Chapter 157 Although the skills are good, they are easy to master! (1/5)

When the golden light flashed in the air without directly submerging into Zhou Jia’s body.

Suddenly, Zhou Jia felt that all the pores on her body were opened, and she felt like falling into the clouds, and her whole body was covered with a strong feeling of comfort.


As if the pleasure from the soul, Zhou Jia couldn’t help closing her eyes and murmured softly.

The body couldn’t help shaking at this moment.

The two legs that were lying flat were also slightly bent, and her pretty face was blushing.

After waiting for several seconds, Zhou Jia just recovered.

After opening his eyes, looking at Jiang Xiaoxin with amazement and Jiang Xiaobai with an inexplicable smile on his face, and then thinking about the feeling that Jiang Xiaobai’s skills were used on her body, Zhou Jia suddenly fell silent. .

However, after waiting for a few seconds, Zhou Jia suddenly violently rushed Jiang Xiaobai onto the sofa and grabbed Jiang Xiaobai by the collar. “I, Cao, tell my old lady, what kind of talent is this?”

Thinking of the weird feeling just now and the strange feeling that couldn’t help appearing from the bottom of her heart, Zhou Jia said that she didn’t believe that this was a healing talent skill, and felt that Jiang Xiaobai was completely teasing herself.

In the end, I still watch Jiang Xiaobai’s repeated assurances that this is the only way to believe it.

On one side, Jiang Xiaoxin glanced at the situation of the two people and was confused.She asked Zhou Jia, who was rarely able to tell.

In the end, Jiang Xiaobai could only give Jiang Xiaoxin a shot together and let her feel it.

I have to say that compared to Zhou Jia, maybe it is because of the identities of brother and sister Jiang Xiaoxin, or it is possible that Jiang Xiaobai usually belongs to the kind of…high-cold type.

Therefore, looking at Jiang Xiaoxin’s reaction to her own skills at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai felt that…the shock was even greater.

After sniffing his nose, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that compared to a man, his own “soul”

It is a magical skill.

…Sitting on the sofa, looking at Jiang Xiaobai, who looked a little awkward, Jiang Xiaoxin rarely felt the pain in her head.

Obviously it is a healing talent, but in the hands of Jiang Xiaobai, it has become completely rude.

Thinking of the… ashamed feeling just now after the skills enveloped her, Jiang Xiaoxin’s face was not visible, but the roots of her ears were already flushed.

After a while, Zhou Jia asked: “Jiang Xiaojian’s skills are still so cheap, how can I get it later?”

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills were all auxiliary, but now the awakening of the healing talent skills is absolutely beneficial to them.

But once Jiang Xiaobai’s skill was released, the process was simply unbearable.

If it is so during the battle, it can’t be lifted.

“Since it is a healing talent, how effective is it?”

Jiang Xiao asked.

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands, he is also a hen! Although he knew it was a healing talent, but where did he find a wounded person to try the healing effect. Finally, Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin and Jiang Yisha, all put them next to each other. Daha lying on the sofa.

Daha: “”

When Daha was looking sad and could not bear to look at it, he used Zhou Jia’s thick-backed knife to make a deep cut on Daha’s back, which was about three centimeters long. Jiang Xiaobai faced Daha. Lost a shot of skills in the past.

Then, in the sight of the trio 3, the wound on Daha’s body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it took less than three seconds3, that is… there is no trace.

If it weren’t for a little blood on the wound, it wouldn’t be obvious that he had been injured before.

At this moment, even Jiang Xiaobai was surprised.

You should know that even if it is a dimensional creature like Daha, the resilience is beyond that of ordinary people, and it takes more than half a day for the hole to recover.

And now, healed in less than three seconds.Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia had seen the effects of the talent skills in the videos about the healing talent skills in the school before.

Compared with Jiang Xiaobai’s current healing talent skill, the effect is more than twice as bad.At the same time, Daha, who was originally forced to get a knife on his body because of a terrible disaster, trembled at this moment.

After the wound on his body healed, the dog was lying flat on the ground, and then his hind legs spread out as if he was waiting quietly.

In this scene, Jiang Xiaobai saw a black line and couldn’t help but give Daha a kick.This stupid dog completely regarded himself as a mother after his nail disappeared.

After seeing the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s assistant skill, all three of them were silent.

Obviously, the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s skill treatment is simply not too good.

But the problem now is very obvious.

Although the skills are good, they are easy to get ahead! Therefore, thinking of this, the two women and Jiang Xiaobai are a little bit difficult.

Finally, seeing that Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin did not speak, Zhou Jia said in an uncertain tone, “On weekdays, Jiang Xiaojian uses his talent skills more for us. After we get used to it, maybe we can bear it.”

“I’m going, you are such a clever man, you can come up with such a method.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but give Zhou Jia a big thumbs up in his heart.

Zhou Jia’s thoughts are too in line with Jiang Xiaobai’s intentions. This is completely…packing yourself for free, and at the same time bringing Jiang Xiaoxin to the door! After a soft cough, Jiang Xiaobai accompanied him and said seriously. “I think this method is ok. After all, in the dimension space in the future, no one can say to face those…… When will the dimensional creatures be injured? It is always the best to be able to heal the first time. Farming.”

Any inappropriate behavior requires a proper reason.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai now, the starting point is entirely to consider entering the dimensional space in the future to face those… dimensional biological aspects.

Therefore, although thinking of the previous feeling, Jiang Xiaoxin just…feels weird, but Jiang Xiaoxin also has to admit that Jiang Xiaobai’s words have some truth.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai and them will definitely be a team in the future.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaoxin agreed, Jiang Xiaobai forcibly held back the joy in his heart, and then sat in front of the two women one after the other and used the skills.

And this time, the skills are still used continuously.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the world was eclipsed, his eyes kept moving back and forth on Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin, his nose was hot.

“It feels, thieves are irritating.”


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