Chapter 138 Poured blood mold for eight lifetimes (4/7)

After turning around the grass ten times like this, it completely aroused the surrounding…After the fierceness of the wind leopard, Jiang Xiaobai slapped his head, and it was already toward the next wind. The leopard’s area rushed away.

After waiting for the forest in this area and a gusty leopard on the grass to disappear, Thu Hai and Yuan Yang, who slowly walked out of the forest, looked at the traces of blood in the field at the moment, and their eyelids were violent. one time.

“Brother Zhou, what do you think”

After a while, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask, looking at the situation in the field.

On Thursday, Hai pondered for a while and then sighed, “What else can be done, just watch for a while…Which wind leopards are lucky enough to be brought to us by Xiaobai’s younger brother, can have a dignified way of death.”

As he spoke, Thursday Hai’s heart was full of sorrow.

When the dimensional creature encounters some powerful awakeners and is killed, it can only be regarded as these…The dimensional creature is unlucky.

But on Thursday Hai discovered that simply being killed, maybe those…dimensional creatures are happy, at least dead peacefully.

And these… encountering Jiang Xiaobai’s dimensional creatures, it is not bad luck anymore, but blood mold that has fallen for eight lifetimes.

Not only will he face the pain of being killed afterwards, but the key is to endure a period of inhuman torture as Jiang Xiaobai decides the time happily before he dies.

Look at the blood in that place, and listen to those in the distance…The painful howling faintly mixed with the roar of the gusting wind leopard, on Thursday, the sea alone is listening to those… Leopard felt deep sympathy.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Jiang Xiaobai has successfully attracted the hundreds of hurricane leopards in the third area to follow him and Daha.

Especially the three hurricane leopard leaders who hung tightly behind them, grinning as they ran, wishing to bite Jiang Xiaobai and Daha into pieces in front of them.

In the process, the hurricane leopard, who was sometimes closer, was suddenly affected by Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills and knelt on the ground.

In this chase, there were even a few Hurricane Wolves who were stomped by those behind…The large troop stomped and wailed continuously, seeing Jiang Xiaobai distressed, and in the end he could only speed up Daha slightly. , Keep a distance.

Jiang Xiaobai rode on Daha and constantly moved back and forth among the three 3 areas, while Thu Hai and Yuan Yang were also constantly dealing with two galloping leopards who had reached the level 5 star mechanics.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobaizi riding Daha rush to the area where he was once again, the two of them didn’t even look at it.

By now, almost every Dust Wind Leopard has suffered from Jiang Xiaobai’s several waves of growth. All Dust Wolf’s sights are staring at Jiang Xiaobai, for.. Thu Hai and Yuan Yang on the edge of the forest are completely He turned a blind eye.

If you don’t look at each of the gale leopards behind, Jiang Xiaobai at this moment is like leading a team of gale leopards, looking majestic.

And glancing at the scene where the galloping leopards were running and soaring blood, Thu Hai and Yuan Yang silently accelerated the movements in their hands, trying to give more galloping leopards a way to die.

The happy time is short. With this crazy running back and forth for more than half an hour, high-speed movement and Jiang Xiaobai’s continuous release of skills, blood is spreading everywhere in the three 3 areas.

Those…Hyperwind Leopards are finally at their limit in the continuous blood loss. Each Hyfeng leopard fell to the ground in the process of chasing, and it seems that it is already that kind of… The state of low air intake.

After the three Haifeng Leopard leaders who reached the sixth-level Star Mechanic Apprentice also fell to the ground, Jiang Xiaobai slowly drove Daha to superbrow these… Leopard.

And this time, Jiang Xiaobai’s achievement points directly reached 100,000 points.

Compared to yesterday’s dimensional space of the blood ape, he obtained a lot more achievement points.

In this way, from the dimensional space where the blood ape was yesterday to the dimensional space where the blast leopard is today, Jiang Xiaobai is like a devil entering the village. They all walked away into reincarnation amidst wailing and roars.

In five hours, after the trio 3 straddled twelve areas, thousands of hurricane wolves were all alive and released by Jiang Xiaobai and Daha in guerrilla warfare until they were completely incapable of resistance. Yang can’t afford any strength at all.

Regardless of….

Is it Thursday Hai’s arm holding a shield or Yuan Yang’s arm holding a broadsword constantly trembling.

In these few hours, except for the rest of… after a while…, there were hundreds of Hurricane Leopards that died in their hands.

The intensity of the battle can be imagined in this process, with the consumption of fifty or sixty 506,506 star orbs, the level of Thursday Hai also broke through again and entered the sixth-level star mechanics apprentice.

And Yuan Yang himself is not far from being promoted.

At this moment, for those of Jiang Xiaobai before…Thursday Hai and Yuan Yang, who abused the dimensional creatures’ behavior, both stared at the place in front of them, which was like a small hill. Star beads.

The corners of the two people’s mouths: they almost grinned behind their heads and went to Nong.

But compared to the two, Jiang Xiaobai, who was also sitting on the side at this moment, couldn’t help laughing when he saw that his surge had reached 300,000 achievement points.

At present, the achievement points in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands are completely enough.Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai can raise his third system’s skills to the full level, and he can directly pile his level to the Stardust Realm.

Sure enough, the previous idea of ​​squeezing wool on those students was really too much, no promise, this time, Yuan Space is the paradise for my own mood harvest! I didn’t think much about it, there is a kind of Jiang Xiaobai who has once become rich. Directly spend hundreds of thousands of achievement points to put one’s own third skill “”Father’s love is like a mountain. Level 5: When the skill is released, the target object will feel the strong father’s love and strong admiration, as if the sun is directed to the soul. The corresponding effect is caused, and its power is determined according to the strength of the target: the effect of this skill is affected by the strength of the enemy.”

“Well, after upgrading to level 5, the information of this skill has not changed much from before.”

Glancing at the introduction of the skill function in the system, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

After thinking about it for a while, he turned his head and glanced at Yuan Yang, who was counting the star beads in front of him like Cai Mi, and his skill was… lost.


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