Chapter 139 Continuous impact of skills (5/7)

As Xingli poured from Jiang Xiaobai’s hand into Yuan Yang’s body, who was completely unaware of it.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang, who was staring at the star in front of him, shook his body violently.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +40”

As the voice of the system rang in my mind.

The next moment, Yuan Yang’s head quickly lifted, and when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes were already slightly dazzling.

I didn’t know what was thinking of it, so he stood up slowly and walked in front of Jiang Xiaobai with a sloppy pace.

After taking a deep breath, the voice was full of choked sobs: “Dad, I was wrong, you hit me, punish me!”

On the one hand, the tears in Yuan Yang’s eyes also poured out, as if he had made a big mistake outside and had changed his face before he was confessed.

Next to him, Zhou Hai, who was originally focusing on the star beads in front of him, looked at Yuan Yang’s sudden change, and was already stupid in place.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang figured out what was meant by this. Don’t talk about Thu Hai. After Yuan Yang said that sentence, his eyes gradually returned to Qingming.

At the same time, Fang Cai’s picture suddenly echoed in his mind, and Yuan Yang was directly stupid in place.

“I’m Cao, what’s going on for no reason, Laozi has lost her mind and thought of you as my dad!”

After returning to his senses, Yuan Yang looked at Jiang Xiaobai standing in front of him with a dazed and blank expression.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai could only pretend to be stupid and put the matter away.

But thinking about Yuan Yang’s reaction just now, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but fall into some contemplation.

“It looks like it’s a little different!”

When facing Zhou Jia and Wang Jian’an before, it seemed that they simply made the other person feel uncomfortable to superimpose the image of themselves and their father and then called himself “Dad”.

And this time, after acquiring his own skills, Yuan Yang obviously brought back some memories in his heart, and then while recognizing himself as his father, he still carried a heavy guilt in his heart.

And when I look at myself, in addition to…respect, there is also a bit of fear.

Just like children facing a strict father, they are loving and respectful.

Scratching his head, Jiang Xiaobai felt that after this skill was upgraded, the effect had not changed as much as after the previous two skills were upgraded to the full level! This is a bit inconsistent with the style of the skills in the system.

With such ideals in mind, after seeing that the two of them have almost recovered, they are also ready to set off and return.

However, this time when a few people were walking on the way back, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly notice that there was a line of sight next to him that was always on him during the process.

And when he turned around, this line of sight was away again.

Finally, after repeating this for several times, just say something directly. You stare at me for a few reasons.”

Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s question, Yuan Yang next to him with a wry smile said: “I don’t want him! I don’t know why, it’s just…somewhat uncontrollable.”

“What do you mean?”

Jiang Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

Yuan Yang sighed after thinking about it for a while and said: “I don’t know if it made me crazy just now. I think of my dad when I see you! And the things that happened with my dad in the past are always involuntary. It appeared in my mind, which made me feel depressed now.”

“I think of your dad when I look at me”

Listening to Yuan Yang’s description, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help taking a deep look at Yuan Yang.

And being watched like this by Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang couldn’t help lowering his head slightly after a pause.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai flashed in his mind, as if he understood something.

Immediately he stopped, and turned to look at Yuan Yang with a serious expression: “Little Yangzi, come and punch me.”

“What do you mean by punching you?”

Yuan Yang was a little confused about Jiang Xiaobai’s request.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai opened the mouth and said: “Literally, it means…let you punch me.”

“Snake disease, you! Why let me beat you so well?”

Yuan Yang contemptuously said.

Glancing at Yuan Yang’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know how to explain it.

Immediately after thinking for a while, he said, “I want to try what level your current power attribute is, and at your current level, do you think it hurts me? Don’t talk nonsense, come quickly.”

“You said it! You are not allowed to ask me to settle the account afterwards.”

While talking, Yuan Yang also stepped forward while grinding his fists.

However, when Yuan Yang raised his fist and put it in the air, looking at the handsome face of Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, I don’t know why, the face in front of him should be very immature, but it overlaps with another face in his mind. Got up.

The fists were in the air for a full ten seconds before Yuan Yang put down his hands, “Damn, I can’t do it! Now when I see your face, I think of my dad, how do you let me do it?”

Thu Hai, who was next to him, looked at Yuan Yang’s weird look at this moment and couldn’t help but ask: “How come it’s so hard for Xiaobai to look like your dad?”

Yuan Yang thought for a while, then buckled his head and said inexplicably dazed: “I didn’t think it looked like it before! But today, it feels a bit wrong, weird, and I can’t tell what’s going on.”

Hearing what Yuan Yang said, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes lit up.

Before, Jiang Xiaobai faintly felt that after his skill was upgraded to the full level, it was impossible for the effect of the skill to be as simple as that.

Now seeing Yuan Yang’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai finally understands “father love is like a mountain”

This skill has changed after it reaches the full level.

After the target has his own skills, in addition to… the direct influence will add a bit of guilt, and more importantly, it is at the time, and it will also last for a period of time.

It makes it difficult for the other party to think of his father as long as he sees himself.

If this is the case, isn’t it that as long as you use this skill against the enemy, the opponent can only stand in place and be beaten by yourself and can’t fight back. This is the “father’s love like a mountain” after reaching the fifth level.

Ability, it seems a bit awkward! Once you use this skill at a dangerous moment, you may be able to exert unexpected effects.

Then, after almost five minutes passed, Jiang Xiaobai felt that Yuan Yang gradually returned to normal.

And when Jiang Xiaobai looked at Yuan Yang again, the latter looked at him perfectly.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai also probably judged the duration of the subsequent effects of this skill, which should be about eight to ten minutes.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know if this time limit is fixed, or it will be affected by the enemy’s strength.

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