Chapter 131 Dip, smell, lick (4/7)

When Jiang Xiaobai relied on his power to do whatever he wanted in this meta-space, here, after a few minutes, Yuan Yang finally killed the three blood apes with the help of Thu Hai.

Although he was faintly proud that he was able to kill three fourth-level dimensional creatures in a small third-level star mechanic.

“By the way, what about Xiaobai”

After sitting on the ground, I swept around and looked at Daha who was lying on the ground in a bored state.Yuan Yang couldn’t help turning his head and asked Chu Hai.

On Thursday, Hai heard the words and said in a puzzled way: “I don’t know, Xiaobai Xiaobai left by himself at that time, and he has not returned yet.”

After resting for a while, waiting for a little recovery of energy and physical strength, Yuan Yang, Thu Hai and Daha behind them again set out to move towards the place where Jiang Xiaobai had left before Thu Hai said.

“Four Nine Three”

“It’s weird, we have all walked thousands of meters here, why haven’t we met the new blood apes, it’s not that there are not many blood apes in this area”

After walking for a while, Chu Hai looked at the quiet surroundings and couldn’t help but look confused.

“Brother Zhou, look.”

At this time, Yuan Yang suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, Thursday Hai turned his head to look around, and followed the place Yuan Yang signaled.

However, there was some sticky blood on the muddy ground in front of a few people.

Squatted down slightly, dipped it with his hand, then smelled it, and then licked it.

A few seconds later, Thu Hai opened his mouth and said: “It should have been left not long ago, and the taste is more viscous than human blood, and the smell is heavier. It should be a dimensional creature.”

Having said that, Chu Hai stood up and looked into the distance, and found that there would be some blood residues every few steps along the way.

“Maybe these………it was… Xiaobai schoolboy got it out. Let’s follow these bloodstains to catch up and take a look.”

On Thursday, Hai Hai has reached the sixth-level star mechanics apprentice.In this dimensional space, he does not talk about recklessness, but there is no problem with self-preservation.

Yuan Yang next to him also nodded.

After the battle just now, Yuan Yang’s heart was less worried about the blood ape.

Coupled with the presence of the Thursday Sea and the big ha behind, it is also full of confidence.

After that, the two quickly moved forward along the blood stains on the ground, and Daha followed them behind them unhurriedly.

As the two moved forward quickly, they suddenly found that there were more and more bloodstains left along the way.

Even in some places, it was densely packed with blood everywhere.

In the process, Yuan Yang also squatted down from time to time after learning from Thu Hai, then dipped it, smelled it, licked it, and added Thu Hai’s explanation to understand the difference between the blood ape between dimensional creatures and humans.

This time, as Thu Hai and Yuan Yang looked at the blood around them again, they felt that the blood was a bit less viscous than the ones before…

This shows that the blood left those…The blood ape’s body didn’t realize this point in time, and the speed of Thu Hai and Yuan also increased.

Now, the two of them don’t need to deliberately search for blood on the ground around them in a few steps.

Because along the way, in addition to…the scattered blood, there is also a lot of blood that is in the state of a small stall, which is particularly conspicuous.


The same is true. After walking fast all the way for almost three minutes, bursts of roars are already coming from a distance.

And the ground seemed to vibrate at this moment.

The voices came one after another and contained anger, and the footsteps of Chu Hai and Yuan Yang couldn’t help but pause at this moment.

Not for anything else, just because of those… the roar and the sense of vibration from the moment completely proved that there were dozens or even hundreds of blood apes in the distance.

Otherwise, it is impossible to cause such a big movement.

“Brother Zhou, are you sure that Xiaobai is in that direction”

Yuan Yang, who was a little chilly in his heart by the roar of these…dimensional creatures, couldn’t help asking.

At this moment, Thursday Hai is obviously a little bluff, and when he hears Yuan Yang’s question, he is also a little skeptical: “Maybe! I’m not sure about this.”

Then after thinking about it, Thursday Hai said in a deep voice: “So, let’s take a closer look. If there is a problem, we will leave immediately. Anyway… there is a big ha, even those… blood. There are many apes, and we can escape.”

After thinking about it, Yuan Yang nodded and agreed.

To be honest, the bloodstains along the way and those now…the roar of dimensional creatures also aroused Yuan Yang’s curiosity.

Immediately, the two set off again to 0 in the direction that the distant movement came from… but the speed was much slower than before.

After crossing the kilometer distance, in the sight of Thu Hai and Yuan Yang, at this moment, a few meters away from the dense forest, there is already a huge wasteland with a range of almost a kilometer.

And above this wasteland, there are hundreds of blood apes that are constantly roaring and running wild.

These… Among the blood apes, there are ordinary blood apes, as well as blood apes leaders and blood apes hunters, which look particularly patchy.

“I’m Cao, that’s Xiaobai’s brother”

After glancing at these blood ape dimensional creatures, Chu Hai’s gaze moved along.

When looking at these…In front of the blood ape dimensional creature, Jiang Xiaobai dressed in Yucheng Middle School with a bright smile on his face, Chu Hai.

“Xiao Bai is crazy! Why did you attract so many blood apes?”

Yuan Yang, who also saw Jiang Xiaobai’s voice in the field, also stared.

Hai shook his head on Thursday, also a little puzzled.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was on the wasteland at this moment in his sight, showed no signs of doing anything at all.He just ran all the way, but the speed was fast and slow, and even occasionally stopped actively, waiting for some of the blood apes to directly kneel on the ground. Move again.

During the process, Jiang Xiaobai was completely useless to those… signs of blood ape doing his hands, as if he was just playing around.

But with the passage of time, as the two of them kept their eyes on the moving Jiang Xiaobai and blood 1 in the field.

1 Ape’s body.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but whisper.

Just because at this moment, following Yuan Yang’s sight, he suddenly noticed some blood apes who were closer behind Jiang Xiaobai, and the calls of the blood apes in the fast running were suddenly a little strange.

After taking a closer look, as Yuan Yang’s eyes gathered on one of the blood apes, he just saw a blood arrow spattering from the blood ape’s part and spilling on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but condensed his eyes.

Then he rubbed his eyes and put his gaze on the other blood apes again.Yuan Yang found that the blood apes in the field had some blood spilling in almost half of the position. These…The blood ape moved quickly and slowly dropped to the ground.

Suddenly, I didn’t know what was thinking of, Yuan Yang’s face suddenly became pale.

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