Chapter 132 The kind that deserves sympathy, the sincere one (5/7)

When Yuan Yang and Zhou Hai were traveling all the way before, they were originally wondering why traces of blood could be seen along the way.

But from beginning to end, the corpse of a blood ape could not be seen.

Now, after seeing some of the previous pictures, Yuan Yang faintly felt as if he understood what was going on.

With some images involuntarily appearing in his mind, Yuan Yang raised his hand and looked at some of the academic stains on his fingers, and his body suddenly shook while his face was pale.

After that, I couldn’t help but shivered and asked, “Zhou, Brother Zhou, me, me, I seem to know those…what’s the matter with blood.”

However, Yuan Yang’s words fell, and he groaned for more than ten seconds without welcoming Thu Hai’s answer.

This made Yuan Yang couldn’t help turning his head to look around.

When the gaze shifted on Chu Hai’s body, in the line of sight, Chu Hai’s originally ruddy face turned pale at this moment, and even his body couldn’t help but tremble at this moment.

It seems that he has noticed Yuan Yang’s sight, and Hai slowly turned his head over 07 on Thursday…

When I looked at Yuan Yang, who had the same expression faintly, he took a look at Yuan Yang’s raised fingers and the reddish blood stains on the fingers. On Thursday, Hai took a step back and turned his body.


Originally, Yuan Yang still had illusions in his heart, so he wanted to strengthen his illusions through the Thursday sea next to him.

But looking at Thu Hai’s reaction at this moment, Yuan Yang still doesn’t understand that his guess is correct.

I and the blood that I licked every time I squatted down to examine the blood along the way before the sea of ​​Thursday…The blood flowed out from the parts of the blood ape… .

Thinking of this, Yuan Yang couldn’t help it anymore.He also turned his head around and threw up like Thu Hai.

This vomit is called a piercing heart.

That is called a wanton rush.

Looking at the situation of the two people next to him, Daha moved some distance aside in disgust.

The two of them vomited…for a few minutes.

It didn’t stop until the original bitter gall bladder was vomited out, and the whole body was dizzy and soft.

While feeling the bitterness of the yellow gall bladder exploding in his mouth, Yuan Yang looked at the Thursday Sea next to him bitterly.

If it hadn’t been for the previous Thuhai to teach himself how to distinguish the difference between the blood of dimensional creatures and human blood, he would not learn what Thuhai did.

Now that I think about it, I really have a convulsion in his head. Why is Yuan Yang staring at him when he has nothing to learn this thing, and Chu Hai also has a depressed look on this side.

Who else can think that the blood along the way will come out of those………not to mention Yuan Yang, even Thu Hai thought of what he had done before, but there was a kind of The urge to die.

Wait a minute: After the disgusting feeling in the body disappeared, Chu Hai looked at the court again.

At the same time, above the wasteland, Jiang Xiaobai’s body was swiftly running at this moment, glancing at the blood apes… I stood firmly in the middle of these…Blood Apes.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +50”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +40”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +60”

……….As some of the blood apes around were passively affected by his skills, they knelt down and watched the thousands of achievement points increase wildly again, Jiang Xiaobai smiled with satisfaction, and then grabbed it. A blood ape, like a weapon, swept around in a circle and left those…The blood ape that was approaching fell to one side, and stepped on the head of a blood ape who was kneeling on the ground. Continue to break out of the siege.

The body is still there: in mid-air, I gave more than a dozen shots of “growth pain”

When the body fell to the ground, it rushed out and pulled a little distance like a cheetah, so that the blood ape behind him could not catch up at all.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was happy as if thinking of a child who had found a new toy.

There was an uncontrollable smile on his face.

The body turned to drive these…When the blood ape was running in circles, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes suddenly caught Yuan Yang and Thu Hai, who were standing by the edge of Maolin.

After being taken aback, Jiang Xiaobai also suddenly reacted.

I used to make a high-profile introduction to the strange all the way, almost attracting the blood apes around and even those… the blood ape hunters hiding in the tree, and the two naturally have difficulty finding other blood along the way. ape.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai was in a halt.

After the body has slowed down a little bit, after choosing a few blood apes, one on each leg, like kicking a ball, directly kicks the five blood apes towards Yuan Yang and Thu Haihou who are there, this is to continue to play happily. .

On the Maolin side, looking at the five blood apes who were suddenly kicked by Jiang Xiaobai on his side, Yuan Yang just said… “Fuck,”

, Hurriedly grabbed the big sword and waited for it.

At this moment, Thursday Hai also quickly sat up from the ground and raised the shield in his hand.In an instant, he was a little dizzy with these five, and the five blood apes who looked at people just…failed to fight.

Fortunately, these five blood apes were originally selected by Jiang Xiaobai from behind with severe blood loss and greatly reduced strength.

Even if they dealt with five at the same time, Yuan Yang and Thu Hai quickly solved them.

But wait: the two breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Xiaobai over there had already sent a few blood apes over again.

And compared to before, there is one more in 49.

Once, twice…Every time Yuan Yanghan worked hard to get rid of the blood ape in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai over there would quickly send a few other blood apes.

“Don’t, don’t send it here, let me take a break.”

After getting rid of the few blood apes in front of him once again, the panting Yuan Yang yelled uncontrollably while holding on to the knife.

After several battles, now Yuan Yang doesn’t talk about physical strength, even the star strength is used completely.

If Jiang Xiaobai sent… a few blood apes, he really couldn’t play.

Perhaps I heard Yuan Yang’s voice, but Jiang Xiaobai over there……for now, I haven’t continued to send the experience baby to Yuan Yang’s side.

Seeing that he was finally able to take a break, Yuan Yang heaved a long sigh of relief.

Then he sat down on the ground, while resting while watching the court with Thu Hai.

After pondering for a moment, Yuan Yang suddenly said: “Although I know that this is wrong, but looking at those…blood apes, I really sympathize with them.”

Thu Hai, who was next to him, looked at the court from time to time and knelt on the ground, or the blood ape that was moving with blood violently, he also paused for a while, and then said “um” deeply.

There was a sound.

“It’s really miserable, worthy of sympathy, the sincere kind.”


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