

And the next series of things are progressing very efficiently.

In less than ten minutes, everything is confirmed.

And Jiang Xiaobai also received a bonus from the planning bureau, one million.

This one million seems to be a lot, but in fact, the value is only a dozen low-level bronze star beads.

It’s no wonder that even if you know that someone is committing a crime in the city, there are no awakened people who are willing to contribute, it is completely thankless! Jiang Xiaobai should be better than nothing.

“So what, Xiao Jiang, with your confession and transcript, plus Wang Yang’s own confession last night, the conviction is completely fine, the matter is here, you can go back to school.”

After putting away the documents in his hand, Li Dashan let out a sigh of relief.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded first, but did not leave directly. Instead, he said to Li Dashan: “By the way, Uncle Li, I am here today. Apart from Wang Yang, there is another one. Something.”

“whats the matter”

Li Dashan asked with a smile.

“I already entered the Stardust Realm last night, so today I am also reporting and testing.”

Jiang Xiaobai answered honestly.

“Well, it’s just my freshman year… I entered the Stardust Realm, good fellow, I didn’t realize that Xiao Jiang, you turned out to be a genius!”

After hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Li Dashan first subconsciously boasted.

But this sentence just fell, Li Dashan didn’t know what he thought of, his body suddenly stiffened, and his face became weird.

: Uh, when I wrote this chapter, I thought of Wang Yang. I felt inexplicably cold in my heart. I smoked a cigarette and calmed down. I was planning to write an extra chapter of Wang Yang. !

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